Dr. Moreno's diet

Dr. Moreno's Diet: An Effective Meal Plan for Weight Loss

Dr. Rafael Moreno, a famous nutritionist, proposed his own nutrition plan, which has become popular recently. The Moreno diet is easy to use, easy and effective for weight loss. It is based on dividing nutrition into four cycles, each of which lasts 17 days. During the first cycle you can lose at least 5 kilograms, and subsequent cycles will help consolidate the results.

The first stage of the Moreno diet lasts from days 1 to 17 and is the most difficult. During this period, it is necessary to limit calorie intake to 1200 per day and reduce carbohydrates in the diet. Meals at this stage consist of low-fat dairy products, lean meats, fruits and vegetables without starch. It is recommended to drink green tea and clean water without carbon. This helps speed up your metabolism and prepare your body for further weight loss.

A sample menu at the first stage includes a couple of fried eggs for breakfast, a couple of boiled eggs and a vegetable salad for lunch, natural yogurt with berries for an afternoon snack, and carrots, asparagus and steamed chicken breast for dinner.

The second phase of the Moreno diet lasts from days 18 to 34 and has slight changes in the diet. The permissible dose of carbohydrates and daily calories is increased to 1500. This is done in order to avoid weight stagnation, which can occur during the period of active weight loss. At this stage, it is recommended to eat cookies without sugar and salt, fresh fruits, brown rice, vegetable salad and boiled chicken.

The third stage of the Moreno diet lasts from 35 to 51 days and is the longest. During this period, weight will come off more slowly than in previous stages. It is recommended to reduce meat consumption and increase fruit consumption. Small snacks are acceptable, but should not exceed 100 calories. On weekends, you can eat more high-calorie foods.

A sample menu for the third stage includes a boiled egg and grapefruit for breakfast, Caesar salad for lunch, some fruit for an afternoon snack, and boiled pork fillet and fresh vegetable salad for dinner.

The last stage of the Moreno diet is no different from the previous ones, except that on weekends you can eat more high-calorie foods. A sample menu at this stage includes whole grain bread and eggs for breakfast, vegetable soup for lunch, fruit for an afternoon snack, and fish or seafood and vegetables for dinner.

It's important to note that the Moreno Diet is not a long-term solution for weight loss. It can help you quickly achieve the desired result, but after finishing the diet you need to reconsider your lifestyle and nutrition in order to maintain the achieved weight. You should also consult your doctor before starting a diet, especially if you have any health concerns or allergies to certain foods.