Fresh diet: pure spring weight loss

The fresh diet is a weight loss method based on the consumption of juices. She offers various options, such as fasting days on fresh juices, a five-day diet or a long-term diet with liquid intake. This approach to weight loss has its benefits and can help you achieve the results you want.

It is recommended to carry out fasting days on fresh juices every week or every two weeks. Within a few months, you will notice how your skin will become clearer, the condition of your hair and nails will improve, and extra pounds will begin to fall off.

A five-day juice diet assumes that you will get rid of toxins and extra pounds during this period. It is important to stick to the five-day regimen, because on the sixth day you may begin to lose not fat, but muscle mass and water, which are important for the body.

A long-term fresh diet usually lasts 2-3 weeks and includes not only juices, but also pureed soups, boiled meat and white fish. During this period, you can get rid of 5-7 kilograms, since this diet is effective and quite gentle.

However, before starting a fresh diet, you must give up coffee, alcohol, fatty, sweet and spicy foods for several days. Gradually introduce cereals, soups and vegetables into your diet when you finish the diet. It is important to note that the fast diet is not recommended for everyone. People with gastrointestinal problems and allergies are better off avoiding it and finding more suitable weight loss methods. In addition, long-term consumption of juices can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

The menu below is an example of a one-day juice plan:

9.00: Juice from beets, carrots and orange.
11.00: Orange and tangerine juice.
13.00: Cranberry, lemon and apple juice.
15.00: Juice from apple, carrots, celery and cucumber.
17.00: Apple and orange juice.
19.00: Tomato and cucumber juice with the addition of garlic and finely chopped dill.
20.00: Mint decoction.

A fast diet can be an effective way to lose weight, but before starting any diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist. They will help assess your individual needs and make recommendations tailored to your health and weight loss goals. Remember that the diet should be balanced and include all the necessary nutrients to maintain a healthy body.