Losing weight during the holiday feast

To avoid having to go on a diet after the holidays, just follow a few simple table rules. They will help you save your money and enjoy a picnic or home gatherings.

First, remember that weight gain largely depends on “table” time management. If you devote only 20% of your time to eating holiday dishes, and the rest of the time you dance, play badminton and move actively, then your figure will not suffer at all.

Secondly, do not under any circumstances go hungry before a holiday or picnic, hoping to eat up in the company of friends. The body perceives such hunger strikes as a sign of impending hunger and tries to transform all food into reserves at the next meal. So it’s most logical to eat light food in small portions during the day leading up to the holiday. So that, when sitting down at the festive table, you begin to eat with pleasure, but without greed.

And finally, the third rule: start your meal with salad. The rest of the menu should consist of equal parts of meat or fish, vegetables and carbohydrates (side dishes or sweets).

Author: Maria Lukina
Photo: phototimes.ru