Lose extra 5 kg? EASILY! 10 easy ways to LOSE WEIGHT

Oddly enough, the best way to lose weight is to make small adjustments to your diet and lifestyle. Here are ten simple ways to help your fat melt away—for good.

  1. Don't skip meals. Skipping one meal a day seems like a smart way to shed a few pounds. But this may lead to overeating at other times.

  2. Become a vegetarian twice a week. Vegetarian food helps reduce caloric intake.

  3. Follow the one-to-one rule. Do not get carried away with “low-fat” products, replace them in equal proportions.

  4. Don't deprive yourself of too many calories. This may slow down your metabolism.

  5. Beware of snacking. Small snacks add up to hundreds of extra calories.

  6. Dance in the evening. Dancing is a great way to burn calories.

  7. Think about seasonings. Replace mayonnaise and butter with healthier alternatives.

  8. Eat slowly. Fast food leads to overeating.

  9. Watch your portion sizes. Don't underestimate the amount you eat.

  10. Avoid late-night snacking. Opt for low-calorie snacks before bed.

Taken individually, any of these ten ways can help you lose weight. The main thing is to change the habits that initially led to excess weight.