Pitta Diet - Pitta-Doshi

If, according to the Ayurvedic constitution, you are a person with Pitta dosha, then a pitta diet will help you balance your diet and also lose extra pounds. In adjusting nutrition, the main effect comes from using the influence of the six basic tastes (salty, sweet, hot, bitter, astringent and sour).

A person with elevated Pitta Dosha has excellent digestion and appetite. The strongest influence on increasing Pitta dosha is salty, sour and pungent taste (not recommended), and the most effective for reducing Pitta dosha are bitter, astringent and sweet taste.

All ripened sweet fruits are favorable. You need to eat them before, after or instead of the main meal. Fruit salads and juices are very healthy. Pitta-type people are allowed to eat marmalade, jam, preserves, compotes and jimma. Sour and unripe fruits are not recommended (cherries, grapefruits, cranberries, lemon, etc.)

All bitter and sweet vegetables are beneficial. It is recommended to eat vegetables in heat-treated form, preferably stewed (except for cucumbers, lettuce and avocado). Vegetable oil, black pepper or ginger must be added to fresh salads. Eggplants and tomatoes, salads made from raw carrots, radishes, turnips and radishes are excluded from the diet.

Wheat, rice, barley and other grains are favorable. All products made from cereals (cookies, breakfast cereals, dry foods, etc.) should be washed down with plenty of liquid. Yeast bread and milk porridges are prohibited.

You can eat legumes regularly, as Pitta people digest them well. Peanuts, soybeans, and red lentils are prohibited.

The Pitta diet requires a mandatory prescription - drink warm milk boiled with turmeric, cinnamon or saffron at night. Fatty dairy products, kefirs, yoghurts, hard and blue cheeses and feta cheese are prohibited.

Steamed or boiled meat can be eaten regularly, but in moderation. It is good to use garlic, herbs and fresh herbs when cooking. Fried meat, raw and half-raw are not recommended. Dark meat of chicken and turkey, white, sea and smoked fish, shrimp, squid, oysters, mussels, crabs, chicken, duck and goose eggs are prohibited.

According to the Pitta diet, sunflower oil and ghee are considered the best. Apricot, almond, sesame and corn are prohibited.

Cooling spices (cilantro, coriander, cardamom), fresh herbs, ginger are useful. Hot spices, ketchups and condiments should be avoided.

The best nuts for Pitta people are almonds without the husk. 10 tonsils in the morning guarantee tone for the day. Fatty nuts are not recommended.

Chocolate and refined sugar are contraindicated. Allowed: preserves, fruit jams, marshmallows, marmalade, halva, honey, sucanat, fructose, unrefined sugar.

You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day. Drinks must be warm. Non-sour fruit drinks and compotes, herbal teas from chamomile and mint are beneficial. Cold drinks and carbonated drinks are prohibited. Use with caution: juices - pineapple, grapefruit, cranberry, carrot, tomato; alcoholic drinks - dry and semi-dry wines, spirits, beer, apple cider; coffee, chocolate drinks.