Diet for conceiving a child

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In the modern world, more and more married couples are faced with a number of difficulties when trying to conceive a baby. According to some statistics, almost every tenth married couple cannot continue their family line on their own. So where is the root of this problem? Why is this happening to our generation?

A combination of factors such as strict diets, poor environment, artificial additives and hormones in food have a negative impact on reproductive function. Fortunately for us, scientists have developed a special diet that will help reduce the harm caused by the previously listed factors. It will be effective only if you do not have any physiological abnormalities. Otherwise, there is no way to do this without prompt assistance from specialists.

Basic recommendations

If you believe research data, then by following the principles of a healthy diet, giving up bad habits and performing regularly regulated physical exercises, it is possible to reduce the risk of infertility by more than 60%. Only both partners should take care of themselves equally. In the female body, hormonal levels are thus normalized, and in the male body, the activity and viability of sperm are normalized.

Diet plan

The diet menu for conceiving a baby must include products that you are absolutely confident are environmentally friendly. They should not be treated with chemicals. So you should use:

  1. Foods that contain vitamin C in large quantities. These are papaya, oranges and orange juice, strawberries, peaches, bell peppers and broccoli. Such products promote sperm activity.

  2. Products containing iron. These include: spinach, beets, legumes, soy and seafood. Thanks to such products, fertility increases, that is, the body's ability to reproduce viable offspring. In addition, foods rich in iron promote ovulation.

  3. Products containing a large amount of vegetable fats, such as: all types of nuts and seeds, avocado, as well as unrefined olive and rapeseed oil itself. Such fats have a positive effect on hormonal levels. However, it should be noted that not all fats are created equal. Saturated and refined fats, on the contrary, reduce fertility.

  4. High-fat dairy products, including goat cheese. According to doctors, if a woman consumes low-fat dairy products, she suffers from problems with ovulation.

  5. Foods fortified with vitamin E, such as sunflower seeds, spinach, almonds, turnip tops and tomato paste. Such foods increase sperm activity, which promotes rapid fertilization.

  6. Soy products. They can be consumed no more than a quarter cup per day. It is preferable to eat tofu, tempeh and other soy products that have been minimally processed. Due to the high capacity of plant analogues of estrogen in soy, such food helps normalize hormonal levels. You just need to strictly adhere to the specified amount, since an overdose will have a negative impact on the woman’s condition.

  7. Cruciferous vegetables (white cabbage), which contain the chemical element diindolylmethane (DIM). This component can also normalize the state of female hormones.

  8. Fruits and vegetables that can absorb large amounts of free radicals. This includes plums, spinach, Brussels sprouts, etc. The antioxidants that such products are rich in prevent free radicals from damaging the reproductive organs.

  9. Foods that contain a lot of zinc (for example, oysters). Thanks to zinc, hormonal levels are also normalized and sperm viability is improved.
