Weight loss race: 10 kilograms in a week

Nutritionists have calculated that about two million Ukrainians intend to lose extra pounds by the holidays. Moreover, we are not talking about a couple of kilograms, but at least 8-10. Women are more fanatical. They are ready to torture themselves with hunger just to look good in a dress bought especially for the New Year.

In principle, it is quite possible to lose up to ten kilograms on a strict diet with additional physical activity. But doctors say that your internal organs will not forgive you for this. A few weeks after the holidays, the pounds will return. In addition, if immediately after a strict diet you allow yourself a festive feast, then you can greet the year in a hospital bed.
READ ALSO - How not to gain weight during the holidays

So you need to lose weight systematically and slowly. By and large, keeping in shape should become a lifestyle, only then can you count on a stable result. At the same time, the method of getting rid of extra pounds is selected individually. For some, it is important to exclude carbohydrates from the menu, while others can eat as much sweets as they want, but cannot do without exercise in the morning.

One of the methods recommended by nutritionists is oat days. In addition to weight loss, they help lower blood sugar levels. Oatmeal days are especially useful in the diet when diabetes is complicated by metabolic acidosis (accumulation of acidic metabolic products). And to all those whose blood sugar approaches the upper norm. To unload, you need to eat oatmeal all day. Norm for eating porridge: 5 servings of 140 grams (to prepare this amount you will need approximately 200 grams of dry cereal). When you arrange fasting days, it is better not to add additional ingredients - nuts, honey, milk, raisins - to the porridge. It is recommended to drink the medicinal food with rosehip decoction.

Author: Maria Lukina
Photo: badi.ru