Drinking diet

The drinking diet is a system of cleansing and weight loss. This program is designed for a month (30 days) and allows you to lose a lot of weight. The main motto of this diet is “We drink when we are thirsty and we drink when we are hungry.”

The drinking diet completely eliminates the chewing process and, if you decide to do it, you should understand that you will not eat anything for 30 days. However, this does not mean a hunger strike. All regular meals are simply replaced with liquid ones.

The essence of the drinking diet is that the gastrointestinal tract rests without receiving solid food, which means losing weight and eliminating the feeling of heaviness, feeling of fullness and other unpleasant problems.

Nutrition plan for a drinking diet

Allowed products are dairy and fermented milk, broths (chicken and vegetable), juices, mineral water, tea, cocoa, coffee. When drinking a diet, you need to drink 1.5 liters of ordinary water daily. The main thing was that there should be stool every day.

Stages of the drinking diet program

At first, there is an insane desire to chew, this is due to the fact that we “chew” many of our problems. During the first 10 days, the process of cleaning the hollow organs occurs. During this period, plaque may appear on the tongue, which needs to be cleaned, and discharge.

In the next 10 days, dense organs (kidneys and liver) are cleansed. During this period, it is likely that you will experience discomfort in the area of ​​these organs.

In the last 10 days, cleansing occurs at the cellular level.

By the end of the first week you will feel a surge of vigor and good mood. A lot of energy will be released that was previously spent on digesting heavy food. All excess is lost in the process of going through the program, from which you will need to exit smoothly.

It is important to understand that the drinking diet is, after all, harsh and in order for the body to receive all the beneficial substances, it is recommended to take dietary supplements or vitamin-mineral complexes. You can follow a drinking diet no more than once a year.