Pearl barley diet

Pearl barley diet: cleansing the body and losing weight in 5 days

The pearl barley diet is a mono-diet based on eating only pearl barley porridge and still mineral water for 5 days. This diet allows you not only to quickly lose excess weight, but also to cleanse your body of waste and toxins. In this article we will talk about how to properly follow the pearl barley diet, what benefits it has and what risks may be associated with its use.

What are the benefits of pearl barley porridge?

Pearl barley porridge is made from barley, which is rich in fiber and other nutrients. Consumption of fiber helps to actively cleanse the intestines and normalize digestion processes, while a person does not feel hungry. Pearl barley also contains vitamins B, A and E, trace elements potassium, zinc, iron, and especially a lot of phosphorus, which ensures proper functioning of the brain. An amino acid such as lysine promotes the production of collagen, which not only strengthens the heart muscle, but is also responsible for the elasticity and youth of our skin.

How to follow the pearl barley diet

The pearl barley diet lasts 5 days. During this time, you should completely avoid fatty, sweet and starchy foods, as well as alcohol and salt, eating only pearl barley porridge. In this case, you need to drink at least 2 liters of still mineral water every day.

Pearl barley porridge is whole grain, so it takes a very long time to cook and can increase in volume up to 5 times. It is recommended to soak the pearl barley in a sufficient amount of water in the evening and set it to cook in the morning - this will significantly reduce the cooking time. You cannot add salt, sugar, and especially oil, even vegetable oil, to the porridge. If it is too difficult to eat just unleavened porridge, you can add grated apples, prunes, dried apricots, occasionally eat a small portion of boiled white fish and drink low-fat kefir. But the maximum effect is achieved if you keep it on “bare” pearl barley for at least 2-3 days out of five.

An approximate menu for one day in the pearl barley diet may look like this:

  1. Breakfast: a bowl of pearl barley porridge with grated apple or dried fruit.
  2. Second breakfast: unsweetened apple.
  3. Lunch: a plate of pearl barley porridge with a small piece of low-fat fish (pike perch, cod), steamed; Afternoon snack: 1 glass of low-fat kefir.
  4. Dinner: a plate of pearl barley porridge.

In five days of such a diet you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. However, it should be remembered that the pearl barley diet cannot be used as a long-term or permanent diet, since it does not provide the body with all the necessary nutrients in sufficient quantities.

What risks are associated with the pearl barley diet?

The pearl barley diet can be hazardous to health if used without due care. Firstly, eating only pearl barley porridge can lead to a lack of protein and fat in the body, which can lead to weakness, fatigue and other problems. Secondly, using mono-diet for too long can lead to an imbalance in the body and lead to various diseases.

In addition, the pearl barley diet is not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as it can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. It should also not be used by pregnant women or people with certain chronic medical conditions.

In conclusion, the pearl barley diet can be an effective way to lose weight and cleanse the body, but it should only be used for short-term purposes and under the supervision of a specialist. To maintain the achieved results, you should gradually return to your normal diet and use pearl barley porridge in a variety of dishes as an additional source of nutrients.