Is your figure proportional?

The ideal of beauty in the human body has proven to be less constant over time than many thought. While the ideal male figure remained the same - tall, athletic and athletic, the ideal female figure changed depending on the era. They were plump and large women, sometimes fragile and thin, sometimes with lush, sometimes with small breasts. However, at all times it was possible to make allowances for individual taste.

If you want to determine whether your figure is proportional, scientists offer several formulas. One of these formulas is the proportionality of the figure (P), which can be determined by the formula: P = B: (H+P+W), where B is the circumference of the thigh under the gluteal fold, P is the circumference of the shoulder (arm), H is the circumference shin, W - neck circumference. Another formula is grace, which can be determined by the formula: I = (G - T): (2H - B), where G is chest circumference, T is waist circumference.

Indicators of proportionality and grace must be within certain limits. For women, the proportionality of the figure should be from 0.54 to 0.62, and grace - from 1 to 4. For men, the proportionality of the figure should be from 0.46 to 0.52, and grace - less than 1.

If you want to determine your body proportions, there are several other formulas that can help. For example, body proportionality can be defined as the ratio of the length of the legs to the length of the body, expressed as a percentage. Another formula is the ratio of waist circumference to height, also expressed as a percentage.

If you find that the results are different from the norm, do not be discouraged. The most important thing is to feel confident and comfortable in your body. Remember that the great Coco Chanel said that a bad figure is a figure that is scared from head to toe. So, don’t forget about your charm, taste and self-confidence - they can overshadow small flaws and make your figure attractive in any era.