Diet traps that new mothers often fall into

You regularly walk with a stroller and try to eat less sweets, but your weight after the birth of the child does not want to decrease. What's going on? Perhaps you want to achieve quick results in too little time. Nutritionists believe that it takes at least a year for your weight to return to what it was before pregnancy. Especially if you are not breastfeeding and have gained more than the required 6-9 kg.

But if your weight hasn't returned to normal after the first year after giving birth, it's time to reconsider some of your habits. We tried to identify the dietary pitfalls that most young mothers face.

You eat because there is food.

Every other day, your mother brings you home-baked pies: “You don’t have time to cook now.” My husband brings all sorts of sweets and goodies: “Restore your strength!” You try porridge when you prepare it for your child, and then finish it after him - don’t throw it away, right? You start eating simply because there is food in the house, and not when you are hungry.

To find a way out of this situation, try to eat when you really feel hungry. For leftovers, just cook less. In the end, if the child does not eat enough porridge, then you can then give him a banana or baby cookies. Don't have lunch with your child. This is his afternoon snack, not yours; it is him, not you, who needs to be fed five times a day.

Eating when you don't get enough sleep

This is another pitfall for new moms: people tend to eat more food, especially sweets, without getting enough sleep. And this is not surprising, because the body needs to replenish the lack of energy by any means. And the fastest way is to eat properly.

Try to find extra time during the day to sleep. Exercise regularly or increase your level of physical activity - exercise releases glycogen and thereby increases blood glucose levels. This reduces the feeling of hunger and gives additional energy to the entire body.

You don't eat anything all day and then you catch up.

This is one of the most bad habits - not eating anything all day because of being busy and fussing with the child and household chores, and at dinner, eat everything that catches your eye.

In order to avoid such a situation, it is advisable to eat something every three to a maximum of four hours.

"Children's" diet

When there are children in the house, the majority of the refrigerator is stocked with food that is healthy for children and loved by children. But if these foods are not good for you, then they are unlikely to be good for your offspring. It is better to teach children healthy food from childhood.

The only product that is equally beneficial for both you and your child is milk and dairy products. Milk is an excellent source of calcium. And calcium plays an important role in weight loss.

You are always at home

Constant access to the refrigerator is fraught with considerable danger. Women, who are at home most of the time, console themselves with food when they are stressed, bored, or feeling lonely.

Before your hand once again reaches for the refrigerator, ask yourself: “Am I really hungry?” If you don’t feel hungry, then it’s better to do something else: go for a walk with your child or call a friend. If you are really hungry, then do not eat sweets.

Try also to eat on a schedule - as if you were at work and food was not available to you. Try to spend at least 20 minutes without eating in front of the TV or reading a book.

Thus, to avoid excess weight after childbirth, you need to monitor your diet, do not overeat, exercise and get enough sleep. Over time, the body will return to normal, the main thing is to be patient and not fall into common dietary traps.