Is it possible to eat potatoes on a diet?

Potatoes on a diet: truth or myth?

Potatoes are one of the world's most beloved foods, but they are also one of the most controversial foods in the diet. Many nutritionists recommend excluding potatoes from your diet when losing weight, however, in reality, everything is not so simple. In this article we will look at whether you can eat potatoes on a diet and how to cook them correctly.

Calorie content of potatoes

Potatoes are a product rich in starch and carbohydrates, and their calorie content is 80 calories per 100 grams. However, potatoes also contain many beneficial microelements, such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and vitamin C. In addition, potatoes reduce cholesterol levels, stimulate the removal of excess fluid from the body and have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it possible to eat potatoes on a diet?

Nutritionists advise eating potatoes on a diet, but only in reasonable quantities and in the right combination with other foods. For example, potatoes can be baked in the oven with vegetables or mushrooms, seasoned with low-fat sour cream. You can also make puree with the addition of grated hard cheese and vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower.

However, you should avoid fried potatoes in oil and their combination with heavy fatty sauces, as this can lead to extra pounds on the scale. It is also recommended to exclude cereals and flour from your diet on the day you eat potatoes.

Potatoes on a diet: cooking methods

If you want to lose weight, but don't want to give up potatoes, here are some useful tips for preparing them:

  1. Bake potatoes in the oven with vegetables or mushrooms, seasoning them with low-fat sour cream.
  2. Make a puree by adding grated hard cheese and vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower.
  3. Avoid fried potatoes in oil and their combination with heavy fatty sauces.
  4. Add potatoes to your diet, but only in reasonable quantities and in the right combination with other foods.

In conclusion, we can say that potatoes on a diet are neither a good nor a bad product, it all depends on how you prepare and eat them. If you cook potatoes properly and eat them in reasonable quantities, they will not only not harm your diet, but will also be beneficial for your health. It is important to remember that to lose weight, you need to monitor not only the quantity of foods consumed, but also their quality and compatibility. Therefore, if you want to eat potatoes on a diet, follow the recommendations of nutritionists and cook them correctly.