Asian diet

A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and health care have become relevant topics for most people in the modern world. Although there are many diets and nutritional recommendations, some peoples stand out for their special diet, which not only helps them stay healthy, but also prolongs their life. One such diet is the Asian diet, which includes predominantly plant-based foods, seafood and spices.

Everyone knows that in the East women suffer from cancer less often than in other regions of the world. Breast cancer is practically non-existent in Japanese and Chinese women, and excess weight is rare. What's the matter? There is a version that it is in food.

For example, it is customary for the Japanese to eat a slice of ginger between the first and second courses. As it turned out, not only for taste: ginger improves digestion. Food is digested faster, which, in turn, can save you from extra pounds. In addition, these roots have already been proven to be very effective as a cancer preventative. Just a slice of raw ginger a day will protect you from both cancer and obesity. If you throw it in tea, you will also warm up.

In addition to spices, soybeans are widely used in Asian cuisine. And, according to recent studies, substances contained in soy (especially tofu soy cheese) prevent the malignant degeneration of cells. These substances, known as isoflavones, are powerful antioxidants and help the body fight free radicals that can cause cancer.

The Asian diet also includes rice, vegetables, fruits, fish and seafood. Asians also eat less meat than Westerners. Thus, their diet is rich in plant proteins, which are easily absorbed by the body and do not burden the digestive system.

Another secret of the Asian diet is the use of tea. Tea is not only a drink, but also a source of beneficial substances such as catechins and polyphenols. These substances are powerful antioxidants and help protect the body from various diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Additionally, Asians tend to eat small portions of food and chew their food slowly. This allows the body to better digest food and get the most out of it. In addition, this approach helps control the amount of calories consumed and avoid overeating.

In general, the Asian diet is a balanced combination of plant foods, seafood, tea and spices. It not only helps maintain health and control weight, but also improves overall well-being and quality of life. It's also worth noting that the Asian diet can be quite varied and include many interesting dishes and ingredients.

Of course, like any other diet, the Asian diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution for all people. However, if you want to improve your health and feel better, then you should pay attention to the principles of the Asian diet and include more plant foods, seafood, spices and tea in your diet. This can not only help you achieve the results you want, but also expose you to new tastes and cultures.