Scientists have named a diet that gives happiness

Experts from the National Heart Foundation and the National Health Medical Research Council of Australia conducted an experiment to find out what kind of food affects our emotional state. Their study found that a carbohydrate-heavy diet that reduces meat and dairy consumption can lead to happiness.

The experiment involved 106 people aged from 24 to 64 years old who had problems with excess weight. All study participants were divided into two groups: one had to follow a carbohydrate diet for a year, in which they were allowed to eat bread, pasta and rice, and the second could also eat meat and dairy products.

After two months, the scientists noted that all 106 people felt well, but at the end of the experiment, the emotional state was at its best among those who were on a carbohydrate diet. Lovers of meat and dairy products were subject to depression and aggression. At the same time, both groups lost the same weight – approximately 13.7 kg.

What is a carbohydrate diet and why can it give happiness? Carbohydrates are our body's main source of energy, so when we eat carbohydrates, our brain receives a signal that we are safe and can relax. In addition, carbohydrates contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, the happiness hormone.

On the other hand, many types of meat and dairy products are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can lead to cardiovascular disease and high blood cholesterol levels. Additionally, some studies suggest that high meat consumption may increase the risk of developing depression and anxiety disorders.

Thus, a carbohydrate diet can be beneficial for those who want to lose weight and improve their emotional well-being. However, as with any diet, it is important not only to monitor the quality of food, but also to take into account the individual characteristics of your body. Therefore, before starting a carbohydrate diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist. However, it should be noted that the carbohydrate diet is not suitable for everyone. For example, people with diabetes may have trouble controlling their blood sugar levels when they eat large amounts of carbohydrates. Additionally, a carbohydrate diet may not be suitable for those who participate in high-intensity sports, since carbohydrates are the main source of energy for muscles.

Either way, it's important to remember that nutrition is key to our health and well-being. A carbohydrate diet may be an option for those who want to improve their emotional well-being and lose weight. However, as with any diet, it is important to maintain a balance and take into account the individual characteristics of your body.