Sushi is a storehouse of chemicals and parasites

For many years, sushi, rolls and sashimi have been presented as gourmet dishes that can be found in restaurants around the world. However, recently at the 72nd Congress of the American College of Gastroenterology, scientists from all over the world unanimously declared that sushi is a very harmful and low-quality product. This is due to the fact that many marine organisms are infected with bacteria that cause acute intestinal infections and stomach ulcers. Therefore, microbiologists are sure of one thing: it is necessary to consume seafood only after heat treatment in order to kill all bacteria and parasites.

In addition, studies have shown that sushi contains a whole range of harmful chemicals, heavy metals and pesticides that negatively affect mental abilities, reduce fertility and lead to the development of cancer. Seafood dishes are high in saturated fatty acids, which contribute to weight gain. It’s no wonder that sumo wrestlers have been eating them since ancient times.

One of the main dangers of eating raw fish is the presence of the Anisakis parasite. Although this parasite does not develop in the human body, its larvae can cause serious illness if they enter the stomach. It is extremely difficult to diagnose and treat such diseases, which makes them even more dangerous.

It is worth noting that the Japanese, for whom sushi, rolls and sashimi are the national dish, have been eating half-raw fish for many centuries. Their immunity to pathogens of intestinal diseases is developed at the genetic level. However, for most people in the world, eating sushi can lead to serious consequences.

Thus, eating sushi, rolls and sashimi can lead to serious illnesses caused by bacteria and parasites. Additionally, these foods contain harmful chemicals that can negatively impact our health. Therefore, if you want to enjoy seafood, it is recommended to consume it only after cooking.