Ukrainians can be proud of their sunflower oil

Recently, more and more people in Europe and around the world are striving for a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, and therefore products labeled as “organic” and “ecological” are becoming increasingly popular. This opens up an excellent opportunity for Ukraine to become the largest supplier of organic products in Europe, including sunflower oil.

At the third International Forum for Sustainable Development GREEN MIND, UN experts and representatives of the official EU delegation discussed the prospects for environmental certification and product labeling in Ukraine. One of the main conclusions of the forum was that Ukrainian manufacturers have a good chance of success in the international market due to their ability to produce high-quality and environmentally friendly products.

Although many Ukrainians also try to choose natural products that have been minimally processed, not all manufacturers can provide proof of the quality of their products. In this situation, international environmental certification and labeling are necessary measures to protect consumers and ensure high-quality and safe products.

In Ukraine, the environmental labeling program was developed back in 2003. Products that have passed environmental certification may be marked with the “Green Crane” sign. To obtain this certification, manufacturers must meet a number of conditions, including modernization of all stages of production to ensure high quality and safety of the product.

One of the manufacturers that received an environmental certificate is TM "Oleina", which produces sunflower oil. This confirms that we have a product that has passed all the necessary tests and complies with international environmental standards. In addition, according to chemical analyses, Ukrainian sunflower oil is the standard for the Alimentarius Codex, adopted by the FAO/WHO International Commission.

Thus, Ukraine can be proud of its sunflower oil, which is a high-quality and safe product that meets international environmental standards. This opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian manufacturers to export their products and strengthen their position in the world market.