Is pineapple a fat burner? Debunking the Myths

Is pineapple a fat burner? Debunking myths.

Pineapple is one of the most famous foods that are considered fat burners. Many diets are developed based on it, and girls discuss its positive effect on the figure. However, how true are all these statements? Let's figure it out.

The most famous component of pineapple, which is considered to burn fat, is bromelain - a unique enzyme that, according to some nutritionists, breaks down complex lipids. Bromelain has become a panacea for many manufacturers of fat burners, and a lot of drugs based on it have appeared. Some claim that one gram of bromelain can break down up to 900 grams of fat. However, in practice, the results of pineapple therapy were not as impressive as nutritionists promised.

The fact is that bromelain has proteolytic activity, that is, it breaks down only proteins, not fats. In addition, the bromelain molecule is so large that it cannot pass through the intestinal wall to affect lipid metabolism. Under the influence of intestinal juice, bromelain is split into several components that cannot act on the body and lose all enzymatic activity. Thus, bromelain has no effect on subcutaneous fat, and returning to slimness thanks to the miracle enzyme is impossible.

Residents of Western European countries have long suffered from pineapple mania and do not have high hopes for pineapple. It turned out that only those pineapples that grew in Sri Lanka have a fat-burning effect. However, pineapple helps digest food, especially meat, fish, dairy products and legumes.

In addition, pineapple has the ability to extinguish hunger, so nutritionists allow the possibility of one pineapple fasting day a week, when a person can eat up to one kilogram of fruit, divided into three to four meals. However, this is not due to fat burning, but rather to the low nutritional value of pineapple, which does not exceed 48 kcal per 100 grams.

You should not eat pineapples on an empty stomach, as this can lead to gastritis. Also, people with ulcers or high acidity of gastric juice are not recommended to eat pineapple. After eating the fruit, you should rinse your mouth with water, as the acid contained in pineapple can corrode tooth enamel.

So, we can conclude that pineapple is not a fat burner. Bromelain, which is found in pineapple, only affects proteins, not fats. However, pineapple is useful for digesting food and contains few calories, which makes it possible to use it as a product for fasting days. However, before you include pineapple in your diet, you need to consider all the risks and restrictions associated with consuming this fruit.

You should not rely on the promises of nutritionists and weight loss product manufacturers who promise quick and easy results. It is best to eat a healthy and balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, as well as exercise and exercise to achieve your desired shape and improve your health.