Unusual diets: what is fruitarianism

Fruitarianism is a diet based on the consumption of raw fruits, vegetables and berries, as well as some seeds, legumes and nuts. These products are preferably consumed fresh, without heat treatment. However, like any unusual diet, fruitarianism has its pros and cons.

Benefits of fruitarianism include improved digestion and increased metabolism. Raw fruits and vegetables help cleanse the body and boost immunity. In addition, they contain a lot of water, which helps satisfy the body's need for fluid. Some fruitarians also notice improved skin condition and increased physical stamina.

However, you should also consider the disadvantages of this diet. Firstly, it is not always easy to find fresh fruits and vegetables, especially in the winter season. Most modern fruits contain large amounts of sugar, which can adversely affect the body if consumed over a long period of time. In addition, some fruitarians may be deprived of beneficial elements such as magnesium, zinc and calcium, which can lead to various diseases.

It's also worth noting that fruitarianism is a fairly radical approach to nutrition that may not be suitable for everyone. Some adherents of this diet believe that even picking fruits from plants is the height of “bloodthirstiness.” They prefer to wait until the fruits fall from the tree or bush. Additionally, raw foods can be difficult to digest for some people, especially those with stomach and intestinal problems.

Thus, fruitarianism is an unusual diet that can have both pros and cons. It may be useful as a temporary measure to cleanse the body and boost immunity, but this diet should not be abused in the long term. As in any other case, everything should be in moderation, and when choosing a diet, you should consult competent specialists in the field of nutrition and health.