Lice (Dogs)

Lice (lat. Pediculus humanus) are parasitic insects of the order of lice that feed on the blood of humans and animals.

Lice mainly affect the hairy parts of the body - the head, torso, and genitals. There are head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis), body lice (Pediculus humanus corporis) and pubic lice (Pediculus humanus pubis).

Lice carry typhus, relapsing fever, trench fever and other infectious diseases.

Mass reproduction of lice is called pediculosis. To combat lice, special pediculicidal agents are used, as well as careful care of hair and clothing.

Preventing lice infestation is an important part of personal and public hygiene.

Lice (lice) are parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They belong to the class of insects, the order of lice-eaters and the blood-sucking family. Lice are small in size, about 2-3mm in length, and can be found on the scalp, neck, chest and back.

Lice are carriers of many dangerous diseases, such as typhus, Volyn fever, relapsing fever and others. They can be dangerous to humans and animals, as they can cause serious illness and even death.

To prevent lice infestation, you need to maintain good hygiene and wash your hair and body regularly. It is also necessary to keep clothes and bedding clean to prevent the spread of parasites. If you find yourself with lice, you should consult a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist.

Prevention of lice includes regular washing of the head and body, use of antiparasitic products and good hygiene. It is also important to keep your home clean and hygienic to prevent lice infestation.