Lichen Red Flat Verrucous

Lichen planus verrucous: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Lichen planus verrucous, also known as L. ruber planus verrucosus, is one of the most common types of lichen. This is a chronic disease that causes red, flat, warty rashes on the skin. Lichen planus verrucosa occurs in people of all ages and genders, but most often the disease develops in adults.

Causes and symptoms of lichen planus verrucous

The reasons for the development of lichen planus verrucous are unknown, but the disease is believed to be associated with a disorder of the immune system. Symptoms of the disease include red, flat, warty skin rashes that may be itchy and painful. The rashes can appear on different parts of the skin, but are most common on the wrists, legs, arms and back.

Treatment of lichen planus verrucous

Treatment of lichen planus verrucosa is aimed at mitigating symptoms and preventing complications. Treatment may include the use of ointments, creams and lotions containing steroids, antibiotics and antifungals. In some cases, light therapy and systemic medications may be used.

Prevention of lichen planus verrucous

There are no specific preventive measures that can be taken to prevent the development of lichen planus verrucous. However, you should avoid contact with infected people, maintain good hygiene and strengthen your immune system.

In conclusion, lichen planus verrucous is a chronic disease that causes red, flat, warty rashes on the skin. Although the causes of the disease are unknown, treatment is aimed at mitigating symptoms and preventing complications. Prevention requires avoiding contact with infected people, maintaining good hygiene and strengthening the immune system. If you suspect you have lichen planus verrucous, see a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment.

Lichen ruber verrucosa, or lichen squamous common (velvet) warts, or urticaria vulgaris. A cutaneous inflammatory process characterized by the appearance on the skin of erythematous-flaky spots and covered with tightly seated grayish-brown papules with clinical manifestations similar to acne, forming on the face, neck, chest, scalp, as well as in the folds of the skin of the elbow joint and anus . Equivalent dermatological pathologies are considered to be large conglobate verrucous skin of seborrheic localization and plaque-shaped lichen conglobatnus, however, their diagnosis and differentiation are complicated by many heterogeneous histological features.