Light Ophthalmia (Photoophthalmia)

Light ophthalmia (photoophthalmia)

Light ophthalmia (photoophthalmia) is a burn of the conjunctiva, cornea and retina when the eyes are exposed to very bright light.


  1. 6-8 hours after exposure to light, acute pain in the eyes, blepharospasm, and lacrimation appear.
  2. The conjunctiva is hyperemic and somewhat edematous; sometimes a pericorneal injection is detected.
  3. The cornea is dull.
  4. The pupils are constricted, the reaction to light is sluggish.
  5. Lesions of the retina are localized in the macula area and lead to a significant decrease in vision and the appearance of a central scotoma.
  6. In fresh cases, ophthalmoscopy shows slight swelling of the retina, in later stages - pinpoint yellowish patches with pigmentation.


  1. Cold lotions made from water, 0.5% sodium bicarbonate solution or tannin.
  2. Instillation of 0.5% dicaine solution and 0.1% adrenaline solution.
  3. For corneal erosions - disinfectants.
  4. Wearing glasses with light filters.

The prognosis is usually favorable. With a severe retinal burn, permanent vision loss is possible.

Prevention: protect your eyes from bright light with shields or dark glasses.