When the desire disappears...

When the desire disappears...

Sexual desire is one of the most important aspects of our lives, which affects our mood, emotional state and relationships with our partners. However, sometimes we may face difficulties when our desire fades and we do not know how to deal with this problem.

About half of women and a third of men have difficulty in bed. Driven inside, stress, fatigue, and lack of time can destroy sexual desire, arousal, and orgasm. Sometimes a decrease in sexual instinct occurs under the influence of hormonal imbalances or as a result of taking certain medications.

Specialists in sexual psychotherapy do not like to resort to assessments of intimate life based on the frequency of sexual intercourse and name any numbers to indicate the norm. Naturally, if you have sexual intercourse twice a month or less, such activity is considered low. However, a decrease in sexual desire should only be perceived as a disorder when it causes problems in relationships with a partner outside the bedroom itself.

Sexual desire can be compared to appetite. It's no secret that it is almost impossible to impose your opinion on taste on someone or to convince yourself that you really lack some pleasure. In the end, the taste and color...

You may perceive some tempting foods as fancy desserts, but that doesn't mean you can convince anyone who doesn't have the need to eat that. However, you can try to change the situation by accepting a number of practical recommendations from sex therapists as a guide to action:

  1. Try to diversify your sexual relationships with new positions and techniques. The biggest enemy of most married couples is habit. If you see the same dish on the table day after day, even your favorite one, at some point it can cause disgust. And the desire to “change the table,” which not everyone is able to cope with. But all it took was a risk and replacing the sauce...

  2. People with low sex drive often avoid expressing any feelings towards their partners, forgetting that lack of contact gives the partner the impression that he is unwanted and unattractive. Therefore, it is very important to express your feelings and attention to your partner, show him your love and affection. This can help improve the quality of your sex life and improve the mood of both partners.

  3. Pay attention to your health and lifestyle. Exercising regularly, eating right, avoiding stress and maintaining a good sleep schedule can help improve sexual health and restore lost desire.

  4. If a decrease in sexual desire is associated with problems in the relationship with a partner, then it is necessary to communicate with him openly and honestly. Try to find compromises and solve problems to restore mutual trust and respect.

  5. If the decrease in sexual desire persists for a long time and you cannot solve the problem on your own, then you should seek help from a specialist who will help identify the cause of the problem and offer effective treatment methods.

It is important to understand that a decrease in sexual desire is not a death sentence. This is a temporary problem that can be resolved if you pay attention to it and take action. The main thing is not to get hung up on the problem and not to lose touch with your partner, since open and trusting communication between partners is the key to a healthy and happy relationship.