Rat Bite Fever

Rat bite fever is one of two infectious diseases from a group of bacteriological zoonoses including sodoku, which occurs after the bite of an infected rat, the other being called heyvorheil. In this description we will talk about rat bite fever. Due to the large number of rats in our cities, these diseases are becoming more common. Let's find out in more detail what rat bite fever is and how dangerous it is for humans.

How does fever occur? - Exposed human skin is attacked by bacteria from fleas or rodents such as arthropods, rats or mice. - Fleas then transfer them to the bodies of rats and mice, where they can reproduce themselves. And spread the infection and are a source of bacterial infection. - When a person is exposed to this source, bacteria are transferred to him and disease begins. Bacteria enter the blood and cause a slight fever. Usually it begins to develop because the body becomes

Rat bite fever is a group of infectious diseases that can cause severe symptoms in people, including fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and gastrointestinal upset. These infections are caused by certain bacteria and can be transmitted through rat bites. Although these infections are quite rare, they require serious attention from medical professionals as they can lead to serious complications.

Haverhill fever This type of infection occurs when rats bite a person and release the Leptospira bacteria. Symptoms characteristic of this infection appear as early as