Fever Constant

Fever is a nonspecific protective reaction of the body that occurs in response to the action of pyrogens. This indicates the activity of pathogenic microflora and means that it is necessary to begin treatment. Pyrogens disrupt metabolic processes and the functioning of the central nervous system, and fever eliminates them. The higher the temperature in the body, the faster the infectious agent is destroyed and the level of inflammation decreases. With strong immunity, the body manages to overcome the entire microbe on its own.

Constant fever - (f. contina), this is a form of this condition that occurs in various diseases. This condition is characterized by an increase in temperature, up to 39 degrees or more, which is not influenced by either antipyretics or physiotherapy techniques. Fixed (constant) prolonged fever occurs against the background of both acute and chronic processes, in contrast to the recurrent form, which forms after the acute phase of the disease has stopped. If improvement occurs, after which t rises sharply again, then experts can talk about hypothermia or flu.