Lymph Nodes Axillary

Lymph node - a lymphatic formation in the form of a round or oval nodule with a diameter of 2–3 mm to 5 mm, contains an accumulation of lymphoid tissue. The lymphatic system consists of separate intercellular and intracellular spaces filled with fluid - lymph or plasma, i.e. lymphatic tissue exists not only in tissues and organs, but is also localized in the lymph nodes, which are peripheral organs of this system. Lymphonoids are formed in humans in the second week of intrauterine life along with cells and blood in the heart. During the newborn period, the lymphatic vessels, unable to withstand the pressure of the lymph accumulated in them, are destroyed, creating gaps on both sides of its walls. The ruptured area becomes calcified and rejected by the body after birth. Later, cervical and inguinal lymphonoids are formed; in the early period, small ones begin to function

The human lymphatic system is one of the important components of the immune system, providing protection against infections and tumors. It consists of lymph nodes that are found throughout the body and are responsible for filtering lymph and removing excess immune system cells and toxins. The axillary zone is one of the largest and most active areas of the lymphatic system.


A lymph node is a collection of lymphatic vessels through which lymph drains from organs and tissues. Intravesical lymphatic vessels connect into the main lymphatic trunks, heading to various lymph nodes, including the axillary ones. The axillary lymph node is one of the most important lymph nodes in the human body. It is located in the armpit and is responsible for metabolic processes in the tissues of the chest and shoulders.

The axillary lymph node consists of a network of vessels and lymphocytes that ensure the removal of harmful substances, bacteria and other foreign objects from the body. Once in the lymphatic system, substances are filtered out and transported into the lymphatic stream, which follows through the lymphatic channels to the axillary node. Here the substances are purified and processed. In the event of intoxication or infection, which can occur when the skin and blood are damaged, the body sends a signal to accelerate the cleansing of the body, including the axillary lymph node. This is the main cause of armpit pain.

One of the main ways to diagnose axillary nodes is ultrasound, which makes it possible to determine the presence of stones and inflammation in the area of ​​the nodes. In addition, an ultrasound examination helps determine the size of the axillary lymph node, which helps the specialist determine the cause of pain in this place.

When the axillary lymph nodes hurt, treatment can be aimed at treating the underlying cause. In some cases, patients may be prescribed medications to relieve symptoms. However, if drug treatment does not work, surgery may be required. One of the most common surgical operations is puncture of the lymph nodes. This procedure can save the patient's life

Axillary lymph nodes are small collections of lymph nodes located in the armpit area. They play an important role in the body’s immune system, as they are the site of collection of lymph from the tissues and organs of the upper limb.

Lymphatic vessels drain lymph from the tissues and organs of the axillary region into the lymphatic vessels, which in turn empty into the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of the body's immune system and is responsible for removing toxins and other harmful substances from tissues.

The axillary lymph nodes are important parts of the immune system as they help protect the body from infections and other pathogenic agents. In addition, they are involved in the metabolism of fats and proteins in the body.

However, if the lymph nodes become enlarged and tender, it may be a sign of infection or other disease. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Overall, the lymph nodes in the armpits play an important role in the functioning of the immune system and maintaining the health of the body.