Limudutis and Mavaturus

They say that each of these snakes reaches up to the elbow in length, is sandy in color, and has spots on its body. They say that whoever they sting experiences severe pain and a large swelling in the bitten place, and from there bloody pus flows into the bladder, excruciating pain also appears in the liver and in the soft walls of the abdomen, and this pain kills on the third day and does not give any more respite. than before the seventh.

They say that the treatment of those stung by these snakes is a general treatment, and it is distinguished, no matter which of them stings, only by the appointment of beaver stream, Chinese cinnamon and centaury - two dirhams with wine. The root of aristolochia, especially the long one, brings them great benefits, as well as the root of Chernobyl, and especially its squeezed juice, and gentian root. Among medicinal dressings, dressings made from boiled, dried and crushed sea onions, pomegranate peels, centaury, flaxseed, lettuce, harmala seeds, bindweed, and wild rue are useful; special dressings are also helpful for rotting ulcers.