Makeup for the Bride

Makeup for the bride

The time has come when Mendelssohn's wedding march awaits you, and unmarried women your age look after you with envy. You are the bride. However, how can you make yourself look like a real princess at the most significant event in your life? There is a special makeup for this - makeup for brides.

All brides should pay special attention to lipstick. And one more piece of advice: try to avoid large quantities of bright, shiny cosmetics. If there is an abundance of light, your makeup may cause inappropriate reactions in your future spouse.

It is important to maintain a golden mean. Too much cosmetics is bad too little cosmetics means guests may not be able to see you.

To make the desired impression on both guests and your spouse, use a few rules:

  1. A matte foundation should be applied to the skin of the face. It can be applied to any skin type - oily, dry, combination. Why is this necessary? The matte leather looks perfect in photographs, which will please the eye for many years to come.

  2. The eyes should not be too prominent. Practice moderation in everything. Choose shadows that match your hair and eyes.

  3. To prevent your mascara from falling off, use waterproof one. It will give your eyes expressiveness and radiance.

  4. Use light matte powder. It will give the skin velvety and self-confidence.

  5. For lips, it is better to choose natural shades without bright colors. Be sure to use a contour pencil and powder.

Remember: cosmetics should be in moderation. Follow the golden mean, and your image of the perfect bride is ready!