Business Woman Makeup

Business woman makeup

To create the image of a business woman, you should use several practical tips.

  1. Office lighting is quite “cold”, which makes the face unnaturally pale. To avoid this, it is important to use foundation and powder that is a tone warmer than your own skin. In addition, please note that foundations should not only mask defects, but also refresh the face.

  2. To quickly touch up your makeup before an evening meeting, use a dampened paper napkin. You need to blot your face with it. After this, you can lightly powder, but not in several layers, so as not to create a mask on your face.

  3. It is not recommended to add mascara to your eyelashes during the day - in this case, by the evening it will most likely begin to fall off.

  4. For business makeup, you should not use several shades of shadows or mother-of-pearl at the same time.

  5. A business woman's daytime makeup should be energetic. You can achieve this with lipstick. In the office, you should use matte lipsticks in bright shades - from carrot to plum. They perfectly complement business suits and give a business woman a more feminine look. Before an evening event, you can apply lip gloss over matte lipstick, which will make the look less formal.