Protein Food

Protein foods: how to eat them correctly

Protein is the main building material of all cells in the body. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and should account for 15-20% of the total daily diet. But how to calculate the daily requirement of protein and which foods contain the most of it?

Calculating your daily protein intake is easy. When 1 gram of protein is burned, 4 kilocalories are released. If your daily energy requirement is 2400 kilocalories, then protein accounts for 20%, which in our case is 480 kilocalories. Dividing 480 by 4 equals 120. So you need 120 grams of protein daily.

However, not all foods contain equal amounts of protein. For example, meat contains only about 15% protein. To “translate” the calculated amount of protein into food, you need to refer to the table. It provides figures for the approximate protein content of the most common foods.

Some may be surprised to learn that protein is found not only in eggs or meat, but also in vegetables. There is quite a lot of it in peas, beans, and soybeans. Even apples contain a small amount of protein. Remember vegetarians. They eat exclusively plant foods and feel great. In addition, usually the good health of vegetarians is explained primarily by the relative “cleanliness” of the intestines, which is easier to achieve with this type of diet than with the usual one. And good intestinal function is important for the well-being of the whole body.

However, for proper nutrition, not only plant, but also animal proteins are needed. Animal proteins are more complete than plant proteins. Therefore, let's look at which products contain the most animal proteins.

Lean meats - beef, rabbit, elk, poultry, milk, eggs, fish - all of these foods contain a lot of protein and can be an excellent source of nutrients.

However, you should not abuse protein foods. Excess proteins are tolerated by the body worse than excess fats and carbohydrates. The liver and kidneys suffer from protein breakdown products. In addition, half of the protein that enters the body is converted into glucose. If your diabetes is not controlled, excess proteins can contribute to the development of ketoacidosis. Therefore, remember about moderation and do not overuse protein foods.

It is also important to note that when choosing foods that contain protein, you should consider their quality. Pay attention to their composition and method of preparation. For example, fried foods contain less protein than boiled or baked foods. In addition, some foods contain large amounts of animal protein, but they may also be high in fat and cholesterol. It is important to be able to balance your diet and choose foods based on their nutritional value and long-term effects on the body.

In conclusion, protein is an important element of a healthy diet and is essential for the normal functioning of the body. But, as with any other food, it is important to observe moderation and choose quality food. An informed approach to nutrition and consideration of individual needs will help you get the maximum benefit from protein foods and maintain health for many years.