The Marvel Cut

Marveldel Cut: how does it work?

Marwedel incision is a special type of incision. In patients with it, the connective tissue is damaged due to the inferiority of collagen fibers. The skin is cut and wrinkled, atrophic, thin, and scars form. Collagen fibers are located incorrectly - either the bundles of fibers are parallel to each other, parallel to the arm or leg, and look like a “corset”, or have an irregular shape. As a result, the skin loses its smoothness, firmness and elasticity, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles, folds and scars.

For a long time, scientists could not understand the reasons for the appearance of the Marveldel section, since genetics turned out to have nothing to do with it. Finally, researchers were able to isolate the gene that mutates when this pathology appears. Mutations of the MMP2 gene have come to be known as mutations. Genetics explained the causes of this disease in the second half of the 20th century. Symptoms most often appear in girls. This happens at a time when they begin to grow rapidly and actively gain muscle mass during puberty. It occurs in both African American women and Asian people. Unfortunately, at the present time, despite the possibility of accurately diagnosing this disease, it is no longer possible to perform surgery on such patients. Their skin grows together and they can’t even dress themselves. Currently, they require professional skin care and hygiene. In addition, such a patient cannot live in a social environment; he requires special treatment and care under the supervision of doctors. Due to the fact that the development of the skin does not reach the end of development to the adult state, children grow tall, but with abnormally pronounced rigidity during movements (the skin stretches very poorly), muscles, phalanges of the fingers with a curved plate of skin, and a weakly defined chest part of the fingers.