Oil for dry skin instead of anti-wrinkle cream


Every modern woman dreams of being beautiful. At a young age, this task is not difficult to cope with. Healthy, clean, smooth skin without wrinkles is one of the assets of youth. Unfortunately, with age, aging processes are inevitable. What to do?

The modern beauty industry is ready to offer thousands of products to choose from, declaring that they will help you restore youthful skin and get rid of wrinkles. In a few days or weeks. Sometimes a visible result can really be seen almost the first time. Unfortunately, the fabulous effect of such remedies ends with the end of the miracle remedy.

In most cases, such products contain hormonal complexes, which cause such a rapid effect of supposed skin rejuvenation. Such drugs, if their use is stopped, can even accelerate the reverse effect.

Is it possible to give up anti-wrinkle creams and still maintain youthful and elastic skin? Natural products are widely used in cosmetology to maintain skin elasticity and freshness. Among them, oils occupy a worthy place.

Advantages and disadvantages of oils

The main and undeniable advantage of oils is, of course, their naturalness and the absence of chemicals. Any oil is unique and contains trace elements, fatty acids and vitamins necessary to maintain beauty.

Taking care of your skin using oil recipes can be a creative and fun process. Having studied the type and properties of your skin, you can create compositions that will most effectively solve your specific problems.

Natural oils, while possessing a number of beneficial properties, also have their drawbacks. Oils do not contain water; their constant use can cause dry skin and flaking. The use of exclusively oils disrupts the mechanisms of the sebaceous glands and leads to the formation of enlarged sebaceous pores. High concentrations of some oils can cause irritation or even burns.

  1. You should only buy oils at a pharmacy, keep them in a cool, dry place, and do not use them after the specified shelf life has expired;

  2. maslo-dlya-suhoj-kozhi-lica-QTffZ.webp

    apply oils to damp, clean skin;
  3. use not constantly, but in a course, with short breaks;
  4. combine essential oils in combination with base extracts;
  5. Before using a new oil, conduct a test to identify allergic reactions;
  6. do not completely abandon moisturizers in favor of oils;
  7. Use oils following the dosage according to the recipe.

Which ones are the best?

Natural oils are very popular in cosmetology as anti-aging agents.

The first expression wrinkles can appear as early as 25-30 years. The following will help stop skin aging and improve the condition of already mature skin:

  1. Orange oil Suitable for all skin types. Effectively smoothes the skin, making it elastic, smooth, normalizes oiliness, relieves muscle tension, and is included in anti-cellulite products. Orange oil increases blood circulation, which is why it has earned one of the first places in the ranking for combating the first wrinkles;
  2. Peach and apricot oils effectively combat puffiness and darkening under the eyes. Fine wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out thanks to the use of products containing these oils.
  3. Linseed oil, one of the products that can be used both externally and internally. It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This oil is an excellent natural antioxidant. Flaxseed oil is used in cosmetic formulations as a base component. An excellent rejuvenating effect is obtained by using flaxseed oil on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon in courses of 8-10 days.
  4. Wheat germ oil contains a whole bunch of vitamins and microelements that the skin needs to maintain freshness. Vitamins A, B, D, PP, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lecithin actively stimulate metabolic processes. Wheat germ oil is rich in vitamin E, which is involved in the formation and regeneration of new cells, prolonging the youth of the skin.
  5. Argan oil Since ancient times it has been considered the elixir of youth. Thanks to its natural property of stimulating the production of collagen and elastane, this oil can make the skin elastic and tone it.
  6. Jojoba oil enriched with proteins, vitamin E, amino acids. The use of this oil in combination with other components has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on sagging skin prone to dryness and irritation. This little one keeps for a very long time. It is known that jojoba oil was discovered in the Egyptian pyramids. Remaining untouched for such a long period, the oil has not lost its beneficial properties and effectiveness.
  7. Green coffee oil unique product. It contains a high content of hyaluronic acid, provides deep hydration to the epidermis and has rejuvenating properties. Providing deep hydration to the skin, this oil is effective in combating the first signs of aging. For mature skin, this component is necessary as a high-quality moisturizer.

How to choose for your skin type?

In order for the use of natural cosmetics to be effective, it is necessary to select and combine them correctly.

One of the main criteria is selection based on your skin type.

  1. For normal and combination skin, the following oils are suitable: grape seed, melon, jojoba, apricot, hazelnut;
  2. Coconut, almond, rosehip, mango, sandalwood, and borage oils are suitable for dry skin;
  3. For oily skin, sesame, black currant, jojoba, hazelnut, Alexandrian laurel, apricot kernel, and almond oils are effective.
  4. Sensitive skin prone to irritation and rashes needs oil of calendula, sea buckthorn, drying oil, St. John's wort, wheat germ, macadamia, grape seed, almond, rose.

Rules of use and recipes

It is important to remember that the use of oil not in combination with other components can be not only ineffective, but even dangerous. Therefore, we only use oils prepared according to recipes.


Products prepared on the basis of natural oils can be of two types: masks, which are applied for a certain amount of time and then removed. Or cream-type compositions that remain on the skin for a long time, for example overnight.

In both cases, the composition should be applied to damp, cleansed skin. It is better to do this in the evening, before bed. Before using natural oils, it is advisable to treat the skin with a light, non-traumatic peeling, then the composition will be easily distributed evenly and will not clog the sebaceous glands, causing irritation.

To apply oils to the skin, pour a small amount of the composition into the palm of your hand, with the other hand grab a small amount onto your fingertips and distribute it over the surface of the skin with light massaging movements. We pay special attention to the décolleté area and the skin around the mouth and eyes, which are most susceptible to the formation of wrinkles.

Now let's look at several recipes for compounds that have a rejuvenating effect and smooth out wrinkles.

Mask recipe to increase skin elasticity and improve microcirculation in the skin:

  1. Measure out 4-5 tbsp. spoons of blue or black cosmetic clay;
  2. Add one and a half tablespoons of olive oil;
  3. Add 0.5 tbsp. spoons of lemon;
  4. Mix with one pinch of sea salt.
  5. Apply the resulting composition for about 25 minutes.

Gel mask for the skin around the eyes:

  1. To 2 tbsp. add 0.5 tbsp to spoons of finely grated fresh cucumber. spoons of avocado oil,
  2. Add 2 drops of fennel, parsley, and dill oils to the resulting mixture.
  3. Pour a tablespoon of mineral water (“Essentuki”, “Borjomi”) into the composition.
  4. Distribute the mask over the skin around the eyes and keep for 15 to 20 minutes.

Milk mask against deep wrinkles:

  1. Let's take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of heavy cream;
  2. Add 0.5 tbsp. spoons of green coffee oil and 2 drops of rose oil.
  3. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cold water or a piece of ice.

Nourishing mask with castor oil:

  1. Heat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil in a water bath;
  2. Mix with yolk;
  3. Apply for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

For wrinkles with olive oil:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of warm oil;
  2. Mix with 3 tbsp. spoons of freshly prepared kiwi or apple puree;
  3. Keep the mask on the skin for at least 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Rejuvenating mask with sea buckthorn oil.

  1. Let's take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter,
  2. Mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa butter,
  3. Add 3 drops of sesame oil.
  4. The mixture heated in a water bath is effectively applied to the skin around the eyes in the morning.

An effective mask against facial wrinkles.

  1. maslo-dlya-suhoj-kozhi-lica-hjlhjjX.webp

    Grind a quarter of a fresh peach without skin;
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey,
  3. Add 3 drops each of rose and argan oils.
  4. Distribute the resulting composition over the skin of the face for 20 minutes.

Reviews from women

  1. My friend, she is already over 50 and looks at least 10 years old. For the last 6-7 years she has been constantly using castor oil. Simply take it on the tip of your finger and pat it on the skin around the eyes. I also started using it a year ago and already see improvements. I want to try other oils; in general, they say that it is most effective to use them in combination.
  2. I have very dry skin, and early mesh began to appear around my eyes. I've tried a bunch of creams. The coolest remedy is to take equal proportions of jojoba, grape seed and peach oil. I usually take a couple of drops per cut. It should be applied in the evening, at night. The effect is great in the morning!
  3. My mother, at 53, almost never uses creams. She loves masks very much, including those with natural oils. I’m sharing her miracle anti-wrinkle remedy. 10 drops of wheat germ oil, 10 drops of grape seed oil, 1 drop of liquid vitamin E and 1 drop of grapefruit essential oil.

Also watch the video on the topic of the article:


Hello, dear blog readers. Various oils have been firmly established in our lives for a very long time. Which, however, is not surprising. Has a pimple popped out? Do you have cracks on your lips? Have wrinkles become noticeable? The answer is simple - use cosmetic oils for your face instead of cream. Their effectiveness is explained by their rich chemical composition, high activity of natural components and the absence of harmful synthetic impurities.

Benefits of oils

Why oil, you ask. You can use your usual cream according to your skin type, and not waste time preparing homemade masks. You are right about this.

However, you will have to pay a lot of money for high-quality cosmetics, while oils cost pennies. Any cream works only in the superficial layers of the skin, but a natural product penetrates into deep structures and works at the cellular level.

Cosmetics give a positive effect while you use them, and oils have a long-lasting effect.

In addition, the likelihood of developing an allergy is possible only if there is an individual intolerance to natural components. While the cream includes many chemical additives, the skin reaction is quite difficult to predict.

Although to be fair, if you decide to use oil instead of cream, don't expect quick results. You will be able to enjoy the beauty of your skin only after 2-3 weeks of regular procedures.


Cosmetic oils for face

Jojoba oil

The beneficial properties of jojoba oil are determined by its composition. Vitamin E stops the aging process, accelerates cell regeneration, and smoothes the microrelief. It has a lifting effect, restores lost elasticity, and protects against the negative effects of free radicals.

Other beneficial substances create a protective film on the skin, thereby preventing moisture loss and preventing the appearance of flaking. They give the product softening, moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties.

The oil can be used for any type of skin. It solves especially well the problems of sensitive, dry and aging skin.


Jojoba oil

I want to share with you several recipes for simple but effective procedures. In order not to repeat myself, I will say right away: the duration of action of any mask described in the article is 20 minutes, the frequency of use is once every 3 days, unless other recommendations are indicated.

  1. For deep wrinkles. Mix jojoba oil and avocado oil in equal quantities, spread the mixture over your face, and leave for 20 minutes. A rejuvenation session must be carried out every day. For prevention – 1 time every 3 days, before bedtime;
  2. For nutrition and deep hydration. Combine jojoba and grape seed oil in a 1:1 ratio, add a drop of orange ether;
  3. For inflammation and acne. Add 2 drops of lavender and clove ether to 15 milliliters of base.


Jojoba oil for face

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil is very beneficial for the face. It stimulates metabolic processes in cells and promotes their renewal, protects against photoaging, evens out microrelief and normalizes facial tone. The active components of the product strengthen capillaries, prevent the appearance of rosacea, remove toxic substances and excess fluid.

The product has softening, moisturizing, nourishing, whitening and anti-inflammatory properties. Effectively copes with pigmentation, rashes, irritation, pimples, eliminates dark circles under the eyes, tightens the oval of the face in women after 50 years.

Below I have collected simple recipes for use:

  1. acne: 15 milliliters of base, 2 drops each of lavender, cedar and clove ether;
  2. dark spots: 15 milliliters of base, 1 drop each of lemon, bergamot and juniper ether. Use the product morning and evening, daily;
  3. from wrinkles and sagging: 15 milliliters of base, 1 drop each of mint, orange and sandalwood ester.


Wheat germ oil

Rose ether

Rose ether increases the production of natural collagen and elastin, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, and is effective against jowls and double chins.

It is able to get rid of spider veins and spider veins, stops inflammatory processes, eliminates pimples, acne, age spots, and relieves fatigue.

Rose oil is characterized by wound-healing, softening, antioxidant, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties. Perfectly relieves puffiness of the eyelids and eliminates dark circles under the eyes.

You can use the tool like this:

  1. from the double chin: combine 50 milliliters of almond oil, 10 milliliters of wheat germ oil, 5 drops of rose essential oil;
  2. herpes on lips: lubricate the affected area with ether 3-4 times a day;
  3. for acne: Dilute 15 grams of yellow clay with nettle decoction to a creamy consistency. Add 5 drops of rose ether and turmeric on the tip of a knife: rinse with water and lime juice.

A nice bonus is that the ether can be used for massage. Its vapors help you relax, relieve stress and fatigue. Such procedures also help women with frigidity, and men are cured of impotence.


Rose ether

Avocado oil

With regular use, it improves blood circulation, ensures sufficient nutrition of cells and tissues with nutritional components, as well as oxygen, and removes toxic compounds.

Avocado oil is able to penetrate into the deep structures of the skin, stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin. Accelerates tissue regeneration abilities, eliminates dryness, peeling, irritation and inflammation.

Below are simple recipes for using the oil:

for aging skin: 15 milliliters of base, 2 drops each of sandalwood, chamomile, orange and rose essential oils;

  1. for dry skin: Dilute 15 grams of green clay with a small amount of water. Add 5 grams of honey, 5 drops each of avocado and coconut oil. Keep the mask on your face until completely dry. Repeat the intensive moisturizing procedure every other day;
  2. to improve skin tone: 15 milliliters of sour cream, 5 milliliters of avocado oil, 4 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  3. rejuvenation: Mix avocado and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio. Wash off after 15 minutes.

The product can be used independently to care for the delicate skin around the eyes. It restores the necessary level of moisture, smoothes facial wrinkles, and stimulates the barrier functions of local immunity. Gently protects from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and low temperatures.


Avocado oil

Olive oil

The product is suitable for the care of dry, problematic and sensitive skin. Olive oil

  1. accelerates blood circulation,
  2. regulates cell renewal,
  3. evens out the microrelief and
  4. slows down the natural aging process.

It neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals and protects against the negative effects of direct sunlight and cold air.

The product has a moisturizing, softening, nourishing, regenerating, bactericidal and soothing effect.

Most often, the oil is used as an independent remedy, applying it to the face and lightly patting it with your fingertips.

But there are other uses:

  1. for sensitive skin: grate the cucumber and banana, add 15 milliliters of base;
  2. for aging skin: 15 milliliters of olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  3. intensive hydration: grate the cucumber and zucchini pulp. Separate a teaspoon of each product from the total mass, add 15 milliliters of warm base;
  4. from inflammation: Grind the fresh cabbage leaf using a grater. Separate 2 tablespoons. Add 30 milliliters of warm olive oil.


Olive oil

Peach oil

The product of cold pressing of peach pits frees the skin from toxic compounds, gently removes dead cells, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates rashes.

Peach oil improves blood circulation and complexion, promotes rapid healing of skin lesions, and eliminates peeling. Long-term use helps reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, restore the necessary level of moisture in cells, normalize melanin production, and cleanse the face of pimples and blackheads.

The base oil has a softening, antioxidant, moisturizing, tonic, regenerating and soothing effect.

How to use peach product? Check out several effective recipes:

  1. from rashes: 15 milliliters of chamomile decoction, 5 drops each of peach and tea tree oil. Apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab to problem areas. Do not rinse;
  2. from pigment spots: combine an equal amount of base with lemon, grapefruit or orange essential oil. Apply to areas that need lightening. Wash off after 3 hours;
  3. for tired skin: dampen a clean cloth with hot water and squeeze out excess moisture. Soak the cloth with 20 drops of peach oil and place the application on a cleansed face. Remove after a third of an hour.

If your foundation combines well with fatty acids, peach oil can be used as a makeup base. Throughout the day, it will protect the skin from pollution and chemicals of the decorative product, moisturizes and saturates with useful components.


Peach oil

Apricot oil

The extract removes age spots and wrinkles, accelerates cell regeneration, tightens facial contours, and eliminates sagging. Apricot oil eliminates roughness, increases softness, removes toxic compounds, and promotes intensive production of your own collagen and elastin.

The product cleanses the face of pimples, blackheads, acne, comedones and redness, restores the normal complexion, and prevents premature fading of the skin. It regulates the secretion of sebaceous secretions, moisturizes, tones and replenishes the deficiency of nutrients.

The following recipes can be used at home:

  1. for problem skin. Add 2 drops of lemon, lavender or tea tree ether to 15 milliliters of warm base. Wipe areas with inflammation every day;
  2. from wrinkles around the eyes. Dissolve 2 drops of rose or sandalwood ester in 15 milliliters of apricot extract. Apply to the eyelid area, rinse after 20 minutes;
  3. for oily skin. To 15 milliliters of base add 30 milliliters of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 10 milliliters of warm honey. In addition to the fact that the mask restores the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands, it whitens the skin.


Apricot oil

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oil reduces the production of secretions by the sebaceous glands, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, heals the skin and stops the natural aging process. The ether normalizes the complexion, eliminating gray and yellowish tones, vascular networks, freckles and age spots, accelerates the healing of microdamages, and evens out the microrelief.

The product has antiseptic, bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant properties. It treats pustular acne well.

Below are the most popular uses:

  1. for acne: squeeze 5 milliliters of juice from an aloe leaf, add 2 drops of ether. Wipe your face daily, before going to bed;
  2. for mattifying the skin: add 30 milliliters of sour cream and 2 drops of ether to 5 grams of white clay. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes;
  3. for wrinkles: Dilute 5 grams of red clay with a small amount of water, add 3 drops of the product.
    Using tea tree ether helps not only get rid of existing acne, but also prevent its reappearance.


Tea tree oil

Castor oil

Course use of castor oil stimulates metabolic processes in cells, inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms, eliminates acne and acne. Fights peeling, smoothes wrinkles, removes pigmentation, enhances the production of its own collagen and elastin.

The product is characterized by soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, fungicidal and rejuvenating effects.


Castor oil

Castor oil for the face can be used like this:

  1. for whitening. Combine 10 milliliters of cucumber and orange juice, add 10 grams of strawberry puree and 5 milliliters of castor product. The mask should be washed off after 40 minutes;
  2. for moisturizing, anti-wrinkle. Add heated honey and castor oil to grated potatoes;
  3. from peeling. Add 15 milliliters of milk, yolk and 10 milliliters of castor oil to 30 grams of warm mashed potatoes. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.

If you ask which oils are best or how to choose the right one, I will advise you to base your skin type and the problem you need to solve.

Each product is unique in its own way and has a lot of useful properties. Therefore, buy several oils at an aroma shop or pharmacy. You can try combining them with each other. Just be sure to perform a sensitivity test before each use.

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Nature gives people a lot of opportunities and means to preserve youth and beauty. Fruits and grains contain not only mineral elements, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, nutrients, but also the energy of the sun itself in a concentrated form. The revival of youth, beautiful and healthy skin is given to us by many natural remedies. Oils against deep wrinkles have anti-aging effects. They contain special components that have a stimulating and restorative effect on the skin.

Rejuvenating effect of oils on the skin

The wrinkle smoothing effect is the result of a complex of processes in skin tissue caused by the action of cosmetic oils, in particular:

  1. stimulation of synthesis collagen, elastin;
  2. protection of cell membranes from negative influences;
  3. cellular regeneration;
  4. moisturizing the skin and increasing tissue turgor;
  5. cell nutrition and activation of metabolic processes;
  6. stimulation of DNA synthesis.


Different oils can affect age-related skin changes to a greater or lesser extent. Trying to find the most effective oil for deep wrinkles often leads to multiple oil options. The ideal product must match the skin characteristics of a particular person. When using oil, you should not forget about the rules of skin care, the regularity of procedures, and the complexity of the products used. Any product can become addictive, and the benefits of its use fade over time. Therefore, oils need to be used in courses; after a break, their effectiveness is usually restored.


Chinese Candy Lo is a woman who has completely conquered aging. At 52 years old, she continues to act and make plans for her life. What is the secret of her eternal youth?
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How to use oils: rules and recommendations

To get the maximum effect when using oils, you need to follow certain rules. First, the ideal oil for smoothing out deep wrinkles may not be the same for everyone. Different skin types require different approaches and the use of suitable cosmetics. Secondly, in most cases, products that include several ingredients are more effective. It is important to choose the right combination. You can create different compositions from base oils, but you need to be careful with aromatic oils: some of them don't fit.

Can make butter at home, for example, from grape seeds. Crushed or ground seeds are poured with olive oil and infused in a dark place (about 40 days). The product is then filtered and used in skin care. Other oils are prepared in a similar way: from rose hips, St. John's wort, laurel, chamomile, calendula. Of course, the oil sold in stores is prepared in other ways - in particular, by cold pressing, has a different composition and has a different effect on the skin. However, a self-prepared product is also very useful and perfectly helps in combating signs of skin aging.

Cosmetologists recommend observing the following rules when using oils to care for aging skin:

  1. apply the product after cleansing and toning the skin;
  2. Before applying, moisturize the skin with plain water or hydrosol;
  3. Not only the type, but also the amount of oil applied depends on the type of skin; in particular, for dry skin you should use a few drops more of the product than for oily or combination skin;
  4. You need to apply the oil in a short course, in most cases it is enough to apply the product 2-3 times a week;
  5. The use of oils in the fight against wrinkles should be part of a comprehensive, consistent skin care routine.

Several types of oils are used to care for aging skin and smooth out wrinkles. The best effect can be obtained by alternating different oil products.


In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Macadamia oil

Macadamia is a plant native to Australia. The oil is obtained from the seeds of its fruit and is used to care for aging, dry skin.


The special composition of the product determines its beneficial cosmetic effects:

  1. A feature of macadamia oil is its high content palmitoleic acid – 22%. This component is part of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the production of which decreases with age, which leads to dry skin. The oil helps compensate for palmitoleic acid deficiency. Macadamia nuts contain large quantities of oleic acid.
  2. High content of saturated fatty acids Gives the product a rich texture and high density.
  3. Vitamins E and C There is not much in macadamia oil, which is compensated by the richness of its mineral composition and a large amount of niacin, which improves microcirculation. Copper, iron, zinc stimulate regeneration processes and cause cell renewal and skin rejuvenation.
  4. A large number of proteins helps restore collagen and elastin synthesis.

Macadamia oil is used for aging skin; it is good to apply in winter; the product goes well with apricot oil. Recommended concentration is 10%.

Shea butter

It is prepared from the seeds of the shea tree, which grows in Africa. The composition is dominated by unsaturated fatty acids and unsaponifiable substances. The oil improves microcirculation, stimulates cell renewal, protects the skin from damaging influences, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


The following components of the oil help fight the aging process:

  1. Caritesterols – substances similar to cell membrane lipids help protect and restore skin structures, collagen synthesis, and stop aging.
  2. Terpene alcohols – have antioxidant activity, maintain skin elasticity.
  3. Unsaturated fatty acids – nourish and moisturize the skin, the effect after using the oil lasts up to 8 hours – longer than after using most vegetable oils.
  4. Latex – protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

For cosmetic purposes, you should use high-quality shea butter, obtained traditionally or by cold pressing: such a product is hypoallergenic and more effective, although it is more expensive.


In a new interview, Sofia Rotaru shared her amazing secrets of beauty, long youth and creative plans.
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Grape seed oil

Produced by pressing followed by refining. The oil has a rich composition that provides a rejuvenating, moisturizing, protective effect:

  1. Linoleic and oleic acids – cause regenerating, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory effects, soften and nourish the skin.
  2. Vitamins A and E – impart antioxidant properties.
  3. Beta-sitasterol – eliminates dryness and flaking.
  4. Chlorophyll – relieves inflammation and activates healing.
  5. Procyanide – promotes the removal of toxins, suppresses the action of free radicals, normalizes metabolism in tissues.
  6. Resveratrol – has antioxidant properties, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.


Grapeseed oil can be applied alone or combined with other oils. It is used to care for the skin of the eye area. The product is well absorbed, has a softening and nourishing effect, restores skin turgor, smoothes wrinkles, and improves complexion.

Wheat germ oil

The product is used in care for aging skin. It has stimulating properties, strengthens, tones the skin, and helps cleanse it.

Wheat germ oil is mainly used for dry skin, but can be included in products for oily skin. Due to the density of the structure, it is used only in combination with other oils in a concentration of up to 15%. As part of cosmetic products, it is suitable for the area around the eyes.

The oil has a number of features that distinguish it from other vegetable oils:

  1. the composition includes a large number of amino acids that help increase skin elasticity;
  2. contains allantoin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. helps fight fungi and microbes thanks to natural antibiotics – octocosanol and squalene;
  4. Wheat germ oil contains minerals and vitamins in high concentrations, causing the highest biological activity of the product, its ability to regenerate skin structures, smooth out wrinkles and cause a rejuvenating effect.

Olive oil

Use separately and mixed with other oils and cosmetic ingredients. Suitable for caring eyelid skin. If applied in its pure form, after a course of 10–14 days a break in using the product is necessary. It has a rich composition, which makes it one of the main oils used to combat deep wrinkles.


Main components of olive oil:

  1. oleic acid – moisturizes the skin and facilitates the transport of active substances through cell membranes;
  2. vitamins A and E in high concentrations – stimulate rejuvenation, regeneration, help smooth out wrinkles;
  3. polyphenols – have an antioxidant effect;
  4. terpene alcohols – improve metabolic processes.

Geranium oil

An extract and essential oil are prepared from the flowers of this common plant. In cosmetology, geranium oil is valued for its beneficial properties. The oil has an intense and pleasant aroma due to the high concentration of citronellol and geraniol.

The anti-aging effects of the oil are provided by the constituent components of this product:

  1. Coumarins – are found in large quantities in geranium and provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and healing effects.
  2. Flavonoids and tannins reduce inflammation and stimulate metabolic and recovery processes.


Geranium essential oil is added to creams or masks in minimal quantities - usually 2-3 drops of the product are enough. The concentration in cosmetics should be less than 1%. Coumarins in large quantities increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The possibility of allergic reactions cannot be ruled out.

Geranium oil stimulates vital processes in skin cells, increases its tone, firmness, elasticity, and improves appearance.

Castor oil

Obtained from castor bean seeds. The seeds themselves contain a strong poison - ricin, but as a result of steam treatment it is destroyed. The main component of castor oil is triglyceride ricinoleic acids. In addition, the product contains oleic, linoleic and other acids in much smaller quantities.


To care for aging skin, it is used in combination with other base oils. The product is well absorbed without forming a film and smoothes out wrinkles. It can be applied to the eyelids. Helps get rid of cosmetic defects such as warts, scars, age spots.

This is not a complete list of oil products that have a rejuvenating effect. The following oils have the ability to smooth out wrinkles: jojoba, rosehip, sea buckthorn, apricot, avocado, almond, coffee and some others.


Most oils can be used in their pure form, although mixtures or products enriched with the addition of essential oils are considered more effective. Oil-based creams and masks have many beneficial properties, and many people prepare them themselves. User reviews indicate the good effect that oils have against deep wrinkles.

A mixture of oils for deep wrinkles

  1. a tablespoon of jojoba, wheat germ, avocado oils;
  2. 3 drops each of rose and sandalwood aroma oils.


The mixture is applied in the morning and before bedtime. After 30 minutes, blot off excess product with a napkin. It is recommended to take a break after using the mixture for two weeks.

Anti-wrinkle cream with shea and olive oils

This cream is suitable as a night cream. It contains several ingredients:

  1. 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil,
  2. according to Art. spoon of shea butter,
  3. 2 teaspoons beeswax,
  4. according to Art. a spoonful of rose water and aloe gel,
  5. 2 capsules of tocopherol,
  6. a quarter teaspoon of lecithin,
  7. 3 drops each of geranium and jasmine aromatic oils.

Shea butter is melted in a bathhouse, adding olive oil and wax. Stir until the wax is completely melted. Lecithin and tocopherol are added. Pour in aloe gel and rose water in a thin stream while stirring - they must be mixed together in advance. Essential oils are added after the mixture has cooled. Apply the cream to the skin at night every other day.

Anti-deep wrinkle cream

Helps eliminate wrinkles on the face homemade cream, which includes the following components:

  1. 20 g cocoa butter;
  2. 10 g apricot or olive oil;
  3. 10 g each of Vaseline and beeswax;
  4. 20 g mint water.

To obtain the cream, melt the wax in a water bath and add cocoa butter. After forming a homogeneous mass, add the remaining ingredients. The jar is sterilized and the mass is transferred into it. The cream is stored in the refrigerator.

Forehead wrinkle mask

Very effective against deep wrinkles on the forehead masks containing vegetable oils. You can prepare the following composition:

  1. according to Art. a spoonful of shea butter, olive oil, avocado;
  2. 2 drops each of neroli, patchouli and sandalwood oils.

Shea butter is heated in a water bath, and the remaining base oils are added. After cooling, add essential oils to the mixture. The product is applied morning and evening. After 30 minutes, blot off the excess oil mixture. Course duration – 2 weeks.

Eye mask

You can eliminate wrinkles in the corners of the eyes using masks with oil and aloe juice.


Oils can be changed - olive, castor, and grape seed are suitable. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The freshly prepared mixture is applied to the areas near the eyes, gently tapping the delicate skin with fingertips.


Natural oils always take pride of place in my anti-wrinkle arsenal. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a miracle and hope that after 2-3 applications of a mask with the much-praised oil on your skin, you can immediately look younger. I have developed a whole system for myself, read a lot of books on this topic and take care of my skin constantly and consistently. In addition, I always carefully monitor the skin’s reaction to each new product. Of the oils, I really like macadamia, shea butter and grape seed oil.

I prefer homemade cosmetics. I prepare creams, tonics, and masks at home myself. The use of natural oils is a prerequisite for quality facial skin care, especially in the eye area. As a base oil I prefer olive oil, wheat germ oil, and grape seed oil. For the eye area I use olive oil, jojoba and sesame oil.