Cedar oil for face use


Cedar oil has long been recognized as one of the most valuable components that allows you to “breathe” new life into the skin.

The beneficial macro- and microelements included in its composition are truly unique. You need to learn how to use them correctly in order to maintain a blooming and healthy appearance of your facial skin.

How do you get it?

Pure cedar oil is obtained directly from the kernels of the Siberian cedar pine. Pre-cleaned nut kernels are well dried and divided into fractions. It is important to correctly sort the kernels by color and quality. Next, the most optimal method of obtaining oil is selected: thermal or cold. When using the second method, a larger number of useful microelements remain unchanged. Despite the high cost of cold pressing, it is most often used.

Composition and properties

The beneficial components contained in this natural product are unique in their composition. The oil received its main value due to its content:

  1. Linoleic amino acid.
  2. Oleic amino acid.
  3. Linolenic amino acid.
  4. Palmitic fatty acid.
  5. Group vitamins: A, D, E, PP, B1, B2.
  6. Microelements: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium.

Among the beneficial properties of cedar oil for the beauty and health of women, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Nutritious.
  2. Restorative.
  3. Regenerative.
  4. Healing.

Correct use of this product saturates the human body with all the necessary elements. Internal and external use allows not only to restore the beauty of the skin, but also to nourish the body from the inside with the entire complex of essential trace elements, minerals and fatty acids.

What skin imperfections does it eliminate?


There are many ways to use cedar oil in facial cosmetology. More often in folk medicine, this natural product is used for the following purposes:

  1. Returning a uniform color to the dermis and eliminating skin rashes.
  2. Soothing skin.
  3. Accelerate regeneration.
  4. Elimination of pigment spots, irritations, various scars.
  5. Eliminate peeling of the dermis.
  6. Healing of cracks and minor wounds.
  7. Elimination of the first signs of aging: facial wrinkles, crow's feet.
  8. Saturation of the dermis with vitamins.
  9. Increased skin elasticity.

To eliminate various cosmetic problems of the dermis, special ways of using cedar oil are required.

Main uses

Natural cedar oil for the face is so effective that it cannot be replaced. Even just adding a few drops of a natural ingredient to regular creams, tonics, lotions, and masks can achieve decent results. Most often, cold-pressed oil is used as follows.

To maintain the tone of aging skin

  1. Heat cedar oil in a water bath to 50 degrees. Wet a small cotton sponge and gently massage the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. The duration of the procedure is at least 15 minutes. You need to make such compresses at least 2 times a week to maintain skin tone.
  2. Use as a night cream substitute. Particularly effective in winter for protection against chapping, peeling and irritation.
  3. As a nourishing lotion for the skin in the eye area. 10 milligrams of cedar oil, 3 drops each of liquid vitamins A and E. Apply to the skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes. Keep the nourishing compress for at least 20 minutes. Blot excess remaining oil with a napkin.


For UV protection and elimination of seasonal age spots

  1. Apply a small amount of natural oil to the skin and let it absorb. Natural components are a natural barrier that prevents burns from occurring on the skin.
  2. Spot application on problem areas of the face will help prevent not only the spread of freckles, but also significantly reduce existing rashes.


To smooth the dermis and make it uniform and firm

A mask using avocado will not only disguise fine wrinkles, but also saturate the skin with vitamin E. Mix the pulp of one avocado with 20 grams of natural sour cream and add 8 milligrams of cedar oil. Apply a homogeneous mass to the surface of the dermis, avoiding the area around the eyes, as well as on the neck. The lifting effect will be noticeable within 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water.


To eliminate minor rashes

Take 5 grams of dry chamomile and nettle, pour 100 milligrams of boiling water. Let it brew for an hour. Add 10 milligrams of cedar oil to the infusion. Apply to problem skin for 15-20 minutes. It is preferable to wash off after the mask has completely dried.


To eliminate flaking and dryness

Heat the oil to 50 degrees. Moisten the compress and squeeze it a little. Gently distribute it over the entire surface of the face. Remove after 15 minutes. Perform acupressure on the face, paying special attention to problem areas of the dermis.


Contraindications to the use of cedar oil

Despite its many beneficial properties, this natural product also has its contraindications. These include individual intolerance to the components that make up the pine drug and various allergic reactions to them.

Before using it for cosmetic purposes, it is recommended to try this product on sensitive skin on the inside of the elbow. If there is no visible redness or allergic rash, you can use natural ingredients.

Cedar oil has no analogues in nature. In order to maintain your beauty and health, it is recommended for both internal and external use. Correct and systematic use allows you to achieve impressive results. You just need to choose the most appropriate way to care for your delicate skin.

What users say

Elena, 26 years old

Since adolescence, I have been struggling with my problem skin: oily T-zone, all sorts of pimples, comedones, enlarged pores. Well, you understand, the whole set is included 🙂 And peeling on the cheeks is a classic!

Nothing could cope with all this. I tried everything from time to time. It was my turn to use cedar oil for the face, the reviews were good, so I took it. It had some kind of masculine smell, it seemed suffocating, I didn’t like it at all. But, there was nowhere to go - I made a mask. I diluted pharmacy pink clay and added a couple of drops of cedar essential oil for the face. Everything is by eye.

The effect is unexpected - no mask has ever done this to my skin in one go. The pores have shrunk, small and large pimples have dried out perfectly, and the number of subcutaneous comedones has decreased. I made a course of several masks - my face is no longer shiny! Sometimes I even do without foundation and powder. I advise! "


“I took a product from the Altai Bouquet company. I liked the smell - soft, pleasant, I immediately wanted pine nuts 🙂 I also use it for cleansing: put a couple of drops on a sponge and stroke my face. A winter must-have! Plus for hydration. Only be sure to use on an already cleansed and moisturized face. I add it directly to the cream: it turns out to be a face cream made with cedar oil. After a quarter of an hour, blot off the residue with a napkin. The skin is delicate and soft.”


“But for some reason it didn’t suit me. I applied it to my face several times at night. Pimples appear. So it's not mine. It's a pity."

Cedar oil was given to the world by the Siberian cedar - a centuries-old giant, revered by the indigenous peoples of Siberia as a sacred tree, a sanctuary of good spirits, an accumulator of positive natural energy. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that this product has the most powerful rejuvenating and healing resources, because in a small bottle the power of underground depths is firmly intertwined with mysterious cosmic vortices. It is not without reason that cedar, a symbol of health and longevity, has long been endowed with magical properties. As soon as you open the magic bottle, close your eyes and take a deep breath, at that very second the taiga aroma will transport you from the bustling metropolises, buzzing like beehives, into the pristine world of silence and harmony, under the canopy of spreading cedars.

Beneficial properties of cedar oil

Cedar oil used in cosmetology is obtained by cold pressing (pressing) - this ensures high preservation of all vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, making the pine elixir a universal product for skin care of any type and endowing it with truly miraculous properties in the fight against premature aging:

  1. regeneration processes in tissues are activated;
  2. blood microcirculation improves;
  3. blood vessels are strengthened;
  4. swelling, inflammation and peeling disappear;
  5. irritation and itching disappear;
  6. scars dissolve;
  7. pigment spots are whitened;
  8. the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  9. oily shine, acne and comedones (blackheads) disappear;
  10. the skin becomes moisturized, tightened and elastic;
  11. its color and relief are smoothed out;
  12. facial wrinkles disappear, and deep wrinkles are reduced;
  13. local immunity is enhanced;
  14. the skin's resistance to adverse external conditions increases.


Ways to use cedar oil for facial skin care

Before considering the numerous options for using cedar oil, it is necessary to distinguish between concepts. There are basic and essential cedar oils: the first is extracted from nuts, has a pleasant, mild aroma and can be used in its pure form, the second is obtained from pine needles and wood - it has a resinous, tart aroma and is used in doses, in addition to the basic softening ingredients. For example, you can enrich finished cosmetics with cedar ether by adding three to five drops to 10 grams of cream or gel base. In its pure form, it should be applied pointwise to areas of inflammation, while base oil can be used without fear of getting a chemical burn to the skin.

Important! Before using cedar oil, you must do a sensitivity test. We apply a couple of drops to the elbow: if after a day there are undesirable manifestations (rash, itching, peeling, irritation), then you should refrain from using cedar extract in order to avoid allergic reactions.


Moisturizing compress

This simple recipe will be indispensable for caring for aging, exhausted, dehydrated facial skin, and with regular course use it will help delay the appearance of the first signs of aging:

  1. First you need to prepare a small piece of gauze, folded in half, or a cotton napkin with cut out holes for the lips and eyes.
  2. Lightly heat the cedar base oil in a water bath so as not to destroy the vitamins - this will open the pores and allow the nutrients to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
  3. Soak the napkins in warm cedar oil and apply to the face.
  4. The session lasts a quarter of an hour, after which excess oil is removed with a clean cloth.


It is better to apply this product to moisturized facial skin after mild peeling - this way, keratinized scales will not prevent the oil from being evenly distributed.

Such a compress will quickly restore lost firmness and elasticity to the skin, moisturize and soften it, activating regeneration processes at the cellular level.

Rejuvenating mask

The following combination of ingredients will free the skin from the shackles of expression lines and age-related wrinkles:

  1. Beat two quail eggs well until foam appears.
  2. Then add a tablespoon of rice flour and half a teaspoon of exotic shea butter (karite), which can first be slightly melted in a water bath.
  3. And the finishing touch is five drops of cedar essential oil.
  4. Mix all ingredients well until smooth.
  5. Now apply it to the surface of the face.
  6. After half an hour, wash off with warm water or herbal decoction (for example, rose hips).


Thanks to the delicate influence of the components of this mask, cellular respiration is activated, blood circulation and restoration processes are improved - the skin becomes smooth, elastic and acquires a healthy glow.

Nourishing mask

Both young and old skin will enjoy a mask with the pulp of such an exotic ingredient as “alligator pear”, which is translated from English as “avocado”:

  1. One avocado needs to be peeled and, after removing the pit, blended in a blender until mushy.
  2. To the resulting puree add a tablespoon of rich sour cream and five drops of cedar ether.
  3. Mix and apply to the surface of the face for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse with warm water.


This mask provides intense nutrition and hydration, as a result of which metabolic processes are improved, cellular respiration is restored, and the skin becomes velvety to the touch and acquires a pleasant glow.

Cleansing mask

The components involved in this recipe are perfect for oily skin prone to rashes - the mask can be used as a preventative against acne:

  1. First, crush two tablets of activated carbon - the fresh preparation crumbles easily.
  2. Add to the resulting charcoal powder a tablespoon of blue clay and a teaspoon of dry chamomile.
  3. Now add a dessert spoon of base cedar oil and a couple of drops of ether.
  4. All components must be thoroughly mixed, achieving a uniform consistency.
  5. The mask is left for about 20 minutes, after which we rinse the face with cool water or a herbal decoction (for example, plantain).

Blue clay, which has excellent tonic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties, can be replaced with any other: yellow, for example, will help remove waste and toxins, and black will normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands and tighten pores.


The result of this procedure will be matte skin, free from acne, comedones and age spots.

Exfoliating scrub

Owners of oily skin in the fight against imperfections inherent in this type can resort to the help of an active cleansing scrub:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of heated honey with the same amount of cognac and kefir.
  2. Add finely ground sea salt.
  3. And then add five drops of cedar essential oil.
  4. Mix well and apply to the face with massage movements, leaving for a quarter of an hour.
  5. After the specified time, rinse with cool water and moisturize with nourishing cream.

Important! Due to its alcohol content, cognac has a drying effect on oily skin and quickly dissolves impurities, the honey in this mask actively nourishes the cells, and salt provides physical exfoliation of keratinized scales, however, people with very dry and sensitive skin, as well as those suffering from rosacea, should refrain from the use of such active scrubs.


The powerful effect of natural components will make the face glow with health: cellular respiration is normalized, pores are cleaned, the tone and texture of the skin are evened out - it acquires a matte texture, becomes elastic and soft, like a baby’s.

Relaxing steam baths

Steaming the skin can be either an independent procedure or a preparatory stage before applying masks, peels and scrubs - this will ensure the opening of pores and deep absorption of nutrients:

  1. Heat the water in a saucepan - the steam should be hot, but not scalding.
  2. Add five drops of cedar essential oil.
  3. Place your face at a distance of 30 centimeters, cover your head with a terry towel and enjoy the pine aroma.

The time of steam exposure on the skin depends on its type - three minutes is enough for dry skin (once a month), oily skin - up to ten minutes (twice a month).


An aromatic bath with cedar ether will increase blood circulation in the tissues and have a relaxing effect - the pores will open and impurities can be easily removed from the surface of the skin with a cotton pad soaked in micellar water.

Oil mixture for eyebrows and eyelashes care

Cedar balm can restore not only the skin, but also the eyebrows and eyelashes, returning the languid mystery to the look:

  1. A teaspoon of cedarwood base oil will be the main ingredient.
  2. To it we add one drop of cedar ether and one capsule of liquid vitamins A and E.
  3. Mix everything and carefully apply it to the eyebrows and eyelashes with a cleaned mascara brush.
  4. Count down half an hour and wash off with warm water.


Regular use of such a pine balm will bring noticeable results within a month - metabolic processes in the hair follicles are normalized, the structure of the hairs is restored, eyelashes and eyebrows will stop falling out, and will become thicker and velvety.

If you press the oily substance into the area around the eyes with your fingertips, without allowing stretching, this will have the most positive effect on the skin of the eyelids - very soon dark circles and fine wrinkles will disappear. Ten-minute applications in the morning and evening are enough. In addition, pure pine nut base oil can be used to remove makeup - to do this, apply a small amount of slightly warmed elixir to a cotton pad and wipe the eyelashes.

Video recipe: cream serum based on pine nut oil

Important Tips

You can get the most benefit from essential and base oils of cedar if you take into account some subtleties:

  1. All procedures are carried out on cleansed facial skin - it can be steamed if there are no contraindications.
  2. If acne worsens or damage is present, manipulation will have to be postponed.
  3. Ingredients for masks and scrubs must be fresh.
  4. Use only genuine products: high-quality pine nut oil can be washed off even with cold water, it will not become cloudy or thicken after placing the container in the refrigerator, and the essential oil, when it hits the surface of the paper, will evaporate in a few minutes, leaving no greasy residue.
  5. Cedar ether should be stored in the refrigerator, in a dark glass bottle.
  6. The mixtures are applied with cotton pads or special brushes.
  7. The applied oil can be slightly heated beforehand by rubbing it with clean fingers - this way it will be absorbed faster.
  8. To prepare mixtures, it is better to use ceramic, glass, wooden or plastic dishes - metal enters into oxidative reactions with the ingredients and negatively affects the preservation of their beneficial properties.
  9. We rub in the healing compounds with light movements, following the direction of the massage lines.

Video: how to distinguish natural essential oil from fake


I have problematic facial skin, an oily T-zone, small and large pimples all over my face, comedones, blackheads and enlarged pores - in general, the whole set)) Plus on the cheeks, under the cheekbones it is constantly flaking. It’s really difficult to find something suitable, but I didn’t despair and finally found it. Cedar essential oil is dark yellow, viscous, with a specific odor. The smell is very masculine, heavy and I personally didn’t like it at all. I read on the insert that cedar oil is great for problem skin, and I decided to make a mask with it - I diluted pink clay from the pharmacy and dropped a few drops of this oil into it, I did everything by eye. After the first use, I was shocked, since none of my masks had ever given such an effect, large and small pimples dried out perfectly, the number of subcutaneous comedones decreased, and the pores tightened. I have been using clay for a long time, but I have never been so delighted. I made 3 more of these masks every other day, the skin acquired a very pleasant shade, no pores were visible, all the pimples were gone, comedones were gone, no flaking, and, most importantly, my face stopped being shiny! That is, before, after washing my face two hours later, my skin would become very oily, I had to constantly wipe and powder my face. And now I can do without powder and foundation altogether! In general, those with similar skin, be sure to try this oil))



I learned that cedar helps fight problem skin. Actually, that's why I got it. The effect was unexpected in the good sense of the word. I thought it would lighten the blackheads a little and... that’s it. According to the instructions, I mixed a teaspoon of base oil (I used peach) and 2 drops of cedar. And she began to rub the whole thing into her face directly with her fingers. There was no feeling of oil on my face that I hated, no discomfort. Everything was absorbed quite quickly, the complexion evened out, the skin became fresh and elastic - so nice!



Firstly, a big discovery for me was that this oil is great as a night care product. I just gave up night creams and completely forgot when I bought something like that. Moreover, I use this oil in any convenient case: if I am not going to leave the house or immediately after taking a shower/bath. The effect is noticeable: I no longer have skin problems (well, at least there are no large, noticeable inflammations). I use the oil not only for the face, but also for any other area of ​​the skin. Sometimes I use it as a makeup remover. I like this way. Although much more often I first wash my face with foam/soap, and then apply a thin layer of cedar oil to my face. At night I always use it as a lip balm. In winter, this is especially important, since any changes in the weather instantly affect the condition and appearance of the skin of the lips.



Cedar oil is a unique natural substance, the “gold of Siberia”, a treasure trove of useful vitamins and microelements, which is highly valued by culinary specialists, traditional healers and cosmetologists. A course of external use of pine balm as part of homemade products will help satisfy all the key needs of the skin, prolong freshness and youth for many years, and the use of pine nut oil internally will provide a comprehensive rejuvenation effect.

The benefits and harms of cedar oil


In an effort to prolong youth and maintain health, many resort to traditional medicine. However, cedar oil is also considered recognized in official medicine, so you can be confident in the benefits of its use. The main advantage of this oil is its composition, which is rightly called a storehouse of useful and healing substances.

  1. Vitamin F, which is especially necessary for those who live in environmentally polluted areas and need polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cedar oil contains even more of this vitamin than fish oil!
  2. Vitamin E, the use of which prevents the occurrence of cancer and helps maintain youth and beauty. In terms of the content of these vitamins, cedar oil surpasses even coconut and olive oil.
  3. The B vitamin group restores the nervous system, relieves depression and insomnia.
  4. Vitamins P lower cholesterol levels.

Although cedar oil contains many useful substances in its composition, remember about individual intolerances.

Application of cedar oil


The amazing composition allows you to use cedar oil for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. This remedy helps with stomach ulcers, tracheitis, acute respiratory infections, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and is used to prevent varicose veins, cancer, articular rheumatism and polyarthritis. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and improves a person’s mental and physical condition. But it is especially popular in cosmetology. Women have already seen that cedar oil helps preserve beauty and youth. However, only the highest quality oil is selected for the face, hair, hands and nails, which is indicated by the integrity of the bottle, color, aroma of the oil and its constituent components.

The quality of cedar oil is determined by its aroma and appearance. The best oil is dark, but not cloudy, with a sour odor.

Cedar oil for face

For flaking, dryness and roughening of facial skin, cedar oil is an ambulance and emergency aid! It nourishes, restores, heals and softens the skin, which is especially important in winter, when the face is more vulnerable to aggressive environmental factors.

It is impossible not to notice the positive effect of cedar oil on sagging skin, as it tightens it, accelerates cell regeneration and rejuvenates it. Girls of any age can use it as a cosmetic product, since in this regard the oil has no contraindications. Redness, inflammation and itching will forever become a thing of the past if you regularly use masks based on cedar oil. You can even replace cedar oil with makeup remover.

The oil is used for facial care both in its pure form and when added to creams and masks. To achieve greater effect, it is better to heat the oil and lubricate the entire face or damaged areas with it. Connoisseurs of folk remedies replace any vegetable oil included in masks and balms with cedar oil. The effect is obvious after a couple of weeks of regular use.

The complexion significantly improves, a healthy glow appears and the skin cleanses if you use the oil not only for external use, but also internally. You can even set a regimen: drink oil 1 tsp. 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course lasts for 1 month.

Cedar oil for hands and nails

You can determine a woman's age first of all by her hands. If you do not pay proper attention to caring for them, your skin will lose its elasticity and healthy tone. The role of oil in caring for hands and nails is simply irreplaceable! The main purpose of use is to nourish, restore and protect the skin. To achieve good results, you should not limit yourself to one month of regular use of the oil. It’s better to make it a rule to constantly lubricate your hands and nails with it, and then they will look well-groomed and neat at any age!

It is especially important to take care of your skin in winter, so lubricating your hands with cedar oil moisturizes chapped skin. The presence of antioxidants stops the process of aging and wilting, with minimal effort required from you! To care for the skin of your hands, it is enough to lubricate it with oil at night. Already in the morning the result will be stunning!

If you lubricate your nail plate with cedar oil, it will become stronger and your nails will grow faster. Now you won’t need extensions or artificial nails for a beautiful manicure, as you will have your own healthy, long and strong nails! When lubricated, the cuticle softens, so you will need a manicure much less often.

Cedar oil in cosmetology for hair


The use of cedar oil in cosmetology helps to get rid of the main problems with hair and scalp. Baldness, hair loss, dandruff, inflammation and itching will forever be a thing of the past if you add a few drops of cedar oil to masks and balms.

To achieve the best effect, make a mask at home: mix 1 yolk, 3 drops of cedar oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey This composition is applied to the hair roots and washed off with shampoo after 30 minutes.

The following remedy is used against dandruff: freshly brewed tea, cedar oil and vodka are added in equal proportions. Mix until smooth and apply to hair and scalp for a couple of hours. This product should be used 2 times a week, and the course duration is from 2 to 3 months.

The use of cedar oil helps even those who suffer from oily scalp. For regular care, you can apply a couple of drops to your comb, and your hair will delight you with natural shine, radiance, silkiness and a pleasant aroma every day!