Vitamins to prevent aging

Each of us is ready to consume tons of anti-aging vitamins, just to preserve freshness and beauty forever. Today in the women’s club “Those over 30” we are talking about what helps to prolong the radiance of youth, prevent premature aging and postpone this inevitable process for some time.

Vitamins that slow down the aging process

Vitamin C is recognized as an effective “fighter” for youthful skin. Although, of course, many people know about its properties that increase immune defense. This vitamin is involved in the production of collagen and actively protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Ascorbic acid is found in:

  1. citrus fruits,
  2. sauerkraut,
  3. sweet pepper,
  4. strawberries,
  5. pineapples,
  6. broccoli cabbage.

Vitamin E ensures the health and integrity of skin cells. It actively strengthens membranes, protecting cells from the entry of harmful components.

Vitamin A, or beta-carotene, is responsible for growth, renewal of the cellular composition of the skin, also improving its structure.

The sources of this beneficial component are fiery red and dark green vegetables, for example:

If you include these vitamins in a balanced manner in your diet, premature aging can be avoided.

Of course, this is not a complete list of vitamins that help in the fight against premature aging.

Now let's look at the situation from the point of view: “problem - recommendation”.

Anti-aging vitamins: how to improve skin tone?

Wrinkles and stars

Let's start with the main sign of skin aging - wrinkles. If you have wrinkles, especially prematurely, it means the skin lacks polyunsaturated fatty acids. After all, they are responsible for elasticity and provide skin protection.

In addition, there is, as they say, a lack of vitamin C. Its deficiency is expressed in the premature appearance of fine wrinkles and the formation of deep folds.

By the way, the appearance of “stars” on the skin is also associated with a deficiency of ascorbic acid. After all, if the body does not receive enough of this vitamin, subcutaneous hemorrhages occur very, very easily, transforming into these very “stars”.

Dull complexion and sagging skin

These signs indicate that you are not getting enough vitamins from aging facial skin. In this particular case there is probably biotin or vitamin H deficiency. It is what promotes a beautiful and even complexion and keeps the skin toned.

Biotin is found in egg yolks, nuts, liver, and milk.

What vitamins do we need at different ages?

Vitamins that slow down aging after 30 years

In fact, natural beauty is only entering its prime at this age. You just need to keep your skin, hair, and nails in good condition, and make sure that the ovaries and the reproductive system in general function, as they say, like clockwork.

Recommended vitamins E, B3, B6, B9, B12.

After 35

To prolong youth at this age, it is important for women to receive vitamins that would support the functions of the ovaries, which produce hormones.

Vitamins E, B6, B9, B12, A, C are shown.

After 40

As a rule, during this period, women’s menstrual function actively fades away, and a smooth transition to menopause occurs. The ovaries begin to produce less and less estrogen. But they are the ones who maintain youth.

It is impossible to stop the aging process, but it is worth maintaining beauty using vitamins famous for their antioxidant activity.

The most important vitamins at this age are A, E, C, F, B12.

After 45

There is an acute deficiency of estrogen hormones. The skin is no longer so elastic, there are many wrinkles, severe problems with nails and hair arise. Problems with excess weight, the cardiovascular system and more can be smoothed out if you add vitamins D, F, K to your diet. And still do not forget about antioxidants: C, E, A.

After 50-55 years, you should not forget about the importance of vitamins A, E, C, D, F, K. They help retain moisture in the skin, strengthen nails, hair, teeth, reduce swelling and restore skin structure.

It is not always possible to get everything you need for youth and beauty from food alone.

Vitamin complexes on sale

Today the market is literally overflowing with a variety of complexes, which some people simply call “anti-aging vitamins for women.” However, these products contain not only vitamins as such, but also other components. In addition, each complex has its own specifics.

Here is just a short list of complexes that you can find on sale, but we want to emphasize: the club does not advertise them, but simply provides information for thought. So, among the common vitamin complexes there are: Alphabet Cosmetics, Vitrum Beauty, Duovit for women, Lady's formula products, Farmamed, Pantovigar, Wellwoman and others.

In addition, often cosmetics and care products contain many of the listed vitamins. You can also do procedures at home to maintain skin tone. Or sign up for a salon to pick up products to maintain complexion, smooth skin and a youthful glow.

Extend the enjoyment of your own beauty for many years! It doesn't matter how old you are according to your passport.

If the body does not regularly and in sufficient quantities receive the so-called anti-aging vitamins, then no beauty is immune from premature aging of the skin. Therefore - care, careful and attentive attitude towards yourself!

How to delay hair loss

What to do: First, you need to be examined for thyroid pathologies. If there is a pathology, then it needs to be stopped. Because ultimately, such diseases - most often in women - affect hair growth and hair loss. The second is a head examination by a dermatologist. The goal is to identify and overcome diseases of the hair follicles, problems with blood circulation in the scalp, and hair fragility.

What medications to take for prevention: anti-seborrhea shampoos, restorative groups of vitamins A and E, as well as other vitamins and supplements: Nagipol (126 rubles), Revalid-Teva (435 rubles), Doppelhertz Beauty (355 rubles), Time Expert (440 rubles), Nurkrin Woman (2834 RUB), Solgar (1408 RUB), Nature's Bounty (1075 RUB), Lady's Formula (1024 RUB), Natrol Omega 3-6-9 (2201 RUB).

External means: masks, shampoos, complexes: Doctor Konopka (401 rubles), conditioning mask Burdock (99 rubles), Fitoval shampoo (363 rubles), System 4 complex (1640 rubles), Sesderma Seskavel (1127 rubles), Vichy Derkos (830 rubles)

How to delay skin aging

What to do: First of all, stop smoking. It directly affects the condition of the skin: its elasticity, smoothness, “wrinkling”. Secondly, if you have problems with rashes, redness, etc., do not neglect them and see a dermatologist. With age, the course of these diseases can worsen: they need to be kept under control.

External means: creams, masks, complexes for the face with collagen: Libriderm mask (407 rubles), KORA lifting cream (550 rubles), Deora lifting serum (901 rubles), Algotherm lifting serum (1686 rubles), Libriderm Anti-Age (307 RUB), Limoni collagen (1664 RUB), intensive serum Estederm (5160 RUB).

How to delay memory aging

What to do: Train your memory. The easiest way: read 10-20 lines of poetry every day, try to memorize the quatrains. Any load will be good: read and try to remember information, play chess. These preventatives really work.

What medications to take: to supply the brain with oxygen - “Nootropic”, vitamin complex “Undevit” to stimulate brain function.

Drugs that improve brain activity: Memoplant (220 rubles), Ostrum (246 rubles), Glycine Forte (69 rubles), Solgar Neronutrients (919 rubles), Bilobil (480 rubles), Cerebramin (547 rubles).

How to Delay Problems with Sexual Desire

What to do: In women, sexual desire very much depends on hormonal changes, including those associated with monthly cycles - here you need consultations with an endocrinologist and gynecologist, plus exercises for stimulation. In men, a decline in sexual desire may be associated with an age-related decline in testosterone production. A healthy lifestyle, physical activity, and gradual abandonment of bad habits will help “keep” it at this level.

What medications to take: for men – “Viagra”, for women – “Laveron”.

Tonics for prevention: for men – Doctor sea extra strength (247 rubles), Doppelgerts VIP spermactive (614 rubles), Tribestan (1196 rubles), Nairin ginseng-gingko (1893 rubles), Orthomol fertil plus (4540 rubles); for women: Angelica forte (530 rubles), Laveron (423 rubles), Ladys form energy-tonic (520 rubles).

How to delay aging of joints and bones

What to do: Most often, arthrosis and arthritis lead to aging of joints and bones. Early diagnosis of these diseases is very important. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the first signs: stiffness and aches in the morning, long “pacing” after sleep. Sometimes timely prescribed therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, and special walking are enough to preserve healthy joints for many years.

What medications to take: warming ointment "Diclofenac", ointments and joint plasters "Voltaren".

Means for prevention: preparations containing Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulfate, Chondroitin Verte (467 rubles), Teraflex (2891 rubles), Teraflex Advance (1150 rubles) and Teraflex Chondrocream Forte (328 rubles), Artra (from 550 rubles), Sustagard Arthro (578 rubles).

It's no secret that for beauty skin it is necessary to do the same thing that we do to combat excess weight, to strengthen the cardiovascular system, for longevity and simply for a good mood. Namely: get enough sleep, exercise regularly and eat right.

It is important to remember that the true source of youth is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. If this foundation is missing, then no potions or creams can help your skin.

Before we talk about what harms our skin, let's look at the products designed to make our skin beautiful. Below are some recommendations.

Green and red vegetables

All orange-red vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. This vitamin, in turn, protects cells from destruction and premature aging. Moreover, spinach and most green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin A.

In the case of nuts, especially almonds, the benefits are due to their high antioxidant content. Vitamin E contained in nuts helps retain moisture and actively fights free radicals, which accelerate the aging process of the skin.

Vitamin C, which citrus fruits are rich in, helps the body produce collagen. This protein is the basis of the structure of the skin. A decrease in collagen and its breakdown lead to sagging skin, and the vitamin C contained in citrus fruits tightens it again.

Youthful skin

When we talk about eating right for healthy and youthful skin, it is extremely important to start your work in this direction by learning not only what to eat, but also what to avoid. Eating heavily on skin-healthy foods while continuing to eat destructive foods will not achieve anything.

You can almost always tell by the color of a person’s face how he eats and, in general, his state of health. Let's look at foods that negatively affect complexion.

For example, resistance to leptin and insulin is a major accelerator of the aging process. It manifests itself both from the inside and from the outside, for this reason it is extremely important to monitor the level of these elements in order to look young and be generally healthy.

The most effective way to reduce leptin and insulin levels is to reduce or eliminate sugar, especially fructose, and grains from your diet as much as possible. Moreover, if you intend to benefit from the products that we will talk about below, you will definitely need to give up sugary soda.

What is good for the skin

Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet, gives great tips on how to use foods to improve your complexion. She also explains why products have such a powerful effect on our skin.

The main idea of ​​her book is that for clean and healthy skin it is necessary to rid your body of toxins, cleanse it of dangerous substances in a timely manner and at the same time give it the necessary elements.

The organs responsible for the beauty of the skin are the kidneys and liver, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, large and small intestines.

Liver and kidneys - these are organs that regularly, without interruption, filter everything that enters our body. If a person’s nutrition is far from correct, then these organs begin to wear out. The result is boils and other skin problems.

Thyroid - an organ that, when receiving proper nutrition, produces hormones that the human body needs for energy. Flabby, flaky and dry skin is an indicator of poor functioning of this organ.

Adrenal glands produce the most important hormones in the human body (testosterone, progesterone, DHEA, pregnenolone and estrogen). Hormonal imbalance is also a cause of skin problems.

Small and large intestine provide nutrients to all organs and remove waste from the body. When what needs to leave the body is retained in the intestines, our skin quickly becomes oily and inflamed. Clean and flawless skin is an indicator of clean intestines.

Your main strategy is to eat a diet that suits your type, with organic and whole foods a priority. Only this will help you get rid of toxins naturally and get what your body needs to function normally.

Skin beauty

Some products have been particularly successful in the area of ​​beauty and radiance. So, one of your first healthy strategies should be to get enough good quality omega-3 fats. This is such a reliable indicator that you can understand a person’s needs for this element only by shaking his hand.

If the hand is not smooth and soft, then this is a sure sign that the person is suffering from omega-3 deficiency. Moreover, many reputable experts agree with this diagnosis and recommend seafood as the main source of omega-3 fats. However, this is a very controversial recommendation because fish today is so contaminated that if you eat it, you will get more harm from the toxins than the benefit from the omega-3s.

Therefore, take high-quality omega-3 supplements. One of the best is krill oil. Its benefits are generally greater than those of regular fish oil because it has higher antioxidant levels, is more bioavailable, is not rancid, and is more stable.

Therefore, when dealing with dry skin, the first point is to have a sufficient amount of omega-3 fats in the diet, especially in winter. During the cold season, you can even increase the dose. The second point is to eat enough vegetables.

It is not uncommon for 75-year-old women to look at least 20 years younger, or even more, and have virtually no wrinkles. As it turns out, the vast majority of these women, in addition to leading a healthy lifestyle, drink freshly squeezed juices.

How to prolong youthful skin

Vegetables contain large amounts of both nutrients and water. Moreover, vegetables are a catalyst for the activation of the body’s natural detoxification systems. So, to keep your liver healthy, it needs to be supported by green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, dandelion greens, kale and chlorella.

The simplest and easiest way to consume the right amount of vegetables in your daily life is to juice them. Adjust the amount of vegetables and juice you need based on your food type.

In general, include as many raw foods as possible in your diet, including those without allergies, and raw dairy products, as they are also the source of youthful skin. However, dairy products become potentially harmful when they are pasteurized. Avoid these whenever possible.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, problems in our body are provoked not by the food itself, but by the changes its natural states undergo before reaching our table. Therefore, only raw dairy products are healthy.

Another category of products that are known for their impact on skin health are fats and oils (cold pressed and raw). Coconut oil is extremely beneficial for the thyroid gland. Also be sure to include foods that contain antioxidants in your diet, which includes most berries.

An important group of products that also need to be mentioned are cultured (fermented) products. They promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestines, helping to digest food faster. Benefits also include support for immune function, increased digestive enzymes, omega-3, lactic acid, B vitamins, lactase and other beneficial elements that fight harmful bacteria.

How to prolong the beauty of your skin

Research has proven that eating richly colored foods promotes a healthy complexion. Carotenoids (xanthophylls and carotenes), which give vegetables and fruits their bright color, are found not only in orange, red and yellow fruits, but also in green vegetables.

The more yellow and red pigments a person contains in his skin, the more attractive he looks. If the complexion turns red, this is due to a rush of blood. As a result of one experiment, it turned out that if there is a choice between tanned skin and skin color obtained as a result of the action of carotenoids, then a person prefers the second.

Therefore, if you want healthy skin color, then you need to switch to eating healthy foods.

What else affects the skin?

Physical activity is also an important factor, and if you can switch from aerobic exercise to more serious exercise, you will naturally increase the level of growth hormone in your body, which, in turn, significantly slows down the rate of aging. Good sleep and proper management of problems related to emotional stress are also excellent measures to restore your physical attractiveness.

One of the best ways to get out of emotional stagnation is the technique of psychological acupressure. There is a lot of information about her on the Internet.

What do you put on your skin?

Today there is a lot of debate about whether and at what level some ingredients applied to the skin have any effect. As we said above, eating antioxidant-rich foods is fundamental to protecting your skin from premature aging that occurs due to excessive free radical activity.

Proper skin care

When applied topically, antioxidants can provide this level of protection, but the challenge is finding a product that contains the right amounts of the beneficial substances. Skin care products contain a huge amount of not entirely harmless chemicals, and often very, very few beneficial ingredients.

It is important to understand that almost everything we apply to the skin is absorbed by the body, so carefully study the composition of the care product. If the cream contains antioxidants, this is not a guarantee that the benefits will be on your face, because you don’t know what else is hidden in this tube.

So, treat what you put on your skin as responsibly as you do food, and feed your skin with the best natural ingredients.

It is also important to talk about something that few people realize. The vast majority of toxins we are exposed to every day enter our bodies not through food, but through the skin. It has a very high absorption capacity. For example, on average 2.3 kg of chemicals enter the female body together with cosmetics annually.

Thus, the skin needs thoughtful care, the same as care for the internal organs, because proper nutrition with a thick layer of chemicals on the skin is, at the very least, counterproductive.

Take a closer look at care products containing jojoba oil, aloe vera juice, cocoa butter, coconut oil, rice bran extract, cold-pressed coconut oil, palm oil, murumuru oil. These ingredients are very powerful individually, but when combined they greatly help the skin become softer and more hydrated, without the body being burdened with excess toxins.

Along with a nutrient-rich diet, remember to use natural and organic moisturizers to help your skin.