Cupping massage for illnesses and injuries

Cupping massage is amazing because it combines effective influencing forces and cupping. The action of cupping therapy is based on the reflex method, which, in turn, is based on the occurrence of irritation of skin receptors caused by cupping. Under the influence of the vacuum created by the banks, fatty tissue is destroyed. Baro-, thermo- and pain receptors are also irritated. In the process of exposure, the circulation of blood, lymph, interstitial fluid improves, tissue trophism improves, and the immune system is strengthened.

Stroking and rubbing, which are often used in the procedure, lead to activation of capillary blood circulation, which helps improve metabolic processes in tissues. Stagnant formations disappear, swelling decreases, and skin respiration improves in the massaged area of ​​the body. The skin after this procedure becomes smoother, firmer, and more elastic.

Under the influence of the vacuum that is formed in the process, extracts of the sebaceous and sweat glands are released, which contain substances that are toxic to our body. The effect is achieved no less effective than in a bath or sauna. The tone and elasticity of the skin increases, stagnation is eliminated, and the resulting adhesions in the muscles dissolve. This method also has an analgesic effect. Pain relief is due to the fact that in the process there is a release of serotonin and endogenous opiates. During the rubbing process, the excitability of the nerves decreases, which ultimately reduces pain.

The stroking technique, in turn, has a calming effect on the central nervous system. The process involves central and peripheral mechanisms of the nervous system. If there is sputum, it leaves, breathing improves, if the body temperature is elevated, it decreases. No known reflex method can provide such effective and rapid development of pain relief and relaxation. A feeling of warmth occurs within the first minutes.

Cupping massage

Cupping massage for healing the body

Medicinal properties

Today, the effect and medicinal properties of jars have been well studied and described.

  1. In the process, there is an improvement in blood circulation, lymph, and interstitial fluid.
  1. On the massaged area, skin respiration improves, metabolism increases, and congestion is eliminated. After the first procedures, the skin becomes smoother, firmer, and more elastic. Increases resistance to mechanical and temperature factors.
  1. In the area where cupping massage is performed, biologically active points called enzymes are formed. Exposure to them triggers restoration and metabolic processes.
  1. In addition, vacuum cupping massage helps remove harmful substances and toxins from the body. There is an improvement in joint mobility, stiffness in the back muscles is reduced, muscle tension is removed, and muscle sensitivity improves.
  1. Under the influence of the performed techniques, an extract of sweat and sebaceous glands is released, which contains substances that are toxic to the body in excessive consistencies.
  1. Due to the powerful blood flow, metabolism is activated in areas with excess fat deposits. Under the influence of vacuum, the structure of adipose tissue becomes softer and more pliable for subsequent breakdown.
  1. Vacuum massage helps with obesity and cellulite.

Contraindications for use

Despite the effective and healing properties of massage cups, the procedure has its contraindications for use.

  1. High body temperature, acute inflammatory processes
  2. Malignant and benign tumors
  3. Heart rhythm disturbance
  4. Various skin diseases, skin damage, acne
  5. Varicose veins, blood diseases
  6. Pregnancy and postpartum period
  7. Presence of allergic reactions
  8. Individual intolerance to the procedure
  9. Cups should not be placed in the area of ​​the heart, kidneys, spine, or in the area of ​​the mammary glands in women.

Execution technique

Depending on what goal needs to be achieved from this procedure, kinetic and static methods are performed. In some cases, a combination of these is used. At the beginning and end of each procedure, a stroking technique is performed, taking into account the direction of the lymphatic pathways.

As a rule, children over 14 years of age and adults are given from 10 to 16 cans. Banking is allowed from the age of three. The procedure for children is practically no different from the procedure for adults. Only the session should last no more than 10 minutes.

Technique for placing cups for an adult:

  1. Cups are installed only on a flat surface of the body, excluding bony protrusions or depressions.
  1. Before installing the jars, the surface of the body is lubricated with sterile oil or Vaseline. The jars are installed simultaneously, at a distance of 1-3 cm from each other.
  1. The duration of one procedure lasts 10-25 minutes.
  1. Once the cans are installed, the patient is covered with a blanket.
  1. After a certain time, the cups are carefully removed so as not to cause pain. This is done as follows: with your left hand you tilt the jar slightly, and with your right hand you gently press on the skin at the neck of the jar. Air will penetrate into the resulting gap and the can will easily come off. A signal that it is time to remove the jars is intense coloration of the skin inside the jar.
  1. After removing the cups, gently wipe the skin with a soft towel.
  1. After the procedure, the patient must lie in bed for 1.5-2 hours.

If the patient experiences severe pain during the procedure and there is severe bruising afterwards, the procedure will not be repeated.

The body is lubricated with massage oil or cream. The figure shows the directions in which sliding massage movements should be made. The procedure can be carried out daily, no more than 10 minutes. Depending on the patient’s condition, the number of procedures is calculated.

cupping massage

Scheme of movements for various diseases

Options for massage movements can be:

  1. Zigzag
  2. Spiral
  3. Straight-line
  4. Eights

If the patient feels pain, you can reduce the speed of movements, add more cream or oil, or reduce the vacuum in the jar. Each movement must be performed 5-6 times.

The advantage of this procedure is that it can be performed at home. But in order to avoid the appearance of bruises, small veins, and also to achieve good results, you need to do everything correctly and safely.

Vacuum massage for weight loss at home can deal with cellulite. For this we need vacuum massage jars. You can buy them at any pharmacy. Before the procedure, you need to prepare the body. Take a warm shower and cleanse your body with a scrub. It is desirable that the scrub contains natural ingredients (sugar, salt, essential oils).

Apply massage oil to your body and begin the procedure. The diagram shows the directions of movement. Any girl can easily master this technique. Cupping massage, reviews of which are positive, will give the body the desired shape.

Cupping massage

Scheme for performing massage movements at home


For osteochondrosis of the spine, the massage therapist performs a back massage using sliding movements from the lower back to the cervical vertebra and back. The movements are straight. If the patient has cervical osteochondrosis, he is performed in circular movements around the seventh vertebra. To find the seventh vertebra, simply tilt your head and the vertebra will protrude. The movements are performed clockwise without touching the seventh vertebra.


For colds, the area from the lower corners of the shoulder blades towards the shoulders is massaged, and the lateral surfaces of the chest are also massaged. Under the influence of silicone massage cups, breathing improves and phlegm is removed. For better results, it is recommended to drink tea with lemon after the procedure.

For cellulite

Cellulite is a disease known to many women. In this case, the procedure is performed with silicone cups on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The movements are performed in a circular manner. Straight and zigzag. Remember that you cannot massage the inner thigh.

Massage cupping therapy can cure diseases, eliminate cosmetic skin defects, remove toxins from the body and improve blood circulation. It is also used to relieve pain and tissue regeneration.