Massage for a woman aged 50

Hello! In this article we will talk about facial massage after 50 years. By this age, deep wrinkles and age spots are already clearly visible, the skin becomes flabby and lifeless. Many women believe that they can only regain their beauty and youth through plastic surgery, Botox or other expensive procedures, but you can look great after 50 even without constant trips to the beauty salon.


Causes of age-related skin changes

The skin of the face very gradually begins to lose its youth, so until the age of 25 no one thinks about wrinkles. It is this age that many call the “starting point,” although the individual characteristics of the body may slightly delay this point for several years. From the age of 25, the skin slowly begins to fade:

  1. Metabolism slows down;
  2. Skin cells divide less actively;
  3. Cell membranes become thinner, which leads to faster evaporation of moisture;
  4. Collagen fibers begin to die faster than new ones are formed.

Although age-related changes begin early, it is after 45-50 years that the condition of facial skin deteriorates significantly. This is due to menopause, which is followed by hormonal changes in the body. On the face, this stress from changes is most noticeable, since all its life the skin of this area has taken the blow from negative environmental factors: ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes, increased moisture evaporation etc.

External skin changes are associated with a lack of certain components:

  1. Collagen, which is necessary to create fibers that attach the skin to the muscles;
  2. Hyaluronic acid, as well as some other polysaccharides that retain water inside cells;
  3. Elastin, which supports the “flexibility” of cells and their systems.

Almost all of these substances can be artificially saturated with the skin. Many high-quality cosmetics for skin after 50 years are labeled as containing collagen or hyaluronic acid. Injections can also be performed in a beauty salon. However, you can lead to the natural production of these components with proper facial and health care.

Specifics of facial massage

When to massage? The procedure can be performed at any time, but the most favorable time is in the evening before bedtime, since after a massage the skin is very sensitive, which means it is not recommended to go outside. If you prefer to massage in the morning, make sure that at least 30 minutes have passed before applying makeup and leaving the house.

How to prepare your skin for a massage?

  1. Before the massage procedure, you need to cleanse your face. Even if you have not applied makeup before, you should use a lotion that will wash away the remnants of night or day cream and cleanse the skin of secretions. Most techniques use manual massage, so you should wash your hands thoroughly so as not to bring dust onto your defenseless facial skin.
  2. Most massage techniques are performed on prepared skin to ensure comfortable glide. You can use vegetable oils or any rich cream for daily care. Don't be afraid to use too much product, the skin should have a "shine" effect. After 50 years, facial massage on dry skin is a rather traumatic procedure. At the end, the remaining oil or cream is washed off with warm water.

Duration of massage depends on the technique, but usually varies from 10 to 15 minutes. Longer contact with the face leads to irritation and pain.

During the session, you should not press or pinch yourself too much, as the face is a very sensitive area.

Facial massage techniques

There are many massage techniques, each of which has its own nuances. Some of the techniques are used in beauty salons, but this does not exclude the possibility of conducting a session yourself at home. You should not hope for an instant result after a massage, since launching the rejuvenation mechanism is a complex process. However, after about 2-4 weeks you will notice improvements.

You need to choose one type of massage to stick with. This way you will quickly remember the sequence of actions, and the session will become a habit; in addition, focusing on one technique is less stressful for the body.

Japanese massage Asahi after 50 years

Asahi facial massage has existed for a very long time, but it gained worldwide fame thanks to TanakaYukuko, who created a series of video lessons. There are several versions of massage, which are selected according to age. The Asahi technique after 50 focuses on the lower part of the face, since the main problem of this age is sagging cheeks.

Japanese facial massage is one of the fastest techniques, as it takes about 3 minutes. However, the effect on the skin should be as deep as possible, since the basis of the technique is deep kneading of the facial muscles. Each exercise is performed 3 times, but if you consider a certain area to be problematic, you can increase to 5-7 repetitions.

  1. The fingers are folded into fists with the thumb inward. They are applied to the corners of the lips so that the phalanx of the index finger is perpendicular. By pressing, the fists move from the lips to the ears so as to pass along the lower jaw. In the area of ​​the temples, the fists open and the palm is moved down to the collarbone.
  2. The palm is placed at the corners of the lips towards the wing of the nose. Alternately, the hands move to the inner corner of the eye so that the movement is continuous. After 3 repetitions, the palm moves along the cheekbone to the temple and down to the collarbone. The movement is made more difficult by the fact that the fingers of the second hand are placed on top. As one hand goes down to the collarbone, the other smoothes the skin under the chin and also extends to the collarbone.
  3. The palms are placed on the cheeks so that the middle finger is in the inner corner of the eyes. Slightly lifting the skin from the lower jaw, the palms smooth the face towards the ears and down to the collarbone.

In addition to these exercises, you can do other Asahi massage exercises for younger age groups.

You will learn a clear example and features of Asahi massage from the video.

Point technique

Acupressure is performed using the pads of the thumbs. Press with moderate force for 7 seconds. Work on each zone is not limited in the number of repetitions, however, in general, it is not recommended to delay the procedure for more than 10 minutes. Pressure is applied only at certain points - the lymph nodes - to promote the flow of this fluid. The necessary points are:

  1. At the top of the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows;
  2. At the wings of the nose;
  3. Under the lower lip in the center;
  4. Whiskey;
  5. Near the auricle.

There is no need to use oils or creams for this technique, as the transition from one point to another does not need to be smooth.

Tips from a cosmetologist for acupressure. How to apply pressure correctly and how much you need to do to achieve results.

Honey massage after 50 years

Honey facial massage at any age is only partly intended to warm up the muscles. First of all, this is a skin cleanser, so you should not perform the procedure as often as conventional techniques.

For the session you need natural honey. It's okay if it's candied and hard, since it's heated anyway. To do this, boiling water is poured into a cup, and a saucer of honey is placed on top. After about 5 minutes, the honey will become liquid and warm. One teaspoon will be enough. You can add essential oils to it. Vegetable oils can also participate in the process, but their presence will make the mixture less stable.

Honey is applied to the face with gentle massage movements. First the forehead, then the cheekbones and cheeks, and finally the chin. In the direction from the center to the ears and temples, honey is distributed over the face and rubbed into it. This should be done without pressure.

In fact, with light stroking you can finish the massage and wash off the honey with warm water, but patting movements will help to further cleanse the skin. It is best to use small pieces of natural fabric for them. When the honey has cooled a little and becomes sticky, a small piece of cloth is placed on any area and torn off sharply. You cannot repeat such actions in the same place, but if you go in a circle, you will notice that a white substance has collected on the material. When the cloth becomes too dirty, it needs to be changed.

The white matter is a combination of honey and salts that come out of the pores during the massage.

The procedure is very beneficial for the skin, but if you do it too hard, redness will be noticeable for a day or more.

Spoon technique

Regular teaspoons will do, but it is advisable not to use them for food.

  1. Before the session they are wiped with an antiseptic.
  2. The convex side of the metal smoothes the skin of the face from the center to the edges along massage lines.
    This is the easiest type of massage that does not require experience. You don't need to press on the spoons to stretch your facial muscles.
  3. Using cold or warm metal will be much more effective, so you can either leave the spoons in the freezer for a few minutes or dip them in a hot chamomile infusion.

Traditional home facial massage after 50 years

The traditional technique uses stroking the skin along massage lines. The palm does not press on the skin and does not try to warm it up, as with a regular massage. It is enough just to slightly lift the skin while stroking and pull it towards the temples or the edge of the forehead. During a traditional massage, the neck is always affected. All movements should be smooth and flow into each other.

Other types of massage

The techniques listed above are the most popular and interesting. They can be used manually without assistance. However, in addition to them, for rejuvenation you can resort to Spanish patting massage, hardware lymphatic drainage or Jacquet massage using pinching. Using these techniques independently is difficult, as certain knowledge is required. For example, pinch massage without proper guidance can easily injure the skin after 50 years. You can go to a salon for similar procedures to try their effect on yourself or try to reproduce it at home under the guidance of a specialist.

Facial massagers: types and uses

In beauty salons, facial massage is most often offered using a hardware method. There are different devices for this, the differences between which are in the effect:

  1. Ultrasonic smoothes and tightens the skin;
  2. Vacuum ones clean the face well;
  3. Oxygen improves skin color;
  4. Electrical ones activate internal processes;
  5. Mechanical ones are the simplest replacement for manual equipment with the same properties.

Such procedures are carried out several times a month, so their effect is comparable to peeling or another cosmetic procedure. Home techniques are designed for a longer lasting effect, so they can be combined.

How to care for adult skin at home

It is best to start fighting old age early. If you started taking proper care of your skin at the age of 25-30, then even after 50 you will amaze everyone with your appearance. This doesn't mean that if you come to your senses too late, nothing will work out. The main thing for caring for adult skin is an integrated approach. Home treatments should include high-quality cosmetics that are appropriate for your age category, skin type and even season.

In addition to night and day creams, you should have:

  1. Mild cleansing lotions, since you cannot wash your face with water with a high alkaline content, as when using soap;
  2. Several types of masks that need to be used about 2 times a week. Masks made from natural ingredients prepared at home are also suitable, but they are not suitable for storage;
  3. Special products for caring for certain areas. For example, the area around the eyes. And if you have combination skin, then it is much more effective to use creams for oily skin in the forehead and chin area;
  4. Facial scrubs, but periodically you need to attend a peeling procedure in the salon.

Moisturizing the skin is important, but do not use wet wipes or other products containing alcohol. Hydration can be internal, so drink more water in small portions. Be sure to do gymnastics and facial massage, since cosmetic products alone are not able to cope with age-related problems.

What will you achieve with proper skin care?

Facial massage in combination with other facial care procedures leads to 5-10 years of rejuvenation if the techniques are performed regularly once a day.

Some cosmetologists suggest using massage as a therapy course of 20 sessions, which should be carried out once every 2 days. However, for a long-lasting effect, massage is recommended to be performed daily. It doesn't take much time, but it has a good effect on facial tone.

Movement along the massage lines accelerates the flow of lymph, due to which swelling subsides and facial features become clearer. Kneading exercises improve blood circulation, which improves complexion and skin condition in general.

Massage will not remove age spots, but it can start the rejuvenation process. Deep wrinkles will become smoother, and the process of new ones appearing will slow down. This applies not only to age wrinkles, but also to facial wrinkles. Sagging cheeks will noticeably tighten, and the chin will look narrower. You will probably notice many other positive results.

Useful tips

In addition to massage and proper use of cosmetics, women over 50 should pay attention to other factors that affect the condition of their skin. The main ones are dehydration and lack of vitamins, so you need to get rid of wrinkles by increasing the amount of missing elements inside the body. Some of the moisture and nutrients can be delivered to the skin with masks. However, it is best to pay attention to your own diet. Drink plenty of clean water. Remember that tea, juices and other drinks will not fill cells with life-giving moisture. Eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, use vitamin and mineral complexes.

Stress can cause skin aging, so you need a deep night's sleep and no stress. Get out into the fresh air as often as possible, remembering to apply sunscreen or moisturizer. At the same time, try to avoid decorative cosmetics as much as possible, which quickly clog pores. Taking care of yourself is the first step to rejuvenation at any age.

Useful articles:

About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.

Every woman wants to remain young and beautiful, even in old age. Without effort, this will not be achieved. Over the years, appearance is subject to change, not for the better. You can maintain a young blooming appearance in different ways. The safest, most accessible treatment option is massage. Japanese facial massage by Asahi Zogan after 50 years should be in the arsenal of every lady who is not indifferent to her appearance. By combining influence with face-building, you can achieve incredible results.

Features of skin after 50 years

The aging process is inherent in nature. No matter how ideal care is provided to the skin, over time it will begin to lose important qualities. The speed of visible age-related manifestations depends on many factors (individual characteristics, lifestyle, behavior, level of care). In most cases, changes within the body begin to be reflected in the integument from the age of 25–30. After 40, the situation gets noticeably worse. The most noticeable changes occur at the 50–60-year mark.


After 50 years a hormonal shift occurs (menopause). The circumstance determines the rapid occurrence of aging processes. The skin becomes noticeably thinner and there is obvious wilting. The action of hormones helps to stop the production of elastin and hyaluronic acid, and active thickening of collagen fibers occurs. The subcutaneous fat layer becomes thinner and redistributed. Muscles suddenly lose elasticity. Fabrics become loose.

After the 55 year mark The “hormonal explosion” calms down. Processes become less intense. The skin is quite depleted, external changes are significant. The pigmentation process is active and deep wrinkles are formed. The skin dries out: moisture retention is significantly impaired. The tissues become flabby and sag.

The withering process continues actively until the age of 60. Further, intensive aging slows down. The skin enters a relatively stable phase of development. Many body processes are disrupted and slowed down. The integument responds poorly to any care. There are no rapid changes happening.

Indications for active care

Skin care is required at any age. The level of care depends on the condition of the integument, and age characteristics are taken into account. At 20–30 years old, regular cleansing is enough. At the age of 30–50, the need for nutrition, hydration, and procedures that maintain tone is added. Further, everything depends on the speed of spread of age-related changes. Individual characteristics, lifestyle, and insufficient care of the previous age period leave their mark.


If you don’t start anti-aging care at the age of 30–40, then by the age of 50 you can turn into an old woman in appearance. Correcting defects is more difficult. As a preventive measure, when signs of aging appear, procedures are started. A universal option is massage.

The method gives excellent results. The effectiveness of the method increases when the course is combined with face-building.

Properly selected technique and intensity of exposure are useful for the following problems:

  1. deterioration of skin condition (change in normal color, firmness, elasticity);
  2. the presence of imperfections in the integument (uneven relief, rashes, enlarged pores, scars, scars, stretch marks, uncharacteristic pigmentation);
  3. the appearance of swelling, bags;
  4. ptosis, folds, wrinkles.

Those who want to get rid of these problems need to perform a massage. You can start procedures at any age. Thanks to the effect, young integuments will receive cleanliness and tone. The appearance of age-related changes will be delayed. Results are achieved quickly.

For aging skin, a massage will help restore lost freshness and a toned appearance. Regular exposure promotes results: the formation of the correct oval, reducing the depth of wrinkles, minimizing sagging soft tissues.

Note! The quality of the lifting effect depends on the severity of the problem and the age at which the restorative massage was started.

Efficiency of the technique


Japanese Zogan (Asahi) massage is recognized by cosmetologists and dermatologists as an age-related (anti-aging) method. The effect gives the skin an excellent lymphatic drainage effect and has smoothing and tightening properties. Methods of working with integuments depend on the tasks set and the age of the patient.

The technique with the self-explanatory name “10 years ago” is considered to be the most popular for mature ladies.

The technique works by influencing superficial and deep muscles, and the lymphatic system is involved. The use of Asahi massage is recommended for mature women with obvious age-related changes.

For young skin, it is advisable to prefer a less dramatic effect. The optimal age for starting procedures is 40 years. It is during this period that skin aging becomes noticeable.

Impact technologies differ for different age categories. There is Zogan massage for skin after 40, 50, 60 years. The stages differ in the results achieved:

  1. Ladies 40–50 years old will be able to significantly delay aging, remove wrinkles that have not yet become deep, and achieve a tightened oval.
  2. It is more difficult for women aged 50–60 to achieve success. It will be possible to minimize large wrinkles, folds, ptosis, and eliminate numerous fresh mesh.
  3. After 60 years, working on your appearance becomes more difficult. Getting visible results is problematic.

Execution Rules

Zogan massage is characterized by a deep effect on the tissue. Manipulations require strong pressure. The methodology is considered tough. Pain during exposure is not allowed. Obtaining unpleasant symptoms indicates a violation of technology. You should immediately stop performing the actions and study the technique more carefully.

Detailed video tutorials will help you master it accurately. It is recommended to choose videos with Russian voice acting. Before performing an age-related massage yourself, it is recommended to use the services of a specialist. The correct movements of a professional will help consolidate the theoretical part. Self-massage will become easier.

A regular approach to procedures will allow you to get results at any age. It is recommended to do massage daily. It is advisable to perform the treatment twice: in the morning and in the evening. The session takes 10–15 minutes. Actions have no session limits. It is allowed to engage in appearance modeling using age-related techniques continuously.

Important! The massage is therapeutic in nature. It is required to strictly follow the impact technology. Involvement of the lymphatic system requires careful execution of procedures. Erroneous, overly active actions can negatively affect health.

Effective lymphatic drainage of the procedure is achieved by working out the final line by completing the exercise. The technology of exposure is simple: move your fingers from the upper border of the ear to the chin along the contour, eliminating pressure on the jaw joint. The drainage line, ear, and deep jaw lymph node are being worked on. They start and finish the line with pressure. Additionally, the point under the jaw (lower part of the chin) is stimulated with increased pressure.

Preparing for the session


Before performing an Asahi massage, be sure to thoroughly clean the treatment area. The skin is freed from cosmetics and washed using a suitable cosmetic product. Moisture is removed by carefully patting the skin with a napkin.

The cleansed skin is treated with special massage oil. It is acceptable to use cream (cosmetic milk). The base should ensure gliding movement of the hands, but not create excessive greasiness, worsening the result.

Before starting the session, it is recommended to carefully study the rules of execution, basic movements, and the location of the lymph nodes. Knowledge will help you implement the technique correctly and achieve results.

The session is carried out sitting (standing) in front of a mirror. This will help you strictly follow the methodology. The pose is relaxed, the posture is firm. Sufficient mastery of the technique allows you to choose a position. Cosmetologists recommend taking a lying position. A perfectly straight back helps improve the effect of the procedure.

Instructions for implementation

Each exercise of the complex is performed 3 times. After this, the lymphatic drainage line is worked on (the final maneuver). The complex is divided by age categories. Having crossed the appropriate threshold, current exercises are supplemented with new actions.

Asahi massage for 40–50 years old helps to achieve skin tone, smooth out dynamic expression wrinkles, lift the cheeks, and make the oval clearer. Perform the following actions:

  1. Hands clenched into fists are passed over the places where nasolabial wrinkles form. The movement is downward, directed from the wings of the nose to the chin. The hands draw a partial circle, meeting in the center of the chin.
  2. Place your palms out along the sides of your cheekbones. The movement is directed from top to bottom, ending near the ears. Action with pressure.
  3. Apply point pressure with your fingertips. The pressure is strong, the action delay is 3 seconds. They work on the chin, corners of the mouth, wings of the nose.
  4. The hand presses on the cheek. The second is to record the pressure force. Move along the cheekbone to the ear. From the end point, a movement along the edge of the lower jaw to the chin is performed simultaneously with hands, completing the action.


After 50–55 years, massage helps avoid the formation of jowls. Actions tighten flabby cheeks. The following actions allow you to achieve results:

  1. Fingers folded into a ring are directed from the jowl line to the ears.
  2. Smoothing of nasolabial folds is performed. The movement is upward. Perform alternately with the right and left hands.
  3. Place your left hand on your nose and your right hand on it. Draw a line to the ear.
  4. Place your palms on your cheeks. Press and slide towards the ears. Soft tissues are pushed upward.


It is important to make attempts to tighten a sagging chin, smooth out the skin of the neck for 60-year-olds. Perform actions:

  1. Fingers move from the center of the chin to the ear. The starting position is in the area of ​​typical sagging tissue. The movements are sliding, slow. The line outlines the contour, tightening the oval.
  2. A piece of natural fabric (cotton towel) is brought to the chin and pressed for 5 seconds. Fingers are drawn along the border of the oval.
  3. Cup your chin with your palm. They make a downward movement. They stop at the border of the neck and collarbone.


To consolidate the result, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important to give up sedentary pastime. Controlling facial expressions and performing face-building exercises will enhance the positive effects of massage.

Cost of a session in the salon

It is advisable to master Japanese Asahi massage on your own. You can perform the procedures at home without special knowledge. Regular classes are required, and the cost of a session in salons is significant: 500–2500 rubles. within 20–30 minutes of exposure.

To get visible results, you need to regularly perform the procedure for 3–4 weeks every 40–50 years. For ladies 50–60 years old, training will take 4–8 weeks. After 60 years, positive changes will occur in 3–4 months.

Precautionary measures

The main danger when performing Zogan massage is harm to health. The procedure involves affecting the lymph nodes. This must be done carefully. Deep tissue treatment should not cause pain. The presence of rashes and rosacea is a reason to postpone classes. Asahi massage is more suitable for ladies with a curvy face. Active actions can emphasize existing thinness. The appearance will become flat and expressionless.

It is recommended to completely abandon age-related massage in the following cases:

  1. colds of any nature (runny nose, sore throat, fever);
  2. damage to the integument (abrasions, inflammation);
  3. diseases of the lymphatic system;
  4. presence of oncology;
  5. autoimmune diseases.

Attention! It is advisable to postpone the procedure during menstruation or high blood pressure.

Gymnastics according to the Japanese method

Face building is a great way to maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin. The exercises can be performed at any age. The earlier training begins, the longer the skin will retain its youthful appearance. Trained muscles in old age are better able to withstand fading. It is acceptable to start doing gymnastics at the age of 50–60, but the overall effectiveness of the exercises will decrease (compared with the age group 30–40).

Exposure to face-building training will help increase the results achieved by massage. Gymnastics will tighten the muscles that support the tissues. Ptosis and wrinkles are minimized. At the age of 50 you will still be able to tighten up your oval, but after 60 it is problematic to do a miracle.

Spend 5-10 minutes a day on exercises. It is allowed to perform actions twice a day. Age-related gymnastics requires regularity. A careless attitude towards aerobics will not bring results. Elimination of swelling and improvement in skin color will occur after 1–2 weeks of training. To obtain anti-aging results, you will need to perform the procedures for 1-2 months.


A basic set of exercises is aimed at tightening the core muscles. Perform the following actions:

  1. Warm up the muscles. The effect is similar to performing the final technique during a massage.
  2. Impact on the eye area. The eyelids close. Fingers move in a circle from the inner corner to the outer one at the bottom, and vice versa at the top. Actions are performed along the boundaries of the eye sockets.
  3. Nasolabial folds. Use your fingers to move from the center of the chin to the wings of the nose, stopping the movement near the bridge of the nose.
  4. Formation of an oval. Using the edge of your palm at the base of the thumb, press on the contour (the area under the cheek). Carefully guide your hand towards the eye area, gently tightening the skin.
  5. Elimination of forehead wrinkles. With tightly clenched fingers, make movements from the center line of the forehead to the temples.

Exercises are performed 3–5 times. The complex is capable of expanding and changing depending on existing problems. After performing age-related gymnastics, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water and treat the skin with a suitable cream (a lifting effect is desirable).

You should expect tangible results after 2–3 months of performing the procedures. You will have to refuse the effects for the same reasons as the Asahi massage.

Take care of your appearance at any age. For ladies 40–60 years old, this is especially true. Only the efforts made and an integrated approach to caring for your appearance will return you to a youthful appearance.

Useful videos

Video lesson of Japanese massage after 50.

The content of the article:


The onset of age-related changes in the skin occurs at the age of 25-30. Depending on the degree of care, by the age of 50 the condition of the facial skin noticeably worsens, often requiring radical measures. The natural aging process at this age is exacerbated by menopause, which is followed by hormonal changes in the body. This factor manifests itself most noticeably on the face:

  1. wrinkles deepen;
  2. the skin becomes dry and flabby;
  3. even in the absence of excess weight, a double chin appears.

Facial massage, when performed correctly, can activate internal cellular processes, trigger the mechanism of cell rejuvenation and improve the appearance of the face.

Specifics of facial massage

The most favorable time to perform the procedure is the evening before bed, since after the massage the skin becomes very sensitive and it is not advisable to go outside after the session. If this is not possible, massage at any time, but after the procedure, at least half an hour should pass before applying makeup and leaving the house.

How to prepare your skin for a massage

Before performing a massage, you must first cleanse your facial skin. Even if there is no makeup on, still use lotion - it will wash away the remaining cream and cleanse the skin of secretions and street dust. Most techniques involve manual massage, so wash your hands thoroughly before working with your facial skin.

Before the procedure, the skin should be prepared for comfortable gliding. To do this, you can use vegetable oil (preferably olive) or any fatty cream intended for daily care. You need to apply the product until the skin shines. After 50 years, the skin is very dry and facial massage on insufficiently lubricated skin will be a rather traumatic procedure.


At the end of the procedure, the remaining cream or oil is washed off with warm water.

The duration of the massage depends on the technique used, usually it takes from 10 to 15 minutes. Longer active contact with facial skin is undesirable, as it will cause irritation and pain.

How to properly massage your face

During the massage, you should not press or pinch the skin too much, as the face is a very sensitive area.

Many massage techniques have been developed with their own nuances of implementation. Some of the techniques are more suitable for salon procedures, but this does not exclude the possibility of conducting a session yourself at home. With regular massage, you will notice improvements on your face in about 2-4 weeks.

Japanese facial massage Asahi

Asahi is a type of lymphatic drainage massage. It tightens the swollen oval of the face well, eliminates stagnation of lymph and fluid in the tissues, as a result of which sagging skin and swelling are reduced.

After 50 years, the Asahi technique focuses on the lower part of the face, since the main problem of this age is sagging cheeks and a sharp recession of the nasolabial folds.

The Japanese massage technique is based on deep kneading of the facial muscles; the effect on the skin should be as deep as possible. Therefore, the procedure itself takes about 3 minutes.


Each exercise should be performed 3 times; for the most problematic areas, you can perform 5-6 repetitions.

How to perform an Asahi facial massage

  1. Make fists with your thumbs facing inward. Place them on the corners of your lips so that the phalanx of your index finger is perpendicular. With noticeable pressure, move your fists from the lips to the ears, passing along the lower jaw. In the temple area, open your fists and move your palms down to your collarbones. Repeat three times.
  2. Place your palm on the corners of your lips towards the side of your nose. Move your hands alternately to the inner corner of the eye from bottom to top along the nasolabial fold so that the movement is continuous. Do 3 repetitions, then move your palm along your cheekbone to your temple and down to your collarbone. Place the fingers of the second hand on top for weighting, when one hand goes down to the collarbone, the other smoothes the skin under the chin and also goes out to the collarbone. Repeat the same on the other side.
  3. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your middle fingers are on the inner corners of your eyes. Smooth your face toward the ears and down toward the collarbone, lifting the skin slightly away from the lower jaw as you move. Do it three times.

All movements are performed slowly with moderate pressure.

Facial massage with honey after 50 years

Facial massage with honey stimulates blood circulation, promotes renewal of the epidermis, cleanses the skin and kneads the facial muscles. For the session you will need natural honey in liquid and warm form. If it is sugared, heat it in a water bath. One teaspoon of honey will be enough. If desired, you can add essential oils to it. There is no point in using vegetable oils for this massage. Pre-cleanse the skin of your face and hands with tonic.

Honey should be applied to the face with gentle massage movements. The forehead is treated first, then the cheekbones and cheeks, and finally the chin. Honey is distributed over the face from the center to the temples and ears and rubbed into the skin.

Please note that honey should be rubbed in without applying pressure.

You can finish the massage with light stroking and rinse off the honey with warm water if you have very sensitive skin on your face. However, whenever possible, use the tapping technique. This procedure is very beneficial for the skin. To do this, you can take small pieces of natural fabric, but it is better to do everything with your fingers.


The unique composition of honey starts the process of facial rejuvenation.

After applying honey to your face, touch your fingers to the skin so that they stick to the honey. Tear off your fingers with a moderately sharp movement. Avoid too sudden movements. Repeat the steps for 5 minutes. When finished, rinse off the honey with warm water.

Acupressure facial massage after 50 years

The acupressure technique is based on the impact of fingers on certain points - lymph nodes, for better drainage of this fluid. The necessary points are in the following places:

  1. whiskey;
  2. at the wings of the nose;
  3. under the lower lip in the center;
  4. near the auricle;
  5. at the top of the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows.

Apply moderate pressure to each point with the pads of your thumbs for 7 seconds. In general, the procedure should take about 10 minutes. This technique does not require the use of creams; there is no slipping on the skin.