Medical and Sanitary Assistance (Health Care)

Medical and Sanitary Assistance (Health Care) is a set of services provided by medical institutions to maintain and improve the health of the population. This care includes both primary and specialized and tertiary care.

Primary health care is the first level of health care that is provided to patients in health care settings. This level includes prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, as well as consultations with general practitioners and other specialists. The main goal of primary health care is to maintain the health of the population and prevent the development of diseases.

Specialized medical care is the second level of medical care, which is provided to patients with more complex diseases that require more in-depth diagnosis and treatment. This level includes specialized consultations and examinations of narrow specialists such as cardiologists, oncologists, neurologists and others. Specialized medical care allows you to determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Highly specialized medical care is the third level of medical care, which is provided to patients with the most complex and rare diseases that require highly qualified specialists and modern equipment. This level includes treatment in specialized medical centers, such as oncology or cardiology centers, as well as complex surgical operations.

Each level of medical care has its own characteristics and is aimed at solving specific health problems of patients. However, it is important to remember that Medical and Sanitary care must be comprehensive and cover all levels of medical care. Only in this case can the maximum effect be achieved in treating diseases and maintaining the health of the population as a whole.

In conclusion, Medical and Sanitary care is an important component of healthcare and is aimed at maintaining and improving the health of the population. Each level of medical care has its own characteristics and is aimed at solving specific health problems of patients. However, it is important to remember that only comprehensive medical and sanitary care can guarantee maximum effect in treating diseases and maintaining the health of the population. Therefore, it is important to seek medical care from medical institutions that provide all three levels of care to receive qualified care and care for your health. It is also necessary to monitor your health, undergo regular medical examinations and follow the recommendations of doctors in order to reduce the risk of disease and maintain health for many years.

Health Care includes primary health care, specialized health care and tertiary care.

Primary health care is the basic level of the health care system, including activities for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of the most common diseases and conditions, as well as medical rehabilitation.

Specialized medical care is provided by medical specialists for diseases that require special diagnostic methods, treatment and the use of complex medical technologies.

Highly specialized medical care represents unique types of medical care provided for diseases using innovative technologies.

Thus, health care includes the entire range of medical services - from the simplest to the most complex, ensuring comprehensive health protection of the population.

**Medical care** is a set of measures aimed at maintaining and restoring human health. Medical care includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as the provision of first aid in accidents and other emergency situations.

Depending on the severity of the disease or the patient's health status, medical care may be primary or secondary. The main task of primary health care, provided by clinics, medical centers, and ambulances, is to provide diagnosis, preventive treatment or drug therapy. Specialized care, provided by a clinic or specialized department of a hospital, provides more detailed examination and treatment procedures. Highly specialized medical care is aimed at completely eliminating diseases and is based on the use of the most modern technologies and methods of diagnosis and treatment. Organization of medical

Medical and Sanitary Assistance (Healthcare) __Health Care –__ *is a set of measures to preserve and strengthen the health of the population through the organization and implementation of disease prevention, provision of medical care at all stages of its provision for all nosologies in medical organizations of various forms of ownership and organizational and legal forms provision of medical services.*

_Medical care is divided into the following types:_ * **Primary** (First primary care): it can be primary health care and primary specialized; * **Secondary care