Medical Groups

In the modern education system, physical education is an integral part of the educational process. However, not all students can participate in physical activities at the same level. That is why, in schools and other educational institutions, there are medical groups that allow those who have certain health problems and need additional training to engage in physical education and sports.

Medical groups were introduced into the curriculum in order to ensure safety and improve the quality of physical education classes. They are divided into three types: basic, preparatory and special.

The main medical group is intended for healthy children and adolescents who have sufficient physical fitness. These students can engage in physical activity without restrictions, but under the supervision of medical personnel.

The preparatory medical group is intended for children and adolescents with an insufficient level of physical fitness, but who can engage in physical exercise without serious consequences for health. Such students must undergo additional training and supervision by health professionals.

A special medical group is intended for students who have health problems, but can still engage in physical education and sports. These students should undergo regular medical examinations and receive individualized physical education recommendations.

Thus, medical groups are an important tool for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of physical education classes in educational institutions. They allow us to take into account the individual characteristics of each student and provide him with the necessary physical activity.

Medical groups

Medical groups are groups of students who participate in state programs of physical education and sports. These groups are identified based on data on their health status and physical development. There are three medical groups in total: the main group, which is intended for healthy and physically fit students, the preparatory group for those who have problems with physical fitness, but are in a healthy state, and a special group for students with health problems.

The main medical group is intended for schoolchildren studying in specialized schools with a high level of requirements for the physical capabilities of students. Students who have only minor deviations in physical condition can be included in the main group. The preparatory medical group does not require such high levels of athletic training. It is intended for students who have previously been involved in sports, but require additional training to achieve high results. The special medical group consists of students who require treatment for health-related diseases in order to engage in physical activity. Such medical groups have a significant impact on the development and formation of a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren. It is worth noting that sometimes the term “physical education group” is used along with medical groups. It also includes three stages - basic, preparatory and special, however, the differences between these terms lie in the approach to the formation of these groups. Physical education groups are based on the student's physical development and capabilities, while medical groups are based on the patient's medical data.