Melanosis Diffuse

Diffuse melanosis (diffuse, widespread multicentric, generalized and generalized melanosis) is assigned the ICD-10 code - D22.8. The syndromes of diffuse melanosis and melanoma are considered very similar. The difficulty in carrying out differential diagnosis lies in the fact that Melanoma and Melanososis may have common malignant precursors - pigment cells of the hair apparatus (melanocytic), adrenal medulla, nervous tissue (ganglionic) and organs of the endocrine system (epithelial cells of the salivary and sweat glands, sebaceous glands skin). (in the skin, melanin is detected both in the form of cytoplasmic granules and in intranuclear ones).

When examining a patient with a suspected diagnosis of Melanosis, it is necessary to analyze in detail the medical history, personal experience, previous diseases indicating their stage, the form of the disease, symptoms associated with this change, sun tolerance, examination data of the skin: color