
Melatonin: what is it and how does it affect our body

Melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone, is a natural compound that is produced in the brain of humans and animals. It plays an important role in regulating circadian rhythms and sleep-wake patterns. In this article we will look at what melatonin is, how it affects our body and how we can use it to improve sleep quality and treat certain diseases.

What is melatonin?

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced in the pineal gland of the brain. Its production in the human body begins in the dark and decreases in the light. This means that melatonin production is higher at night than during the day. Melatonin helps regulate the body's circadian rhythms, which control physiological processes such as sleep-wake, body temperature and hormone production.

How does melatonin affect sleep?

Melatonin plays a key role in regulating sleep and wakefulness. When melatonin levels in the body increase, it causes sleepiness. On the other hand, when melatonin levels decrease, it helps you wake up. Melatonin may also improve sleep quality, reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, and reduce the likelihood of waking up during the night.

How to use melatonin to improve sleep?

Melatonin is available as dietary supplements and prescription medications. However, you must consult your doctor before using it. Your doctor may recommend melatonin as a treatment for insomnia or other sleep disorders. If you decide to use melatonin as a dietary supplement, follow the instructions on the package and do not exceed the recommended dose.

Melatonin and health

Melatonin may also have positive effects on human health. Some studies have shown that melatonin may help reduce stress and pain, as well as improve immune function. Melatonin may also be useful in treating certain conditions, such as insomnia, depression, Parkinson's disease and seasonal affective disorder.

In conclusion, melatonin is a natural hormone that plays an important role in regulating circadian rhythms and sleep-wake patterns. It can be used to improve sleep quality and treat certain diseases. However, before using melatonin as a dietary supplement or treatment, you should consult your doctor. Melatonin has its own side effects and may interact with other medications. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and should consult a specialist.

Even though melatonin is a natural hormone, its use must be conscious and controlled. Compliance with the recommended dose and doctor's recommendations will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Overall, melatonin is an important hormone for regulating circadian rhythms and sleep-wakefulness. Its use can help improve sleep quality and treat certain medical conditions, but only when used correctly and under medical supervision.