Refractory Period

The refractory period is the period of time during which the body is immune to any influence. In medicine, the refractory period can be associated with various diseases and conditions. For example, in infectious diseases, the refractory period means that the body does not respond to treatment despite the medications and procedures being correctly administered.

A refractory period can also occur with mental disorders such as depression or schizophrenia. In these cases, patients may experience a lack of response to therapy and even worsening symptoms. The refractory period is a serious complication that can lead to deterioration in quality of life and even death.

Various methods are used to treat the refractory period, including psychotherapy, drug therapy, and physical therapy. It is important to understand that the refractory period is not a definitive diagnosis, but only indicates that the therapy is not producing the desired effect. It is important to continue to search for new treatments and improve the quality of life of patients.

The refractory period (Latin refrāctus, from refrahere - to stop) is the stage of temporary lack of development, inhibition in the neuromuscular system, after a previous period of excitation. The occurrence of refraction is obviously due to the accumulation of the inhibitory molecule GABA in the synapses. At the same