Melena Neonatal False

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Melena in newborns

Melena of newborns (lat. melaena neonatricium, synonymous with melaena of the newborn) is a pathological condition when melena may appear in newborns instead of transparent foam in mild forms of meningitis or in acute respiratory viral infections. Usually observed with seizures, meningitis, pyaemia, botulism, sepsis and other severe infections.

False melena in newborns is a false cleavage of the rectum with a small amount of blood visible at the time of placenta previa at birth. Staining of stool with blood from the uterus is caused by blood loss during childbirth and bleeding from ruptures of the blood vessels of the uterus, and not by a disease of the child.

Do not be confused that false melena is a symptom not only in newborns, but in any person. After removal of the gallbladder, it is called “anicteric.”