How to get rid of small wrinkles on the face

Unfortunately, human skin also has its own “expiration date”: with age, it wears out and ages. Women are especially worried about this, for whom it is important to preserve the charm of youth as long as possible.

Wrinkles appear unnoticed: at first they are small and sparse, gradually they deepen, and by old age they sometimes completely cover the face. But if small wrinkles can be ignored or disguised with the help of cosmetics, then deep ones cannot be hidden - they will show age in any case.

But there is good news - modern medicine and cosmetology have already reached such heights that they can even cope with the elimination of deep wrinkles. We’ll tell you more about this in the article: we’ll find out why deep wrinkles appear, which parts of the face suffer most from them, and we’ll also use various means and methods to eliminate this problem.

Where do deep wrinkles most often appear?

Let's find out which areas of the face most often suffer from the appearance of deep wrinkles, and why.

Under the eyes

So called, Crow's feet are the first to appear on the face.

Even at a young age there may already be several such wrinkles, and with age they only deepen. Wrinkles appear around the eyes “thanks” to the cheerful nature of their owner and her cheerful mood.

Laughter causes the eyes to squint, causing the skin to constantly stretch - this is how “crow’s feet” appear.

Nasolabial folds

Two symmetrical lines running in arcs on both sides of the mouth are the nasolabial folds.

At first they are also small and barely noticeable, but with age they can become very deep. The reason for the appearance of these wrinkles is smiling, laughing, speaking.

It's interesting that In Russian-speaking women, nasolabial folds are less pronounced, but English, Swedish and German women, due to the peculiarities of speech articulation, already have very noticeable wrinkles of this type at the age of 50.

Around the mouth

Wrinkles appear in this area also due to speech and facial expressions, and also early. With age, it is clear that they deepen.

On the forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead occur due to concentration and the habit of frowning.

Very often, women who are engaged in some strenuous activity, are under stress, or simply have a very difficult life have deep wrinkles on the forehead.

Between the eyebrows

The habit of constantly frowning creates two mirror stripes running between the eyebrows exactly above the bridge of the nose.

With age, these wrinkles can become very deep.

They literally “plow” this area of ​​the face.

Reasons for their appearance on the face

Let's find out why deep wrinkles appear on the face and what factors provoke this process.


This is the most likely reason. Skin inevitably ages: problems, stress and experiences are deposited on it, leaving their traces.

Of course, with the modern development of genetic engineering and the ability to manage round sums of money, you can keep your skin smooth for a very long time, however, aging will occur anyway: in this case, it will simply be postponed for some period.

Facial expressions

Many people know the fact that Wrinkles appear from too active facial expressions.

Women after 30 years, or even earlier, notice nasolabial folds, which are formed by a radiant smile, and near the eyes, crow's feet multiply and deepen, appearing from a fervent laugh.

Lifestyle, habits

If a person does not take care of his health, nutrition, has bad habits, or does not get enough sleep, it is logical to assume that he will encounter deep wrinkles earlier than someone who leads a healthy lifestyle.

Often an incorrectly chosen diet can play a cruel joke on your facial skin. After losing weight, the skin may sag and lose elasticity.

Water scarcity

Very often, dehydration of the skin leads to the appearance of deep wrinkles.

This is why it is important to always use a moisturizer in hot weather: the sun dries out the skin greatly.

And also very It is important to drink enough fluids per day.


Some women have a genetic predisposition to slow collagen synthesis. This reason can also give rise to the rapid formation of deep wrinkles on the face.

What means can be used to remove them?

Let's find out what products can help cope with deep wrinkles on the face.

Creams, ointments

These types of products are most often used by women in the fight against wrinkles. Creams are available, you can buy the product at an affordable price, and with proper and regular use they have quite a good smoothing and supporting effect.

Creams and ointments work especially well with dry skin and fine wrinkles on it. And if the cream contains active ingredients or fillers, it can also be used as a remedy against deep wrinkles.

Very creams often contain collagen, which can rejuvenate and smooth the face.

The best brands of cosmetic products (and the most expensive!) produce creams with collagen, which acts not superficially, but on the deep layers of the skin.

The results from using such a cream will be most impressive. In addition to collagen, quality anti-wrinkle creams contain either hyaluronic acid or Botox to enhance the effect.

Products containing hyaluronic acid are especially beneficial in the fight against wrinkles. After all, this component can significantly increase skin elasticity, make it younger and more elastic. Hyaluronic acid can completely smooth out fine wrinkles, but is also effective in the case of deep ones, significantly reducing them.

It is best to purchase anti-wrinkle creams in pharmacies, since eliminating this problem is rather a medical field. Anti-wrinkle products can be purchased according to age: from 25 years up to 60 and older.

Be sure to take this fact into account, since the older the skin, the greater the number of active ingredients contained in the cream: it is categorically undesirable to relax young skin with them.


These products can be either factory-made or home-made. Certainly, Masks will not have a radical effect on deep wrinklesHowever, keeping the skin toned, helping to smooth it out a little, making it radiant is quite enough.

The following types of masks can boast of being particularly effective in the fight against wrinkles:

  1. with collagen;
  2. with aloe;
  3. with seaweed;
  4. honey-yolk.

If there is an urgent and important event, then A mask with heated paraffin will help to have an instant lifting effect and smooth out wrinkles.

Before using masks, be sure to cleanse your skin and steam it thoroughly: in this case, the effect of the procedures will be more pronounced and noticeable.

Recipe for a mask against deep wrinkles in the video:


Modern cosmetology can offer a sufficient number of effective procedures that help in the fight against deep wrinkles. All procedures are carried out using special devices and, when used correctly and regularly, have a remarkable effect. Let's look at the most popular procedures in more detail.

RF lifting

This procedure involves influencing both the upper layers of the skin and the deeper, lower layers. As a result of directed hardware influence natural metabolic processes are activated in the skin, the production of collagen and elastin is accelerated: these substances are responsible for youthful skin.

The result of the procedure is a healthy skin color and a significant reduction in wrinkles. In addition, RF lifting can cope with pigmentation and even eliminate acne.

Lpg - procedures

This procedure is essentially a massage.

The method is aimed at improving blood microcirculation under the skin of the face and activating natural metabolic processes.

The procedure is carried out using a vacuum apparatus, and after it very impressive results are noticeable.

At a minimum, everyone observes skin rejuvenation, smoothing of deep wrinkles, and elimination of many small ones.

Ultrasonic peeling

This procedure today is one of the most effective in the unequal struggle of women with deep wrinkles.

The advantages of the procedure are that it is painless and takes little time.. The principle is superficial resurfacing of the face using ultrasonic waves.

These waves remove dead skin particles, dirt, and other unnecessary artifacts. As a result, the skin literally glows with youth and health.


The introduction of special substances under the skin: Botox or fillers is a modern, effective and long-lasting way to combat deep wrinkles.

Using injections, a specialist injects either a gel under the skin that fills wrinkles from the inside, or Botox - a microscopic dose of paralyzing poison, which makes it impossible to actively use facial expressions for some time.

The decision about which procedure is right for your case should be made together with your doctor.

Modern injection drugs are safe, meet all international standards, so the risks are minimal. However, in any case, the procedure must be carried out by a professional cosmetologist, and in compliance with all sanitary standards.

Video on the topic:

How to get rid of wrinkles using traditional methods

Traditional medicine and home recipes can boast a good assortment of various anti-wrinkle products. Yes, very often folk methods involve preparing various masks - literally from everything that is in the refrigerator.

However, it must be said that products with high fat content work best on deep wrinkles:

  1. sour cream;
  2. mayonnaise;
  3. olive oil;
  4. egg yolks.

Folk recipes also often recommend using lemon against wrinkles.

Effective masks and infusions are made from this sour citrus fruit.

Tar soap is also often found in collections of folk recipes, as an excellent anti-wrinkle remedy. The point of the recipe is to whip the soap into a strong foam and then apply this foam to the face.

Tar soap has a very strong tightening effect, making wrinkles after the procedure less noticeable. After rinsing off the foam, be sure to apply a nourishing cream to your face to avoid dry skin.

In addition to the listed methods and means, women can list several dozen other ways to combat wrinkles that do not fall into any of the above categories.

  1. So, to quickly smooth out wrinkles, you can stick a piece of plaster on the problem area and remove it after a while. If you first apply a nourishing cream with aloe juice to the skin, the effect will be much more pronounced.
  2. A medicine such as Solcoseryl in the form of an ointment is often used by women to eliminate wrinkles on the face. The ointment is mixed with liquid vitamin E and then applied to the face. The layer of product should be thick, and there is no need to wait until it dries. It is advisable to wash off the composition while it is still wet.

A healthy recipe for a homemade anti-wrinkle mask:

Preventive measures

So that the fight against deep wrinkles begins as late as possible, It is important to use simple preventive measures against this problem. Below are some recommendations for preventing deep wrinkles.

  1. Very it is important to lead an active lifestyle, play some kind of sport, or even just take a walk. Physical activity has a renewing effect on the entire body, speeds up metabolism and the removal of waste and toxins. All this cannot but affect the condition of the skin in a positive way.
  2. Watch your diet. To prevent deep wrinkles, it is important to exclude junk food and eat healthy, healthy, fortified foods. The more fresh fruits, vegetables and greens you have in your diet, the younger you will look. Nuts are also very beneficial for the beauty of the skin.
  3. It is necessary to fight bad habits: eliminate or minimize smoking and alcohol. Smoking is especially harmful - it dries the skin very much, and also slows down the metabolic processes in the tissues, leading to their oxygen starvation.
  4. Drink more water: no juices, fruit drinks and compotes - and just pure water. You need to drink at least two liters per day. Take vitamins: be sure to take them in winter and spring.
  5. Take good care of your skinusing gentle means. To prevent wrinkles from visiting you for as long as possible, be sure to remove makeup before going to bed, do not forget to use a nourishing cream in winter, and moisturizing cream in summer.

So, we have learned why deep wrinkles appear on the face, and how this scourge can be dealt with. Of course, the best solution would be careful skin care from a young age, proper nutrition, absence of bad habits, activity, and other attributes of a healthy lifestyle.

In this case, the help of additional products to combat deep wrinkles may not be needed for very long.

How to stop age-related changes? How to get rid of wrinkles on your face? What anti-aging methods are most effective? Every generation of the fair sex is looking for answers to these questions. The secret of eternal youth has not yet been invented, but it is possible to forget about wrinkles and “hide” age with the help of salon procedures and folk methods.


The delicate skin of the face is the first to age. It is important to take proper care of it from a young age, and when the first wrinkles appear, take steps to eliminate them. What to choose - salon procedures or folk remedies? It depends on the severity of the problem, the availability of free time and finances. Both of them have truly effective methods to help maintain youth.

Causes of wrinkles

Wrinkles make themselves felt after 25 years. It is from this moment that the connective tissues are gradually destroyed. The skin becomes dry and loses elasticity. As a result, wrinkles appear. At first they are barely noticeable, but it is important to react correctly to the first changes. Skin after 45 years is called “aging.” How she will look by this age largely depends on the correct reaction to the first wrinkles.

There are many reasons for the appearance of wrinkles. In order to ensure that the condition of the facial skin does not cause only disorders, you need to know what factors provoke the appearance of folds and reduce the risks to a minimum. The factors listed below have a negative impact.

  1. Smoking. Nicotine impairs blood circulation. Skin that does not receive enough oxygen begins to actively wrinkle.
  2. Excessive facial expressions. If in youth facial wrinkles disappear in a calm state, then with age the skin loses its elasticity and ability to withstand stress.
  3. Sun . Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition of connective tissues. Sunbathers then have to think about how to remove deep wrinkles on their faces.
  4. Incorrect care. When choosing facial care products, it is important to focus on age and skin type. Otherwise, early wrinkles may appear.
  5. Poor nutrition. Abuse of fatty, fried foods, love of baked goods and sweets leads to deterioration of the skin condition.

Wrinkles may appear after losing weight. Sudden weight loss, as well as sudden weight gain, accelerates the aging process of the skin. Lack of sleep, insufficient physical activity, neglect of walks in the fresh air, and stress are fraught with the appearance of wrinkles on the face.


Salon cosmetology procedures

Having eliminated the factors that increase the likelihood of wrinkles, you can begin to combat the changes that have already appeared. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect - to prolong youth. Cosmetologists know best how to remove wrinkles on the face. They have many procedures in their arsenal. Some salon services are aimed at combating age-related changes, others at maintaining youthful skin and preventing the appearance of early wrinkles.


Based on the characteristics of each specific case, the salon can offer hardware or injection methods to improve the condition of the dermis. Popular cosmetic hardware procedures include the following.

  1. Peeling. The procedure involves skin renewal after “sloughing” of the epidermis. To eliminate deep furrows, peeling is carried out using trichloroacetic or salicylic acids. Thanks to the ability of these substances to penetrate deeply into the skin, it is possible to solve the problem of deep wrinkles.
  2. Microdermabrasion. The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus. The device is coated with aluminum or flint chips of various grain sizes. Sanding helps smooth out unevenness on the face. An additional bonus is improved skin tone and narrowing of pores.
  3. Non-injection mesotherapy. The procedure is aimed at nourishing the skin, but after it shallow folds, for example, wrinkles under the eyes, are smoothed out. This type of mesotherapy involves introducing a cocktail under the skin using a special device, which nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis. A course of mesotherapy reduces the risk of new wrinkles.



Injections as a method of combating wrinkles are used mainly when hardware procedures cannot solve the problem. The most popular injection methods and indications for their use are presented in the table below.

Table - Popular injection anti-aging procedures

Procedure Indications for use
Botulinum toxin injections — Expression wrinkles between the eyebrows;
- facial wrinkles of the forehead;
- crow's feet around the eyes
Contour plastic - Wrinkles around the mouth;
- deep nasolacrimal groove;
- deep nasolabial fold
Biorevitalization — Any wrinkles resulting from dry skin

How to get rid of wrinkles on your face at home

Salon procedures can really effectively solve the problem of the appearance of depressions on the face. But professional skin care requires finance. Besides, finding a good cosmetologist is not so easy. You should not be upset if for some reason salon procedures are not available to you: you can quickly get rid of wrinkles at home, the main thing is to know proven methods.


5 secret tricks

You can smooth out wrinkles on your face with simple gymnastics. The effectiveness of facial exercises is often underestimated. However, it does have a rejuvenating effect. Maximum results with the help of charging can be achieved in the presence of shallow facial folds.

Exercises also have a preventive function. Facial exercises will not get rid of deep furrows, but will not allow the situation to worsen. The following set of gymnastic elements, consisting of five points, will help you preserve your youth.

  1. Warm up. Use tapping movements to “walk” over your face and massage your head a little. This will speed up blood circulation and prepare you for exercise. During the massage, use pharmaceutical products - castor or almond oil. They moisturize the skin and promote tone.
  2. For wrinkles on the forehead. Use your fingers to move the skin on your forehead down. The eyebrows should offer “resistance” to this - raise them. Hold the position for a moment and relax your face. Repeat several times, and then start performing the gymnastics element in reverse: frown your eyebrows and lift the skin on your forehead up.
  3. From the glabellar furrows. Place your index fingers where your eyebrows begin. Frown: eyebrows should be moved towards the bridge of the nose. At the same time, apply resistance with your fingers. Hold your eyebrows together for five seconds, relax, and repeat the same thing a few more times.
  4. From crow's feet. Pull the skin away from the outer corners of your eyes with light movements. Switch to the lower eyelids: gently pull back the skin while slowly raising your eyes. Close your eyelids, count to five, open your eyes.
  5. For wrinkles above the lips. Draw out your lips with a tube. While holding the position, count to five in your head and relax your lips. Repeat the element several times. After this, in the “tube lips” position, you need to breathe: a couple of nasal inhalations - a couple of oral exhalations. It is recommended to complete the complex aimed at eliminating nasolabial folds using the “Letter “O”” technique: create articulation similar to “O-o-o”.


DIY natural remedies

You can get rid of wrinkles on your face using homemade masks. Masks made from natural ingredients really help remove wrinkles in a short time: results are usually visible within a month. However, to get results, you must follow the rules for using such funds.

  1. Apply immediately after preparation. Homemade masks are made at a time, immediately before use. The active components of natural masks quickly lose their important properties.
  2. Pre-cleanse the skin. The effectiveness of the mask will increase if it is applied to cleansed skin. This will open up access to useful substances.
  3. Don't partake. You can’t fight wrinkles with homemade masks more than twice a week. Frequent use of products can slow down metabolic processes in the epidermis.
  4. Experiment. Every two weeks you need to make new masks. The same repeated procedure will not give the desired result.

4 proven recipes

To create such masks, natural ingredients are used: honey, herbs, berries, vegetables. They slow down the aging process, smooth out wrinkles, and improve the condition of the skin in general. However, natural ingredients may cause allergic reactions. You need to select anti-wrinkle face masks based on your individual characteristics. It is recommended to first test the product on a small area of ​​skin. How to remove wrinkles on the face using folk remedies? Try a few proven recipes.


Protein based

How does it work" . Helps fight age-related changes, smoothes shallow furrows, tightens pores, whitens skin.

  1. You need to beat one egg white (to foam), add a couple of drops of lemon juice to it. The mask is ready.
  2. Apply the product with a cotton pad or brush.
  3. The mask is made in several layers: the next one is applied after the previous one has dried.

Aloe plus oil

How does it work" . Helps smooth out even deep furrows. The effect is noticeable after three procedures. This remedy will also help remove wrinkles on the neck.

  1. You will need a tablespoon of aloe juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  2. These components are mixed with your nourishing cream.
  3. Apply the product for 20 minutes, then remove the residue with a cotton pad.

Cucumber with almonds

How does it work" . The product should be spread on the face, neck, and décolleté. It is especially useful for dryness and flaking.

  1. You need to finely grate half a cucumber, add the yolk, a spoonful of almond oil. Whisk the ingredients.
  2. To smooth out deep facial furrows, the product should be left on for forty minutes.
  3. After the procedure, it is advisable to moisturize the skin.


Curd and carrot version

How does it work" . It not only fights wrinkles, but also tones, saturates with vitamins, allows you to achieve the effect of velvet skin and even out your complexion.

  1. Mix cottage cheese, heavy cream and carrot juice in a 1:1:1 ratio.
  2. Apply the product to the face, leave for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water.
  3. For maximum effect, after the mask, wipe the skin with a piece of ice and use a terry towel to dry.

Let's sum it up

It’s easy to look attractive at 20, but maintaining youth and beauty requires some effort from a woman. However, if you take proper care of your skin, wrinkles will not be a problem even in adulthood; the main thing is to start fighting them in a timely manner.

Despite the abundance of salon procedures aimed at preserving youth, the question of how to get rid of wrinkles on the face at home remains relevant for modern women. Proven folk remedies help preserve beauty, get rid of furrows, and improve complexion. However, they are most effective as supportive methods. In cases where age-related processes have started, wrinkles are deep, the skin has lost elasticity, professional care must be added to home care.


Those women who inherited an always young face are very lucky - she is already forty, but she looks twenty-five. But there are other women who find new wrinkles on their faces every morning. You often don’t find a cosmetologist; some women don’t have time for this, while others don’t have enough money for such trips. Today's article will be devoted to how to get rid of wrinkles and look younger at home, using all the means at hand.

How to get rid of wrinkles

Absolutely every woman can tighten her face, remove wrinkles and look younger, and this will not be affected by her age, it’s just that some can do it quickly, while others will need some time and more patience.

Before you start fighting wrinkles, you need to include in the complex:

  1. Proper nutrition or diet.
  2. You need to monitor your water balance.
  3. The complex should include a massage, it can be all types.
  4. Face masks.
  5. You need to choose a cream that will suit your skin.
  6. You can also purchase several massagers.


If you massage your face with ice cubes every day, you will in return get a good flow of blood, a reduction in wrinkles, and rejuvenation of skin cells. To avoid visiting a surgeon for a facelift, purchase a mesoscooter; it will help fight wrinkles at home. A mesoscooter is a roller that is covered with a large number of very small needles; it helps the skin regenerate, and this is done through many mini-injections.

Thanks to these mini-injuries, collagen protein is actively produced, while cell division increases and another new network of capillaries is formed, the skin becomes elastic, smooth and dense.

How to remove wrinkles: masks and creams

The reasons why wrinkles appear are very different and there are a lot of them, but they all boil down to one thing: skin lacks hydration and nutrition, as well as some physical activity, this all helps to keep muscles, which weaken with age, in tone, and maintain the required amount of subcutaneous fat.

If you don’t choose the right evening and morning cream for your skin, you won’t be able to get rid of wrinkles at home.

Masks, which are applied to the face three times a week, must be constantly renewed so that the skin does not get used to them.

To prepare such masks you don’t need any expensive or special products; you can use everything you have at home.

Various fruits

  1. melkie-morshiny-na-lice-kak-UvacGB.webp

    If you have a home grape, then simply blend it in a blender and apply it to the skin. The main condition for applying such a mask is that before doing this you need to cleanse your face and apply it for no more than a third of an hour.
  2. If there are deep wrinkles on the forehead, then it will come to your aid banana pulp. The pulp of the fruit must be slightly diluted with vegetable oil and applied to the desired part of the face.
  3. Never throw it away pineapple core, wipe your face with it and see what it can do.
  4. There's more you can do compress of chamomile decoction and strawberry or raspberry pulp, for this you need one glass of broth and thirty grams of raspberries or strawberries. After the mixture is made, you need to soak a gauze bandage in it and apply it to your face for forty minutes. This compress will even out the skin and restore the skin.

Grains and seeds for the face

  1. Oatmeal It’s in almost every home, and even if not, it’s quite inexpensive. To make a mask from such cereals, you will need four tablespoons of oatmeal, hot milk and one egg. Grind the cereal and pour hot milk, leave for a little and add an egg, mix the mixture well and apply to the face. The mask should remain on the face for no more than half an hour.
  2. Sesame also fights hated wrinkles, it is recommended to use it only when there are the first signs of skin aging. For the mask, you need to grind the sesame seeds and add a little sour cream to it, you should get a mixture that resembles a thick cream, after which the mixture is applied under the eyes.

Pumpkin will also help you regain your youth. Masks based on its seeds and oils are very expensive. To prepare this mask you will need:

  1. One tablespoon of starch.
  2. One tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, you need to grind them first.
  3. One tablespoon of oil, it can be olive, sunflower, flaxseed or coconut oil.
  4. Sea buckthorn or castor oil, a few drops will be enough.

All of the above components should be mixed and applied under the eyes for no more than a third of an hour. You need to remove such a mask with a sponge, but this must be done very carefully so as not to harm the skin.

Gelatin masks against aging

  1. If you make a mask with activated carbon and gelatin, then you will rejuvenate the skin around your eyes and get rid of blackheads. For such a mask you will need a gelatin base and two tablets of activated carbon, the carbon must be dissolved in gelatin and applied to the face, there should be several layers applied. After the mask is completely dry, it needs to be washed off.
  2. To make a nourishing skin mask You need to add milk to the gelatin base And one second spoon of honey or butter.
  3. For elasticity and hydration of the skin, you can make a mask with beaten eggs and two teaspoons of glycerin. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face and neck. This mixture should be washed off after half an hour and the skin should be smeared with nourishing cream.

  4. melkie-morshiny-na-lice-kak-zqyQZ.webp

    To maintain tone and nourish the skin, you need to add one second tablespoon of honey and lemon juice to the gelatin baseApply the resulting mixture to your face for a third of an hour.
  5. Gelatin mask based on milk with beaten egg whites has a very good tightening effect. It must be kept on the skin of the face until completely dry.
  6. Will help get rid of the first wrinkles that appear gelatin mask based on orange juice.
  7. To completely renew aging skin, you need to constantly apply gelatin masks, adding butter to them. This mask should remain on the face for a third of an hour, after which it should be washed off with milk.

How to get rid of wrinkles: massage and gymnastics at home

You need to have a very strong desire to get rid of wrinkles on your face at home, and you won’t get by with just masks and creams; you can get rid of these prominent stripes provided that you also do facial exercises and various types of massage.

Provided you regularly perform the entire complex, you will achieve very good results, and you will spend only a third of an hour on this per day

Wrinkles will be smoothed out when the muscles are strengthened in the area you need. If you don’t have time, you can strengthen each area separately and go through the entire set of exercises twice a week.

  1. If you want to get rid of wrinkles on your forehead, then you need to make the skin in this area work more often. To do this, you need to press the pads of your hands firmly against your eyebrows, after which you need to raise your eyebrows, this will not be easy, since the forehead muscles will resist. This procedure must be done until there is a slight burning sensation in the forehead area.

  2. melkie-morshiny-na-lice-kak-YpSwN.webp

    It is very difficult to cope with the transverse wrinkle between the eyebrows, the so-called pain fold. To do this, you will have to stand in front of the mirror and frown. After this, press your middle fingers to the inner edges of your eyebrows and frown again. You will notice that with such actions a fold will not form; your fingers will interfere with this. Repeat this exercise until the part between your foreheads begins to burn.
  3. The simplest exercise you can do anywhere is the eyelid movement. To do this, you need to open them wide and start moving your eyes in different directions. You can write, draw, or simply move them, but you need to record the movement of the eyelids, lower and upper.
  4. To get rid of a double chin, you need to smile more often and not forget that you are completing all this not for someone else, but for your beloved. This is done as follows: you need to close your mouth, extend your chin as much as possible and smile at the same time. This exercise must be repeated ten times, and remember to keep your chin tense.
  5. We remove wrinkles that appear around the lips using the sounds U-U-U and I-I-I, they need to be pronounced one by one. You can also do this by inhaling air through your nose and releasing it through your mouth; when inhaling, you need to retract your cheeks as much as possible.

And to get the maximum effect, you can use any type of massage:

  1. Classic massage.
  2. Pinch massage.
  3. Asahi tightening massage.
  4. Ice massage.
  5. Massage with a spoon.

The massage will be effective, provided that you adhere to the main massage lines; any type of massage must begin from the frontal part and end with the neck; it is important not to forget about the décolleté area.

Different masks, creams, massages and gymnastics need to be alternated, and creams and masks need to be selected according to your skin type, and not on the advice of other people or sellers in stores.