Meningitis Meningococcal

Meninitis, or meningitis, Cerebrospinal Epidemic is an infectious disease that is caused by meningitis and is characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. It can lead to serious complications and even death if

Meningitis: definition, causes, symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment and prevention

Meningitis is an acute infectious disease primarily affecting the cerebrospinal fluid system and involving the meninges and blood vessels in the process. Caused by many bacterial pathogens, primarily meningitis and pneumococci.

The cause of the disease may be viral or bacterial pathogenesis. ***The main sources of meningitis are humans and cattle.***

Manifestations of meningitis can include headaches, a sharp increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, which is accompanied by weakness. In severe cases, meningeal phenomena are added: a sharp headache, stiff neck, positive meningeal symptoms that disappear when the patient's head is positioned upside down. Meningitis appears as a result of head injuries, various operations or after severe infectious diseases. Do not forget that the infection can be secondary. In most cases, a person is not even aware of the disease, which complicates the diagnosis of the disease. *Treatment of meninges should occur after diagnosis of the disease.*