
Myeloid blast tumor, formed from young hematopoietic cells - myeloblasts. Despite the fact that the disease often occurs in young children, the diagnosis is made to both adult patients and the elderly - between the ages of 60 and 70 years. In patients over 75 years of age, the disease appears only at a late stage. Myeloerastia often occurs against the background of pathologies that stimulate hematopoiesis - during acute and chronic inflammation, viral diseases, as well as after radiation and chemotherapy. Develop

Myeloblastic leukemia is a malignant blood disease in which intensive growth and uncontrolled division of myeloblasts - tumor cells that form the bone marrow - occur.

Myeloid cancer is a very common form of leukemia that is diagnosed in patients with mild symptoms. The first manifestations of the disease may be enlarged lymph nodes, increased fatigue and high ESR. The causes of the disease are usually damaging changes in the bone marrow due to mutations at the gene level.

**Clinic of the disease**

The clinical picture of myeloid leukemia has a certain specificity, characteristic of acute, chronic myeloid leukemia and chronic myelocytic leukemia. Chronic B-lymphoblastic leukemia is also characterized by certain symptoms. In patients with chronic mylogenic leukemia, symptoms of the disease increase over many months. Myelin damage most often develops either suddenly or develops gradually. A significant number of patients have an increased ESR, in half of the cases - blast cells in the peripheral blood, which makes it possible to classify the disease as acute myelogenous