
Micromania (M. micromaniacus) is a disease that affects 2-6% of people. Men suffer from it more often. Usually not hereditary. It appears in people in adulthood, but experts note that sometimes the disease occurs in adolescence. By the age of 30, it is observed in every fifth man, by the age of 40 - in every second, and after 50 years - in almost all. During micromania, the patient’s mood changes every half hour, in some cases – once every 15-30 minutes. The main danger of the disease is the disruption of human adaptation to external stimuli. He develops nervous and mental disorders. Despairing due to mood changes, a person destroys his life. He is actively involved in conflict situations and makes wrong decisions. Against the background of increased excitability, memory decreases. Premenstrual syndrome develops. Due to psychosomatic disorders, pain occurs in