
Myocylistosis or myopexillosis is a whole complex of disorders of the normal functioning of muscle fiber, which is characterized by a pronounced decrease in the performance and mobility of all muscles of the body. The causes of the disease can be due to both infectious and non-infectious pathologies.

Myolysis is the process of muscle cell breakdown that occurs in various diseases and muscle injuries. This process can lead to serious complications and even loss of muscle function. In this article we will look at what myolysis is, what causes it and how to prevent it.

Myolysis is the remodeling of the myocardium and the cardiomyocyte microenvironment. This means that the heart goes from a normal functioning state to a dysfunctional state, leading to the development of chronic heart failure.

Why does myolysis occur? There are several reasons that can lead to myolysis. Some of