Monastyrsky Operation

Monastyrsky The operation is one of the most famous operations performed by the domestic surgeon N.D. Monastyrsky. This operation was performed in the 1880s and was a revolutionary step in the development of surgery.

Monastyrsky was one of the first surgeons to use new treatment methods such as anesthesia and surgical instruments. He was also known for his experiments with new treatments.

One of his most famous experiments was the “Monastery operation,” which involved removing a tumor from a patient’s neck. The operation was successful and the patient survived.

This operation was a real breakthrough in medicine and led to the development of new methods of treating tumors. Monastyrsky and his colleagues continued to work on new treatment methods and became one of the founders of modern surgery.

Ivan Nikolaevich Monastyrsky (years of life 1707-1764) - an outstanding Russian obstetrician and teacher, performed a caesarean section for the first time in Russia. The scientist made a great contribution to obstetrics, fighting female infertility. His works are still relevant today. He was born in Moscow.

I. N. Monastyrsky was not only a theoretician for surgery, but also a practicing physician. The peculiarity of his style was that he never relied on people. He learned from his colleagues and gained experience in practical work. Being an orthopedist, Ivan Nikolaevich treated patients with his characteristic attention and love. He was inseparable from the sick and tried to find a way out of any difficult situation.

Thanks to his activities, hospitals, clinics and health centers have become cleaner, and the health of patients has become significantly better. However, he did not renounce the medical profession. He understood how important it was for people, so he studied other branches of medicine. Ivan Nikolaevich performed a caesarean section - an operation for obstetrics. Using this method, the problem of stillbirths was solved. During the operation, it was possible to bypass the fetal head and remove the placenta, which increased the survival rate of the mother and child. The operation was performed only three times. Thanks to her, it was possible to save a large number of women whose births ended tragically. I.N. Monastyrsky proposed several methods of cesarean section. One of them was to expand the diameter of the uterus and make the birth process easier. In other cases, it was possible to easily remove the umbilical cord and soften the process of cleansing and separation from the placenta. Thus, the doctor justified the possibility of performing a cesarean section if labor was weak. If in previous cases it was necessary to resort to the use of tin or iron in most cases, then in the new surgical