What are wrinkles on the head?

Hello, I have two questions.

1. Around the head of the penis, there are many small bumps. It’s been 6-7-8 years now, they remain as they are, they don’t hurt, they don’t cause problems. In general, what could it be and how to get rid of them.
2. How long after a concussion can you drink alcohol? The hospital told Ato to give up for a while, but they didn’t specify for how long!
Thank you

There are many urological pathologies that cause significant discomfort. Among these are disorders affecting the skin tissue and mucous membranes. You should not think that illnesses of this kind are a trifle, this is not the case at all. Constant inflammation becomes very noticeable over time, and then completely leads to infertility. Thus, you should know about the disease kraurosis in men, its consequences and be sure to know about the symptoms in order to seek medical help in time. The disease is extremely rare in young people, most often it appears after 40 years. It is not life-threatening, but it significantly affects the ability to conceive a child. It can also cause various complications.



The disease is provoked by various factors. Among them are:

  1. Mechanical damage. It can be caused, for example, by uncomfortable underwear.
  2. Diabetes of different types.
  3. Atherosclerosis affecting the structures of the pelvis. immunodeficiency.
  4. Venereal diseases and manifestations caused by them. Often the pathology is provoked by recurrent herpes or papillomavirus.
  5. Hormonal disorders. As a rule, they are associated with improper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Lichen sclerosus.
  7. Atherosclerosis affecting the pelvic vessels. This is the scourge of modern men, who for the most part lead an inactive lifestyle.
  8. Active constant masturbation. Because of it, soft tissues are constantly injured.
  9. Lack of adequate personal hygiene.
  10. Constant overheating.
  11. Prolonged inflammation. It can be triggered by various infections.
  12. Chemical injury.

A correctly identified cause will allow you to correctly determine treatment methods. That is why it is important not to diagnose a shriveled penis yourself, but to let a doctor do it.


Types and forms

Wrinkles on the head of the penis in men can manifest themselves in different ways. The following types are distinguished:

  1. A minimally pronounced spontaneous case. As a rule, it is single and easily treatable.
  2. Postoperative changes. Injured tissues do not always heal well they can change.
  3. Secondary development of the disease if it has already manifested itself previously.
  4. A disease that has several causes.

Before starting therapy, it is important to find out the exact reason why the pathology developed. It is necessary to eliminate not only the consequences, but also the factors that led to them. This is the only way the effect will be significant.



In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease develops further and leads to serious consequences. In particular, a malfunction of the genitourinary system occurs, potency deteriorates and the ability to have children decreases. The following pathologies may also appear:

  1. erosion and cracks
  2. ulcers
  3. death of foreskin tissue
  4. ulcers
  5. overgrowing of the edge, which makes it impossible to free its end
  6. organ deformation
  7. degeneration of diseased tissues, which leads to oncology.

To avoid this, you should not delay treatment.

Characteristic symptoms

At the initial stage, kraurosis of the penis does not manifest itself in any way. Minor symptoms that appear after a while are often attributed to allergies or skin irritation. After swimming, you may feel slight dryness and tightness. This intensifies during strong experiences. True, manifestations are almost never associated with a specific disease. Thus, the disease is usually detected already at the stage when the symptoms are severe.

At the second stage, folds are already formed on the head, which gradually increase and sag. Wrinkles are local at first, then move to the foreskin and affect it. At this stage, as a rule, the problem is already noticed.

If nothing is done, over time the urethra becomes blocked and the urethra is affected. This creates some discomfort. With such a clinical picture, it is difficult to go to the toilet intimate hygiene and sexual contact cause specific sensations. In this case, no pain or special itching is felt, therefore, even at this stage of development of the disease, the patient rarely consults a doctor. The head of the penis dries out a little, but this does not happen regularly. The problem can still be eliminated with virtually no consequences if you tackle it in time.

The violation then manifests itself as follows:

  1. nodular defects, ulcers, and areas with thinned epithelium appear on the penis
  2. blood vessels dilate
  3. urine is excreted in a very thin stream
  4. urination occurs very often
  5. discomfort is always felt at the extreme part of the genital organ
  6. cystic formations appear that almost completely block the urethra.

At this stage, the entire thickness of the penis is affected in a sclerotic manner. The condition is considered precancerous, pathological changes are obvious. Pathologies of the nervous system are also not uncommon. They appear due to the fact that a person feels constant discomfort. Due to the fact that a person suffers, he develops nervousness, which can even turn into aggression. The patient may also become depressed.

The disease is dangerous because it causes infertility. With adequate treatment, severe consequences can be avoided. To do this, in addition to the underlying disease, concomitant disorders are also eliminated using medications. The drug Prostatilen AC has proven itself well in the treatment of secondary male infertility. It is effective, so it is prescribed by many experienced doctors. Another advantage of the drug is that it has minimal side effects. For allergy sufferers and sensitive patients this is a big plus.

The disease is very similar in its symptoms to leukoplakia, which is much more dangerous. But with it, whitish plaques appear on the skin, which degenerate into ulcers. It is important that the doctor can differentiate between these diagnoses. The disease should not be confused with balanoposthitis, in which inflammation is accompanied by the release of pus, edema, and swelling of local lymph nodes.


Diagnostic methods

It is quite difficult to determine penile kraurosis by eye. To make a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a series of tests to determine an accurate diagnosis. To begin with, anamnesis is collected. The doctor asks the patient approximately when he discovered any changes in the tissues of the genital organ. All symptoms and nuances that can be clear are recorded. Occupational influence on health and genetic inheritance (whether pathology was present in other family members) are also taken into account.

This, of course, is not enough, so instrumental research methods are prescribed in parallel. Using a magnifying glass, the doctor will examine the wrinkles on the penis. He will be interested in such parameters as the number of defects, their size, color, and depth of formation.

Next, a PCR test will be carried out. It is needed to confirm or refute the viral nature of the disease. Papillomatosis quite often provokes skin changes. A general and biochemical blood test will help complete the picture. In some cases, they offer to undergo an ultrasound. It is prescribed if there is a suspicion of disorders of the internal genital organs. If there are prerequisites for the development of oncology, then a biopsy is taken.


Treatment of caruosis in men

The method is selected depending on the degree of damage to the penis and the individual characteristics of the development of the disease. At the initial stage, you can use folk remedies and topical ointments on wrinkled skin on the head. Correcting your lifestyle and diet will also be important. Consuming the right amount of minerals and vitamins will help renew the dermis. If you follow all medical recommendations, it may take a month or two to eliminate the defect.

In the third and fourth stages, more radical therapy will be needed. Here you cannot do without medications, special procedures, and sometimes surgery. Therapy involves abstaining from sex. This is important to protect the organ from injury. You should also maintain personal hygiene every day and wear only high-quality underwear made from natural fabrics.


Taking medications

Drug therapy can also be done at home. The doctor will prescribe ointments for the penis (often they are hormonal or contain vitamin A) and medications that should be taken orally. Dry skin on the penis, as a rule, responds well to such exposure and begins to recover. Medicines containing the hormone enhance local immunity, which also has a positive effect on healing. In this case, anti-itch medications are also indicated they come with lidocaine.

Sometimes the wrinkled head of the penis is additionally affected by bacterial infections. In this case, antibiotic ointment is used. Sometimes it is prescribed in the absence of obvious infection for prevention. Products with testosterone (androgens) improve the elasticity of the skin. The duration of their use ranges from 14 to 20 days. Antihistamines relieve itching and swelling. By using them daily, the patient reduces the discomfort felt and can lead an active lifestyle. During the treatment period, it is important to calm down and reduce stress. For this purpose, medications with a sedative effect are prescribed.


To fix the problem use:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Mistletoe therapy.
  3. Phonophoresis.
  4. Ozone therapy.
  5. Ultrasound.
  6. Diathermy (use of currents of different frequencies).
  7. Balneotherapy (water)
  8. Laser therapy. It includes 8–10 manipulations and involves a targeted effect on plaques. Thanks to manipulation, swelling, itching, and redness are significantly reduced.
  9. Ural Federal District.
  10. Photodynamic procedure. It involves intravenous administration of photosensitizers. After this, laser exposure is applied, which activates the injected drug.

The advantage of this procedure is that it is less traumatic. After it, recovery occurs very quickly. After the manipulation there are no scars left. One application is enough to achieve the effect. Sometimes several physiotherapeutic methods are used at once. This is advisable to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. Regular procedures will help achieve the following:

  1. accelerating epithelial regeneration in the affected area
  2. relieving severe inflammation and pain
  3. improving skin nutrition
  4. enhancing metabolism and blood circulation
  5. increasing the strength of local immunity.

Patient reviews of such methods of eliminating the disorder are usually positive.


Folk remedies

Such an effect on the wrinkled head of the penis involves taking biostimulants, which should accelerate tissue regeneration. They also take increased amounts of vitamins and sedatives. Among the baths and compresses, the following have proven themselves to be effective:

  1. Soda solution. It is used to wash the affected genital organ. Laundry soap is also used during the procedure. After this, the skin should be lubricated with a rich cream, maybe baby cream. This will prevent overdrying.
  2. Taking a medicinal decoction orally. To prepare the potion you will need boron uterus, motherwort and widow's grass. The ready-made collection can be purchased at the pharmacy. This option is the most optimal, because they sell herbs that have passed environmental control. A tablespoon of herbal mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. All this is infused and then filtered. This volume is divided per day, in particular into three doses. The course of drug treatment is 3 months.
  3. Compresses made from egg whites and fresh parsley. The ingredients are combined, a pinch of salt (preferably sea salt) is added to them. The resulting paste is applied to the affected area overnight. To prevent the compress from falling off, it should be secured with gauze.
  4. Herbal baths. For them you can use string, calendula, chamomile, oak bark.
  5. Rubbing with alcohol tincture of celandine. You can either prepare it yourself or purchase it ready-made.
  6. Sea buckthorn oil. It gives a huge regenerating effect. It is applied to the penis in the evenings. It is advisable to bandage the top of the organ with something, since the oil is brightly colored and can stain the linen.

Such methods help quite well in the two initial stages of pathology development. For serious symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor.


If all methods have been tried but are unsuccessful, the only option left is excision of the affected area. It is done with a laser. This operation is low-traumatic and easily tolerated. However, sometimes after such a procedure penile plastic surgery is required. Denervation, that is, cutting of nerves, is also performed surgically. This allows you to reduce sensitivity if the skin on the head is wrinkled and nothing else helps. Sometimes the entire foreskin is removed. Thus, the man gets rid of the problem for good. After surgery, the patient sometimes undergoes genital plastic surgery. In its course, the shape of the penis is restored.



Without a doubt, wrinkled skin on the head (the photo clearly demonstrates this) is an unpleasant phenomenon. In order not to be among the people suffering from this disease, it is necessary to take preventive measures in time. First of all, normalize your daily routine and organize a healthy diet. It is important that the entire body functions normally, receives the vitamins it needs and is not exposed to stress.

Hygienic procedures should become the rule. Avoid overheating the genitals and injuring them. Sex should be regular, but with a reliable partner who is definitely not a carrier of various infections.


From this article we can conclude that if the head of the penis shrinks, you need to consult a doctor in time. Qualified help will help you get rid of the problem quickly. Watch also the video on this topic.

Sexologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, researcher at the Department of Sexopathology at the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry. Practical work – Neurological clinic in Polyanka.
Author of about 100 scientific publications, 16 books, 2 patents, more than 1200 publications in the media.
Area of ​​scientific interests: female and male sexual disorders, oriental methods in the treatment of sexual disorders.