Is it possible to go to the solarium every day?

Excessive exposure to UV rays is not very good for the skin. Therefore, many tanning lovers are interested in whether it is possible to go to a solarium every day. Of course, each person has his own characteristics of the body, and only a doctor can answer the above question, whom you need to contact before going to sunbathe. And it’s even better if there are three specialists: an oncologist, a dermatologist and a gynecologist. They will tell you whether you can be exposed to UV rays at all, and how long a tanning “session” should last.


Undoubtedly, dark skin looks more attractive and sexy than white skin, which is why most young girls dream of a tan. But is it possible to go to the solarium every day if you are under 18? The answer is negative, because the skin before this age is more susceptible to burns, so the risk of getting any cancer in the future is much higher. For this reason, many countries have or are developing laws prohibiting persons under 18 years of age from using solariums.


If there are no contraindications to sunbathing, then you still shouldn’t go to these sessions every day. The break should be at least one or two days. It depends on how sensitive your skin is. After all, what is the principle of tanning? The fact is that UV rays, affecting the skin, injure it, and, in defense, it begins to produce melanin. And a couple of days for the skin to “calm down” is enough, otherwise the consequences may not be the most pleasant.


But to the question of whether you can go to the gym every day, an affirmative answer is possible, although, of course, it all depends on your level of physical fitness. If it is weak, then in order to get used to it, you can go to the gym three times a week. As soon as you feel that you are ready for heavy loads, you can easily increase them. Perhaps the desire to improve your body will force you to create a specific schedule, according to which you will no longer ask the question: “Is it possible to go to the solarium every day?”, because you will have sports and cosmetology activities scheduled on time.

Since the solarium was invented, it has gained many fans. Ultraviolet helps get rid of depression, creates an even tan, treats psoriasis and some diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But the other side of the coin is also known. Ultraviolet radiation provokes the development of cancer cells. How often can you go to the solarium, and will daily procedures harm your health? Let's find out further.


Effect of ultraviolet

Solariums use ultraviolet radiation, which significantly affects biological tissue. Under natural conditions, the source of ultraviolet radiation is the sun. In the summer, to get a good tan, vacationers spend 2–3 hours on the beach almost every day. But we all know how badly those who do not know the limits get burned. People with fair skin, which become covered with red, inflamed spots, are especially affected. This suggests that you need to be able to sunbathe.

Ultraviolet waves are divided into several subtypes. For safety, solariums use lamps that produce only long-wave (UVA) and mid-wave (UVB) ultraviolet. These two types have the most gentle effect on the skin. And yet they influence us a hundred times more than the sun. This means that the time spent in the solarium should be strictly limited. In other words, you need to go there as little as possible.

The very first visit or visit after a long break should last no more than 3 minutes. After it, you will be able to evaluate how the skin reacts to the procedure.

It is necessary to take a break for 2-3 days to fully experience all the effects of visiting a solarium. If no negative symptoms appear, then continue to sunbathe, achieving a golden hue.

Remember that the International Agency for Cancer Research has listed tanning as a dangerous procedure. Intense ultraviolet radiation provokes the development of cancer cells. The procedure must be used with extreme caution.

Visiting hours

The time for the procedure should be chosen based on your skin phototype. There are 6 main phototypes:

  1. Celtic. White or slightly pinkish skin, possible freckles, blond, red hair. Such skin does not tan, so you should not torture it.
  2. Light-skinned European. Light skin and brown hair. You can go to the solarium once a week for 5 minutes. After acquiring a darker shade, the residence time can be increased to 10-12 minutes with visits every 2 days.
  3. Dark-skinned European. Skin with an olive, yellowish or light brown tint, chestnut, dark brown hair. It is possible to visit the solarium every other day, since the skin tolerates exposure to ultraviolet radiation well. The tan goes on evenly and lasts a long time.
  4. Mediterranean. Dark hair, dark skin. It is easiest for such people to tan. They can go to the solarium every other day, spending 15 minutes in it.
  5. Indonesian. Dark skin, black hair. The skin is not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, but is it necessary to sunbathe in a solarium in this case?
  6. African American. Dark brown skin, black hair. Such people do not need to go to the solarium; it is enough for them to sunbathe. And for good skin condition, it can be moisturized with special creams.

When you get the desired shade, you can only maintain it by visiting the solarium once a week. As you can see, it is not recommended for anyone to go for procedures every day.

Protective measures

Do not forget that there are contraindications to ultraviolet irradiation. If you have inflammatory processes on your skin, you should absolutely not visit a solarium. It will do more harm than good to those who have problems with the thyroid gland, are suspected of having cancer, and to those who have already been cured of these diseases.

It is not recommended for pregnant women to expose their body to ultraviolet radiation, since the reaction to radiation can be the most unexpected, ranging from the appearance of a large number of pigment spots to serious burns. Children under 15 years old should not sunbathe in a solarium either. They just need to spend more time outdoors, move, play sports.

Here are a few more contraindications to visiting a solarium that every person should know:

  1. the presence of a large number of moles;
  2. benign formations in the mammary glands;
  3. pigmentation disorder;
  4. taking photosensitizing drugs (some antibiotics, oral contraceptives, antipsychotics).

The stay time is selected based on your skin phototype. If you cannot determine it yourself, then consult a dermatologist. Tan gradually, setting the shortest period of time at first, and then increasing it.

Experts believe that it is enough to go to the solarium 50 times a year, spending no more than 10 minutes in it. This is just 1 visit per week.

Preparing for a visit to the solarium

Solarium treatments should be performed after removing makeup and other cosmetics. It's best to take a shower. This will help the skin retain more moisture during the tanning process and protect it from overheating and dryness. You can apply a special cream to the skin. It will provide additional protection and help you acquire a beautiful shade.

Particularly sensitive areas (eyes, lips, breast area) must be covered so as not to damage them. It is also recommended to wear a headscarf to avoid drying out your hair.

After the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer or body lotion. It’s good if the cream contains vitamins A and E. You should refrain from taking a shower for the first few hours, especially a cold one.

A trip to a solarium involves excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays. Tanning enthusiasts cannot always stop in time, so they go for the procedure every day. This is strictly prohibited, because there is a threat of cancer development and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

Ultraviolet radiation is dangerous for humans if protection is not used. It penetrates deep into the epidermis, destroys cells, causes burns and neoplasms. To protect the skin, it produces melanin, which gives the skin a tan.

Doctors and cosmetologists believe that the break between procedures in a solarium should be 1-2 days. The first time you can sunbathe for no longer than a minute, subsequent times - 1.5-2 minutes. This is enough to get an even, beautiful shade and minimize the side effects of radiation. Useful tips for going to the solarium:

  1. Be sure to protect your body with special creams and your eyes with glasses;
  2. It is forbidden to remove underwear;
  3. after sunbathing, soothe the skin with cooling and nourishing lotions


Tanning in a solarium and skin type

The frequency of visiting a solarium directly depends on a person’s skin type, sensitivity and susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. The mechanism of the procedure is simple - artificial ultraviolet light penetrates the skin and acts faster than the sun. But at the same time, the destructive power of the rays is many times greater.

If you do not follow the rules of tanning, you can seriously harm your health in a short time. If all precautions are taken, the tan will last a long time, give the body a beautiful shade, and hide imperfections. A course of 8-10 procedures is enough to maintain an even color.

Celtic type

This type of skin is pinkish or completely white, sometimes with freckles. A person does not tan even after several visits to the solarium. Therefore, it is better not to do this, but to use self-tanners.


This type is divided into light and dark. With the first, the skin is light, the hair is light brown, a tan appears immediately after a large dose of ultraviolet radiation. The first procedure should last up to 5 minutes, between the rest there are breaks of 1-2 days. Once the skin darkens, the session may increase to 10 minutes.

With a dark type, skin with an olive or yellowish undertone, hair is brown or light brown. You can sunbathe every other day for 3-5 minutes, the epidermis tolerates ultraviolet radiation well, and the tan goes on evenly.


Very light, almost white skin without freckles. She doesn't tolerate tanning well, she instantly turns red and gets burned. Such people are not recommended to visit the solarium. If they do decide to do this, be sure to use sunscreen on their face and body.



Dark hair, dark skin, tan appears very easily, but due to the color of the epidermis it is not always visible. In the first session, you can spend 7 minutes, then increase the time of exposure to ultraviolet radiation to 10-15 minutes. The break between procedures will be 1-2 days.


The Indonesian type epidermis responds well to ultraviolet radiation, so for the first time you can stay in the solarium for up to 10 minutes. Every other day the procedure is repeated, lasting 15 minutes. After 6-7 sessions, the tan will appear clearly and will remain if you maintain it with weekly visits to the solarium.

African American

African-American people are dark-skinned and have black hair. There is no point in going to the solarium for them. Dark skin itself serves as protection from ultraviolet radiation, but this does not mean neglecting the use of special products.

Consequences of solarium abuse

If you visit a solarium every day and exceed the prescribed tanning time, the consequences can be dangerous. Abuse of ultraviolet radiation threatens the following reactions:

  1. Skin cancer – when cells begin to divide incorrectly, a malignant tumor occurs. It can spread to other organs and fluids (blood, lymph) and metastasize.
  2. Activation of the herpes virus - under the influence of the sun, the virus begins to multiply intensively, and if there are wounds or peeling on the skin, it will affect them and begin to form painful blisters.
  3. Aging - constant exposure to ultraviolet rays dries out the epidermis, disrupts the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation.
  4. Skin rash – occurs due to photosensitivity. Taking certain foods (citrus fruits, berries) or medications (antibiotics, painkillers) increases the skin's sensitivity to light, which gives such a negative reaction.



Doctors do not recommend visiting a solarium for people under 18 years of age. Other contraindications:

  1. pregnancy, lactation;
  2. the presence of melanoma, age spots, large convex moles;
  3. malignant cancer tumors;
  4. diabetes;
  5. skin diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  6. taking antibiotics, antidepressants, hormonal drugs, drugs to stabilize blood pressure;
  7. menstruation.


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