Mummification 1

Mummification 1 is the process of natural or artificial drying of the body of a deceased person or animal in order to preserve it from decomposition.

The term "mummification" comes from the word "mummy" and the Latin verb facio, which means "to do." It also has the synonym "cadaveric desiccation".

Natural mummification occurs as a result of the drying effects of the environment - hot and dry climate or wind. The body is dried and preserved for a long time.

Artificial mummification is a special technology for processing the body of the deceased using embalming and other methods. It was common in the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Peru, etc.

Mummification allows you to preserve the body and appearance of the deceased for a long time, sometimes for thousands of years. Mummified remains provide scientists with valuable information about people of the past.